The Lunatic is a novel by Jamaican author Anthony Winkler, published in 1987.

Aloysius is the village madman in Moneague, St. Ann, tolerated by his neighbors but otherwise shunned because of his tendency to hold conversations with literally everything: rocks, trees, bushes, animals, etc. He lives in the bushland, where he often seeks shelter under the limbs of a friendly flame-heart tree, and scavenges for wild fruit to feed himself. Because he's a lunatic, he's shunned by the local women, and as a result hasn't had any in two years. He also claims to have a thousand names, which he'll spout off if you ask him his name.

Then one day, he meets Inga Schmidt, a German tourist who's out snapping photos of the local flora and fauna. Their meeting is very unexpected: she finds him asleep with his, er, flag-pole flying high, and takes photos of it.

Inga, it turns out, is sex-crazy. Hilarity Ensues. Then she brings in a second local man, a butcher named Service, to satisfy herself. Even MORE hilarity ensues, leading to the three concocting a plan to burgle the house of the local landowner.

The novel spawned a film in 1991, starring Paul Campbell and Carl Bradshaw as Aloysius and Service, respectively.

Tropes used in The Lunatic include:

Inga: I stay vith him because he has a big c---! Vhat you think of that?!

Aloysius: Mi brain confuse.
Service: What brain?

    • A lot of the animals and vegetation that Aloysius hears talking serve in this capacity as well.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Whatever Inga did to the boy who called her an insulting name. However, it is potent enough that his cronies never call her any nicknames again.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: And boy, Aloysius deserves it.
  • Flat Earth Atheist: Service claims that there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no coming back from death, no reincarnation...for him, everything is mud. He improves his viewpoint much later.
  • Freudian Excuse: The film version hints that Inga may have one for her behaviour.
  • Genre Savvy: Inga proves herself to be this, training Aloysius and Service to burgle houses in little time, and supplying gloves for them to hide fingerprints and wrapping their feet to prevent leaving footprints, in preparation to rob Busha's house.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: Aloysius with Inga and later the widow, Mrs. Dawkins.
  • Happily Married: Busha Macintosh and his wife Sarah.
  • Heel Face Turn: Service.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Paul Campbell would later be known as Capone in the Jamaican drama film Third World Cop, as well as having a starring role in Dancehall Queen.
    • Carl Bradshaw also starred as Ringo in the Jamaican comedy movie Smile Orange, and appeared in The Harder They Come with actor/musician Jimmy Cliff.
  • Immodest Orgasm: “O-iso-propoxy-phenyl!”

Aloysius: What dat word mean?
Inga: Cockroach poison.
Aloysius: Cockroach poison?
Inga: Vhy not? Vhat does it matter vhat I say?

Aloysius: It don’t matter.

  • Jerkass: Service, before his Heel Face Turn. Also, Busha.
  • Kids Are Cruel: The schoolchildren mock Aloysius for his madness, and a group of schoolboys take it upon themselves to point out other people's physical deformities and oddities. Inga retaliates against one of them in what later becomes a Noodle Incident.
  • Knife Nut: Service.
  • Large Ham: Inga’s actress in the film version.
  • Love Triangle: Aloysius, Inga and Service.
  • Mama Bear: The mother of the boy Inga assaults swears an oath that she'll kill the white woman before sundown. Thanks to Aloysius's intervention, it doesn't happen.
  • Manly Tears: Aloysius does this from time to time.
  • The Mentally Disturbed: Aloysius, of course.
  • Nakama: Of a rather weird sort: Aloysius, Inga, Service, and the flame-heart tree that has always been Aloysius's companion.
  • Noodle Incident: Nobody ever finds out just what Inga did to that poor kid, though we can be very certain Attempted Rape is involved somehow.

Mother: She hold him down and do something to de boy so wicked and nasty dat to dis day him won't tell me what she do!

Inga: S---! F---! P---! F---! B----! B----! C---!
Busha: (to Aloysius) The woman is even madder than you!