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== Anime/Manga ==
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', by the end of the manga, Ed and Winry are 100% official, and Roy and Riza are as close to an official couple as you can get without official declaration. The [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]] refuse to see this, as it interferes with Ed/Roy. They even claim that Ed has a "[[Tsundere]]" reaction to Roy (after all, the [[Slap Slap Kiss|more passionate]] [[The Masochism Tango|he appears to hate him]], [[Unfortunate Implications|the more passionate his underlying love must be]]!), when in fact his true tsundere behavior is [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|towards Winry]]. Other people refusing to see this are: Elricest shippers, Olivier/Roy shippers, Roy/Winry shippers, Hawkeye/Havoc shippers, Havoc/Roy shippers and some people who insist that one of the two couples is [[Platonic Life Partners]].
** In general, the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] in the manga fandom is between people who believe that Roy/Riza and Al/Mei are all [[Official Couple|Official Couples]] and people who believe that there's not enough evidence that they're anything more than friends. Given the sheer amount of evidence or at least the heavy, ''heavy'' implications that was presented for each of these couples, one is inclined to wonder just how much ''more'' evidence these couples need to get out of "friends" territory.
*** In general, there needs to be onscreen intercourse to convince some people, and even then it's not a sure thing.
* In ''[[Gundam Wing]]'', [[Sugar and Ice Personality|Heero]] and [[The Ojou|Relena]] are pretty much a borderline [[Official Couple]]- both of their [[Character Development|character developments]] center almost entirely around interactions with the other, and most of the sidestory manga (penned by the anime's writing staff) lean this way as well, with one even having an [[Did They or Didn't They?|ambiguous kiss]]. Once again, many [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]] put on the [[Anti Goggles]], turning [[Ron the Death Eater|Relena into]] [[Die for Our Ship|a shrieking harpy]], and putting Heero squarely in [[The Lancer|Duo]]'s pants. Duo, meanwhile, not only [[Shipper On Deck|tries to set Heero and Relena up together]], but has a girlfriend named [[Wrench Wench|Hilde]] [[Affirmative Action Girl|Schbeiker]], who he has chemistry and a good bit of [[Ship Tease]] with - also blocked out by the [[Anti Goggles]], though Hilde is mostly liked, and only ''very'' rarely subjected to [[Die for Our Ship]] treatment.
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** On the other end of the spectrum, Alucard is ''never'' kind to Seras, and never even thinks of her as anything more than a perfect object of his abuse. Saving her life (by turning her into a vampire, but anyway) in the very first chapter when he didn't really need to? Patting her on the head and feeling proud of her? Calling her "my beloved servant"? Nah, such things never happened.
** Let's not forget how they deny Dracula's feelings for Mina which are stated pretty much canon for a while by [[Word of God]] and the text.
* In the ''[[Inuyasha]]'' fandom, militant Sesshomaru/Rin and Sesshomaru/Kagura fans locked in [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] fall victim to this mentality, with the former camp insisting that there's absolutely ''no'' evidence that Sesshomaru's feelings for Kagura were anything more than respect for a fallen comrade, and the latter camp insisting that there's absolutely ''no'' ambiguity that Sesshomaru's feelings for Kagura were romantic, unlike his feelings for Rin which are fatherly.
** Ditto with Inuyasha/Kagome vs. Inuyasha/Kikyo. Proponents of the former like to think that the latter was based on some sort of escape fantasy with no real love behind it (Inuyasha not wanting to be a [[Half-Human Hybrid|hanyou]], Kikyo wanting to be a "[[I Just Want to Be Normal|normal girl]]"), while Inuyasha/Kikyo fans like to think of Kagome as a [[Replacement Goldfish]] in spite of Inuyasha explicitly stating in canon that he does ''not'' think of Kagome as just Kikyo's replacement.
*** It was painfully obvious from the start that Inuyasha was in love with them ''both'', which happens [[Truth in Television|in real life all the time]]. It isn't that far-fetched, if you think about it; surely tropers have been conflicted between two (or more...) people in their life? Or have been on the receiving end, or even at the very least seen it happen. He even makes a comment about ''having them both''!
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== Film ==
* There are at least a few fans of the 2009 ''[[Star Trek (Film)|Star Trek]]'' movie who insist that Spock and Uhura are just friends, despite the fact that they ''kiss'' onscreen. This reasoning seems to be split about equally between people who [[Fan -Preferred Couple|ship a competing couple]], and people who [[No Hugging, No Kissing|dislike the romance in general]].
== Literature ==
* Possibly the most notorious example of this is how a small but vocal (sadly, [[Vocal Minority|VERY vocal]]) faction of [[Harry Potter]]/Hermione shippers adamantly refused to believe that JK Rowling was intending for Ron and Hermione to become a canon couple and dropping, in her own words, "''anvil''-sized hints" about it. Even after the sixth book, in which Ron and Hermione are very clearly shown to [[Green -Eyed Epiphany|get jealous whenever they see the other person going out with someone else]] and Harry himself notes this (not to mention that he enters a relationship with Ginny in the same book), the [[Fan Dumb]] ''still'' persisted; as of 2011, it's still going strong. They have even mocked J.K. Rowling's "anvil-sized hints" phrase, and some insist that she accidentally wrote Harry/Hermione when meaning to write Harry/Ginny, and that every part of the romance subplots from Book 5 on was just her scrambling to correct her mistakes.
** There are also some Harry/Hermione fans who point out that J.K. Rowling admitted once that Hermione had shared some experiences with Harry that she never could with Ron, and say that this rebukes the other fans who insist that there was absolutely no Harry/Hermione subtext in the books. Which ''does'' have a degree of validation, but some of these Harry/Hermione fans cling so stubbornly to it that they insist this statement ''completely'' discredits all of J.K. Rowling's [ other statements] that made it clear that she had decided long ago on Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione as the official couples and thought that the hints dropped for the latter had been pretty obvious. These same fans will go to ridiculous lengths to twist any Ron/Hermione statement of hers that is not 100% positive or Harry/Hermione statement of hers that is not 100% negative into "J.K. Rowling has finally realized and admitted that Harry/Hermione is superior to/is what she has been supporting all along instead of Ron/Hermione!!", such as taking her statement that she used to date Rons before marrying a Harry as proof that Hermione (the one Rowling has admitted is closest to her in personality) should have ended up with Harry instead, even though [ a thorough look at the same interview] shows that she then goes on to ''explicitly'' debunk this assumption:
{{quote| Fans might think that's even more reason why Hermione should end up with Harry — but Rowling said she always knew that Ron and Hermione were meant to be together, just as she thought Harry and Ginny were meant to be together. "I thought it was obvious, but apparently there are Internet wars about this," she said. "And they get very vicious."}}
** Now, there's still some indications of [[Flip -Flop of God]] with Rowling's later statements about Harry and Hermione, but she always confirms at the end that Ron and Hermione are canon and fit together well. It's like how Rowling said that Neville and Luna married other people but later admitted that she ''could'' see Neville and Luna together; even if she acknowledges that the possibility was there, ''it still didn't become canon'' and she never at any point said that Ron/Hermione wasn't canon. Many Harry/Hermione fans actually realize and accept this as probably just an indicator that their ship isn't completely unfounded, but unfortunately, enough fans don't with such an intensity that gives major headaches to those who don't give a toss about the ship's canonicity and just want to ship in peace.
* In a recent ''[[Warrior Cats (Literature)|Warrior Cats]]'' book, Bumblestripe seemed to crush on Dovewing. Many Ivy/Bumble fans wholeheartedly deny any kind of romance between them. Actually, they have a right to be annoyed-- Vicky, one of the authors, and the leader of the "Erins", said on facebook that Bumblestripe had a huge crush on Ivypool, and Ivy/Bumble fans "may like the way this is played out!". Then, after the whole Dove/Bumble thing, Vicky denied that she had ever said anything!
== Live Action TV ==
* Prior to the relaunch at the hands of [[Russell T Davies]], there was a very loud contingent of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' fans who insisted that the Doctor was asexual and stubbornly resisted all hints to the contrary (not that there were all that many, since it was a [[No Hugging, No Kissing]] show for kids). The [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] novel ''Lungbarrow'' seemed to support this interpretation, claiming that Time Lords reproduced asexually via "looms". When the Eighth Doctor actually kissed a woman in the 1996 made-for-TV movie, there were howls of protest across the land; the new series's references to the Doctor having [[Unusual Euphemism|"danced before"]] did not make them happy.
** And all this despite the first companion having been ''his granddaughter.'' There's been tons of [[Fan Wank]] attempting to get around the Doctor having done what one typically has to do in order to have children and therefore grandchildren. Some of it by [[Expanded Universe]] authors! One bit of which was ''intended'' to have been ''canon''; look up the "Cartmel Masterplan" for details, since we don't have the space here.
* During the first few seasons of ''[[The X Files]]'', the fandom was split (more or less amicably) between "shippers" and "noromos". "Shippers" were in favour of a romantic relationship between Mulder and Scully, while "noromos" were against it. (This may be the earliest use of the word "shipping" in fandom. Back then, it wasn't thought necessary to modify "shipping" with the character names, since there were only two characters in [[The X Files]] who ''could'' plausibly undergo a [[Relationship Upgrade]].)
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* Occasionally cropped up in the Robin/Raven sect of the ''[[Teen Titans (Animation)|Teen Titans]]'' fandom where, despite full [[Ship Tease]] ''episodes'' for the canon Robin/Starfire ("Sisters", "Betrothed", and "Stranded" just to name a few), Rob/Rae-ers continued to insist that Robin "never loved" Starfire, thought of her "like a [[Like Brother and Sister|little sister]]", and "only felt sorry for her". They even cried this after Robin and Starfire's [[Relationship Upgrade]] in ''[[Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo]]'', where they shared their [[First Kiss]] (well, first if you don't count "GO!").
** Also, the fact that they were a couple in the comics first is totally ignored.
** In some sort of weird inversion, the creator has expressed bewilderment at the popularity of the [[Fan -Preferred Couple]] Beast Boy/Raven (see the page quote at [[Shipping Goggles]]), despite several episodes that fans have a hard time interpreting as [[Like Brother and Sister]] ("Spellbound" and "The Beast Within," for example). Continuing with that, Raven and BB were ''also'' a couple in the comics...[[Hilarious in Hindsight|right around the time the TV series ended]], apparently by total coincidence.
* Some [[X Men Evolution|Lancitty]] fans refuse to see any Kurt/Kitty subtext/ShipTease which goes hand-in-hand with Kurtty shippers' [[Shipping Goggles]]. Lancitty fans will shout "It's never going to happen!" while the Kurtty fans do the opposite and shout "Lance was a jerk!" and ignore any scene of shipping.
* When the [[A Fairly Odd Movie Grow Up Timmy Turner|latest movie]] for ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'' made Timmy/Tootie the [[Official Couple]], many Timmy/another girl shippers quickly decried it as just an [[Alternate Continuity]] that wasn't truly canon, even though [[Word of God|Butch Hartman himself]] wrote the script and said that it was a look into the characters' future lives.
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