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* [[Ass Pull]]: Some viewers found the "twist" that {{spoiler|Col. Hunter Gathers only had a sex change for the purpose of gaining membership into Molotov Cocktease's all-girl hitman squad and quickly had said surgery reversed when Molotov began to suspect that he was spying on her pulls the rug out from under a once well-treated transsexual character by making him a man that only did it for the mission. Of course, these viewers failed to notice that: #1, Gathers was originally portrayed as having had the sex change to exploit an antiquated OSI loophole about not killing women so he could safely defect, and #2, Gathers really misses being a woman now.}}
* [[Better on DVD]]
* [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]]:
** Monarch's little...tribute to his Butterglider serves no other purpose than to show how deeply in love he is with the thing.
** A great example is the Bear in "Bright Lights, Dean City". During the Revenge Society's recruitment drive a man in a very creepy bear suit that shows no features of the person within at all and looks scarily realistic shows up. He has no registration forms, says no lines, is soaked in blood and carries a large knife with blood dripping off it. He is never mentioned again and was presumably just there to make us wet our pants (and to make a [[The Shining|movie reference]].)
** {{spoiler|The late}} 24 calling upon the spirits of Speedy and [[Woodrow Wilson]] (no, seriously) during ''Pinstripes And Poltergeists''. And what is 21 supposed to do for them? Name perfumes used by different celebrities.
* [[The Chris Carter Effect]]: Avoided. The writers have stated that they don't plan anything, but they're usually pretty good at introducing and then tying up plot points. They've described their writing style as coming up with stuff on the fly, then writing future plots to remain consistent with what has been written while expanding on any detail that looks interesting.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Jonas Venture. He's the reason why Rusty Venture is the bitter man he is today, especially considering that he's endangered his own son time and time again. And unlike Rusty Venture, he has never shown regret for any of his actions. Even his crew (who aren't as heroic as people make them out to be themselves) are disgusted by what he did to Blue Morpho. The kicker? He considered it to be a spectacular achievement of science. Long story short, he was the AssholeVictim to end all asshole victims when he fell victim to the massacre aboard the Gargantua-1.
* [[Complete Monster]]: In a cast of ([[The Scrappy|mostly]]) easily likable characters, Impossible is the closest this series has to one, given all the crap he put his family and the Ventures through in the first few seasons. Oddly enough, his [[Face Heel Turn]] has made him somewhat more likable, perhaps because it puts him alongside the more openly evil Phantom Limb.
** Also because part of what made him so unbearable was his sense of [[Smug Super]] superiority. Without that, he comes off as much more human, at least.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]:
** Most of the show's cast, but special mention goes to Phantom Limb, or should I say...REVENGE!!!
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*** Not only that, but 21 {{spoiler|seems to have gained Brock's respect, as he teamed up with 21 to kill Monstroso.}}
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: [[The Venture Brothers/Funny|Also with its own page]].
** After the death of {{spoiler|Hank and Dean Venture}} at the end of Season 1, we get the {{spoiler|1=[ Hank and Dean Death]}} Montage. The sequence [[Crosses the Line Twice]] a dozen times in a row in rapid succession and alludes to several [[Noodle Incident|Noodle Incidents]]s for good measure along the way.
** The Monarch's rant {{spoiler|to the "misguided" teens in prison. Like most of the humor in this show, it [[Crosses the Line Twice]] and hilariously so.}}
* [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]:
** At the beginning of season four, after prolonged absence, Hank sees {{spoiler|Brock, he hugs him and says, "Why did you leave me?" Brock replies, "Hank, I'll never leave you."}}
** Dean to Triana: "Can we talk?"
** Rusty Venture's attitude to Dean in season 4, {{spoiler|probably as a result of his inability to bring his sons back to life any longer in the event of their likely deaths}}, seems genuinely fatherly at times. His attempts, however misguided, to help Dean with his superscience career in "Perchance To Dean," and particularly in "The Revenge Society" when the two of them are locked in the Panic Room and Rusty helps Dean get over his fears, are surprisingly genuine examples of Rusty's caring for his sons. Even Hank's rebellion against his father's "strict rules" is indicative of the fact that Rusty is trying to keep him safe--althoughsafe—although it would be a betrayal of Dr. Venture's character to portray his inability to connect with Hank on an emotional level as anything but cynical irritation. He's not even dragging them into dangerous adventures anymore.
** The season 4 mid-season finale when S.P.H.I.N.X members are listing the grievances they've suffered to further their goals. Most are petty or insane, but Brock's biggest sacrifice? "Living next to the boys for a year and not being able to tell them that they're safe".
** In season 4 “The Better Man”, Jefferson Twilight’s childlike joy at his new-found magical powers is really quite touching.
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* [[What an Idiot!]]: In "Hansome Ransom," the Monarch corners Captain Sunshine in Sunshine's own base, cooly informing him that he knows that Captain Sunshine's powers don't work at night. So what does he use to attack the ''solar powered'' superhero? A special ray gun built to emit ''sunbeams identical to the kind Captain Sunshine uses''. Predictably, his attempt at sentencing Cap to [[Death by Irony]] just ends up repowering the superhero.
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