Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden/Trivia

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  • The points below are canon.
  • Charles Barkley was born February 20, 1963, which would make him at least 89 years old during the game.
  • Michael Jordan is one of the primary villains, and his sprite is based on that of Michael Jackson from the game "Moonwalker".
  • Wilford Brimley can cure diabetes at the cost of absorbing it into himself and compounding his own condition.
  • One of your primary party members is Balthios, octoroon (that is, one-eighth black) grandson of LeBron James.
  • Oh, and Charles Barkley accidentally caused the apocalypse cyberpocalypse by unleashing a forbidden basketball dunk.
  • Bill Cosby was once a scientist working to develop the ultimate basketball before accidentally being cursed to haunt the land as the Ghost Dad (from the movie Ghost Dad) and looked like a black Sephiroth when alive.
  • Oh, and Charles has it bad for old flame Juwanna Mann.
  • Furries Gatdam animal people- not "people in suits" but "humans with Magic Plastic Surgery" -basically live like Morlocks in the sewers.
  • The game has two language settings: English and Al Bhed.
  • Oh, and Space Jam is canon.
  • Hoopz Barkley is clearly not Skate.
    • Likewise, Neo New York and Balthios are NOT from X-caliber 2047.
  • Balthios is a were-duergar, who transforms into a treasure-thieving madman on the arbitrary date of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This has no connection to the plot at all.
  • The world worships Clispaeth, AKA Crispis Attucks, the first man to be killed in the Boston Massacre.
  • Development Hell: A full four years after the game's release passed before news of the sequel surfaced.
  • Word of God: On a Something Awful thread for a Let's Play of this game, Chef Boyardee himself made a post, revealing the following:
    • The original idea came from seeing the name "Barkley Shut Up and Jam" and thinking putting "Gaiden" at the end would sound really cool.
    • Exactly two Pump Rants weren't written by him. One was by a guy who played the demo and thought the rants were serious. The other was written by a friendof his who took almost all of it from a post on SA. (Boyardee did not know of SA at the time).
    • The idea of the rants being from Truck Pumps came from one of the other programmers having once gone by the name of "Turkpimp". A running gag in some games they made involved him, and over time, it devolved into "Truck Pump".
    • The poem sidequest stemmed from an experience where a rather wretched girl cried after being told by Chef Boyardee that he wouldn't take her to the prom.
    • The idea of Zalatar the turkey came from a fake story he posted on a Furry Fandom website about having been a punchbag for bullies and finding his true calling by being the Turkey in a thanksgiving day parade.
    • The hobo Barkley can talk to in Proto Neo New York is based off a man who co-created This game (The other creators being GZ, the one who did the programming, and Konix, who did some of the graphics).