Year Outside, Hour Inside: Difference between revisions

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== Fan Works ==
* The ''[[Star Trek: New Voyages]]'' episode "World Enough And Time" has Sulu and a [[Red Shirt]] specialist transported to another dimension while the Enterprise was trying to beam them out of the Romulan ship inside a multidimensional spatial anomaly that they are trapped in. Sulu and the specialist apparently spent years inside that dimension during which he had fathered a daughter through her, which explains why he appears on the Enterprise as an older man (played by the character's original actor George Takei).
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* The novelizations of the 1998 ''[[Merlin (TV miniseries)|Merlin]]'' series have this happening to Merlin himself while journeying to Joyous Gard. He only spends part of one day there, plus a long trip to it and back, but six months pass back in Camelot.
* In the novel ''Once Upon a Summer Day'' by Dennis L. [[Mc Kiernan]] the main character Borel must enter the Fairy King's domain in order to gain his help in his quest to rescue the [[Damsel in Distress|damsel in distress]]. He is warned before hand that time doesn't flow the same. He ends up playing a chess game against the King, which takes a few hours. But when he leaves (having won and gained the aid he needed) he finds that in the real world a few weeks have passed—meaning he is only a day or two before his deadline of [[Save the Princess|saving the girl]].
* [[Fairyland]] in ''[[Discworld/The Wee Free Men|The Wee Free Men]]''; when Roland meets Tiffany he thinks he's only been there for a few days, but then worries that it's actually been a hundred years. When Tiff reassures him that it's only been a couple of years, he thinks that's ''worse'': "If it was a hundred years, my father wouldn't thrash me when I got home!"
* Invoked Einstein-style in the space travel portions of Robert J. Sawyer's [[Calculating God]].
* ''[[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]]'': When Percy and Annabeth first discover the Labyrinth, they spend maybe five minutes in it, and when they come back everyone says they've been gone for an hour and [[Shipper on Deck|what exactly were]] [[Everyone Can See It|they doing down there?]]
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== Live -Action TV ==
* In one episode of ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'', an astronaut meets a woman just before he takes off on a long journey. During his trip, he's supposed to be in suspended animation, but the thought of returning to Earth as a young man and finding the woman he loved to be an old woman is something that he can't live with (never mind that she might have married or died or just didn't like him any more), so he turns off the suspended animation so he'll age the same as she did on Earth, but the real kicker is that the woman did love him, so she had herself suspended so that she would be young when he returned, causing a real downer ending.
* The Palace of the Prophets in ''[[Legend of the Seeker]]'' is enchanted so that time in it passes 10 times slower than for the outside world. The Sisters of the Light want to keep Richard there for several years, while the world is literally going to Hell. In a later episode, Richard is stuck in a nightmare where this does happen, and he finds out that Kahlan is with someone else now, not to mention that there have been two Seekers after him who failed.
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== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* In ''[[Juathuur]]'', the time for a small conversation in the god world takes three days in the juathuur world.
* In Space theme of ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'', this is the effect of the new cyberspace. The old one has [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]].
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