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{{quote|''There is a barrier that divides the dark unknown from the ordinary. Sometimes the barrier is crossed... .''|'''[[Robert Westall (Creator)|Robert Westall]]''' ''Break Of Dark''}}
''Break Of Dark'' is an anthology of [[Short Story|short fiction]] by English author [[Robert Westall (Creator)|Robert Westall]], first published in 1982. There are five stories in the anthology, all of them dealing with supernatural occurrences against the backdrop of typical life. The title refers to the point at which the weird and sinister crosses over into the mundane and interacts with humans; when the irrational and inexplicable comes into conflict with the familiar and ordinary.
The stories in the anthology are:
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=== Contains Examples of: ===
* [[Author Avatar]]: Peter Wingfield is an author, with messy hair, a bushy beard, several literary awards and five cats. He routinely wears big, baggy sweaters and frequently has a cigarette dangling from his fingers. Take a look at the photo on [[Robert Westall (Creator)|Robert Westall]]'s page. And this [ one here].
* [[Cats Are Magic]]: When Peter Wingfield decides he's going to get rid of the {{spoiler|ghosts of Fred, Alice and Aunty Lou}}, he brings along two of his cats to help him do so.
* [[Cat Scare]]: In ''Blackham's Wimpy'' Gary, C-Charlie's radio operator, boards S-Sugar at night with the intent of setting fire to it. He hears someone whispering in German and there's a hunched figure in the cockpit in flight crew gear... {{spoiler|turns out to be his own Captain, engaged in a [[Hollywood Exorcism]] attempt.}}
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* [[I See Dead People]]: In ''Blackham's Wimpy'' it's more a case of I Hear Dead People. ''Fred, Alice and Aunty Lou'' plays it a bit more straight, with Peter serving as unwitting [[Body and Host|channel]] for the dead relatives to get back into the world and play havoc with Roger. At the end of the story, they're fully visible and tangible.
* [[It Won't Turn Off]]: The radio sets in S-Sugar, even after the power cord has been cut and the set itself smashed with a hammer; they still keep replaying the radio exchanges that accompanied Gehlen's death.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: After trying to exorcise Gehlen's ghost from S-Sugar, the crew of C-Charlie decide the best solution is to burn down the Wimpy he's haunting. And it works.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: At the end of ''St. Austin Friars,'' the Drogo's erase the Reverend William's memories of the burial.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: In ''Blackham's Wimpey'', the guided karma missile gets both sides. Gehlen dies after his crew are overhead gloating about being about to shoot down Blackham, and then his ghost haunts Blackham into insanity and his crew into suicide. As Dada puts it - ''"they shouldn't have laughed at him."''
* [[The Laws and Customs of War]]: As he {{spoiler|burns alive in his cockpit}} Gehlen endlessly recites his name, rank and serial number. In between describing what's happening to him and [[I Want My Mommy|crying for his mother.]]
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: Joan Smith's ability to locate money could be weird alien [[Psychic Powers]]. Or it could be, as she explains it, that she's just looking where drunk Glaswegians drop their loose change when fumbling in the dark.
* [[Naked Onon Arrival]]: Joan Smith, the slightly odd girl encountered in ''Hitchhiker'' first appears completely naked. She claims this is because her clothes have been stolen.
* [[Old -Fashioned Copper]]: Sergeant Nice, real name Sgt. William Bainbridge, is the [[Dixon of Dock Green]] end of the scale ramped [[Up to Eleven]]. He runs the police newspaper, does charity work, always has his uniform scrupulously and spotlessly clean and makes uplifting slogan out of flower beds.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Leutnant Dieter Gehlen of the Luftwaffe, is shot down by the crew of the titular Blackham's Wimpy. He haunts the aircraft that shot him down, manifesting as a perpetual repeat of the events leading to his death every time the bomber is flown. S-Sugar comes through every raid she flies in unscathed, but the crew using her will die on their next mission.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: It's never out-and-out stated, but it's very heavily implied that the Drogo family are some kind of vampire. At the end of ''St. Austin Friars'' Mr. Drogo comments that ''"There are still people cruel enough to sharpen stakes for us."'' There's no blood-drinking going on, though and they don't seem to have a problem with daylight or reproduction.
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[[Category:Young Adult Literature]]
[[Category:Horror Literature]]
[[Category:Break Ofof Dark]]