Brave New World (novel): Difference between revisions

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''"I don't know what you mean. I am free. Free to have the most wonderful time. Everybody's happy nowadays."'' }}
A 1932 dystopian novel written by [[Aldous Huxley]]., Quite'''''Brave New World (novel)''''' is quite possibly the only serious Western [[Dystopia]] involving ''too much'' happiness... as provided by the totalitarian state.
In the future, most of humanity and the environment people live in has been tailored to make everyone happy. There are five castes of people, ranging from the leader Alpha Pluses down through the barely-human grunt Epsilon-Minus Semi-Morons. Everyone is grown in jars and their general roles in society planned before "birth". The population is pacified with virtual reality and the pleasure drug soma. Human needs are satisfied--by biological engineering when necessary; orgies are the norm; and anything that might possibly cause dissatisfaction is simply left out of society.
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{{Top 100 Banned Books 1990s}}
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