Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] - Tolena
* [[Crapsack World]] - The world below Eden is initially portrayed as this, in contrast to Eden's [[Utopia]]. ( {{spoiler|The truth is, naturally, a little more complicated.}}) This version of Regallzine is still quite easily the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|grimmest]] setting the franchise has ''ever'' explored, though.
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]] - {{spoiler|Being that 2 is a prequel to 1, and that Iris and the people that protected her were killed...}}
* [[Emotionless Girl]] - Fee
* [[Evil Chancellor]] - Theodore
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]] - The [[Final Boss]] is one of these, to many a player's frustration.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]] - Noin is {{spoiler|Galahad's daughter}} and Fee turns out to be {{spoiler|Max's long lost sister}}.
* [[Kid Withwith the Leash]] - Felt, keeping the Azoth in check (a fact for which {{spoiler|the world should be infinitely grateful}}).
* [[Knight Templar]] - Galahad, one of the Imperial Champions.
** More of a [[Worthy Opponent]]. Galahad doesn't believe in what Theodore is doing, and often actively criticizes it. But he also happens to be part of the [[My Country, Right or Wrong]] school of thought.
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* [[Running Gag]] - [[Played for Laughs]] with Felt and Max, where Max consistently says Felt's name wrong.
* [[Shout-Out]] - Through the above trope, Max eventually ends up calling Felt, [[Atelier Iris|Klein]].
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]] - When she was debuted in Japan Viese's name caused a lot of linguistic contortion in trying to spell her name in English; Japanese lacks ''both'' a true V sound and a construct used like the English "ie", so what most people ended up with was some variation of "Wisey". This still occasionally trips people up when they encounter early promotional material (or when they encounter certain [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|hardcore]] [[Fan Dumb|fans]]).
* [[Stripperiffic]] - Viese is one of the [[Atelier Series|Atelier]] heroines who very much avoids this trap; if anything she's the franchise's most conservatively-dressed heroine, almost to the point of absurdity for her native climate (two or more layers of clothing for a paradise island that's apparently warm-temperate year-round?) [[Ms. Fanservice|Noin on the other hand]]...
* [[Talking Weapon]] - {{spoiler|The Azoth}}