Vicky Cristina Barcelona: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ax Crazy]]: Maria Elena, though she seems to have enough restraint to stop short of (lethal) violence.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Juan Antonio and {{spoiler|Vicky}}.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: {{spoiler|Gender flipped with Vicky being torn between Doug (Betty) and Juan Antonio (Veronica).}}
** To a lesser extent, Cristina is a Veronica while Vicky is a Betty, although the two of them never compete for Juan Antonio at the same time.
* [[Bi the Way]]: {{spoiler|Cristina, although she explicitly rejects the label of bisexual}}.
* [[Brainy Brunette]]: Vicky.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Maria Elena is this at first to Cristina, {{spoiler|but eventually they settle into an [[OT3]] with Juan Antonio}}.
* [[Color Wash]]: Everything in this movie looks orange.
* [[Cut Himself Shaving]]: Vicky tells her husband that she is going to lunch with her professor, when she is actually {{spoiler|going to Juan Antonio's house. While she's there, Maria Elena shows up with a gun and ends up shooting Vicky in the hand}}. She tells her husband that her "professor" was showing her the gun when it accidentally went off.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: Juan Antonio's elderly father is just as fond of the ladies as he is, though this isn't played as much for [[Squick]] as it usually is.
* [[Disposable Fiance]]: Doug. Subverted however in that {{spoiler|Vicky does end up marrying him in the end.}}
* [[Double Standard]]: If the characters' genders were reversed, the main characters' commitment issues, infidelities, and deceptions wouldn't be so sympathetic. Another example: Vicky tells Juan Antonio that he might have deserved it when his ex-wife stabbed him. It's hard to imagine a man the audience is supposed to sympathize with getting away with saying that to a woman who'd just been stabbed by her crazy ex-husband.
** Although in the context of the story, all Vicky had heard at that point was that Juan Antonio had been married to a woman and that it had ended with violence, which she assumes meant that he had beaten her. This is of course an in-universe example of a [[Double Standard]], however.
* [[Ethical Slut]]: Juan Antonio.
* [[Every One Remembers the Stripper]]:...This is that movie where [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot|Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz make out]], right?
* [[Good Bad Girl]]: Cristina.
* [[The Hedonist]]: Juan Antonio, who seems to do nothing but eat gourmet food, hang out in beautiful locations, and sleep with gorgeous women. Somewhat [[Deconstruction|deconstructed]] however in that his life still has plenty of problems and emotional drama, some of it caused by his lifestyle.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Maria Elena.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Cristina is supposed to be a gifted photographer, but none of the photos of hers which the audience sees are particularly striking or memorable.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{spoiler|Vicky, who gets away with cheating on Doug, and Maria Elena, who nearly kills someone in one of her jealous rages without any sort of repercussions}}.
* [[Latin Lover]]: Juan Antonio and Maria Elena are this trope boiled down and distilled to 100% purity.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: Maria Elena tells Juan Antonio that she doesn't trust Cristina because her eyes are of different colors.
* [[No Bisexuals]]: Averted with Maria Elena and Cristina.
* [[Polyamory]]: Juan Antonio, Cristina, and Maria Elena try this for awhile, but {{spoiler|it doesn't work out in the end, because despite her lack of inhibitions Cristina decides it isn't for her}}.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Cristina, who is passionate, impulsive, and unrestrained in following her romantic and sexual impulses, is the red oni. Vicky, whose approach to love is grounded and pragmatic, is the blue one.
* [[Scenery Porn]] / [[Shoot the Money]]: Oh yes. The Catalan countryside is as big a presence as any of the characters.
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* [[The Unfair Sex]]: See [[Double Standard]], above.
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Who else? - Maria Elena.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: {{spoiler|Vicky.}}