• When The Doctor *ahem* 're-modulates his vocal chords' with Fluttershy to activate the Hervoken Charm Cube. Try to imagine David Tennant speaking in Andrea Libman's 'Fluttershy' voice without laughing.
  • Pinkie Pie's ability to dumbfound the Doctor is both hilariously in-character and believable.
  • The Doctor's reaction to his ponification

"I've heard about regenerations going wrong before, but never one that ended in...pony!"

  • Rarity's reaction to the TARDIS.

Rarity: It's so... tacky!
The Doctor: What?!

  • Twilight's computer is programmed to show a virtual Pinkie Pie whenever it comes up with something that doesn't make sense. Think about that.

Twilight: Why did I even get this app?