All the Good Men Are Gay: Difference between revisions

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'''Boyfriend:''' I am less than happy right now. }}
* Fletcher of ''[[Nothing Nice to Say]]'' actively attacks this trope in one strip, when a woman at a bar utters it practically word for word. His response? "You mean, why are the only guys you find non-threatening the ones with no possible ulterior motives to sleep with you? Yeah, the mind boggles." Fletcher is, perhaps rather obviously, far from the best example to the contrary of this trope...
* Played with in ''[ Girls Only]''{{broken link}}, where at a school with over 400 girls and 32 men, they only ''think'' that the men are all gay. It turns out, they're actually straight, they just like to pretend so that their fanservice they deal out allows them to be given better treatment.
* Played with in ''[[Shortpacked]]''. Amber's mom comes to visit, and is initially unimpressed with her boyfriend [[Jerkass|Mike]]. She would rather her daughter pursue her gay friend Ethan ("I hear they can fix these people in camps"). When one of Amber's other co-workers runs past screaming in terror because two beautiful women want to have sex with him,<ref>[[It Makes Sense in Context]] - he's a recovering sex addict</ref> Amber's mom asks if there are ''any'' straight people in this town. Amber says it's just her and Mike, to which her mom replies "No wonder."
== Web Original ==