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{{work}}{{cleanup|This work has been "retired" from its website and is only available in downloadable form. Any links below that attempt to go to a specific page or panel will instead go to the site's top page, where you will no doubt see a page from an unrelated web comic.}}
Not so much a traditional webcomicweb comic as a funny and '''very''' well written ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Fanfic]] in comic form. The references come thick and fast, so if you don't know the difference between a Renegade Dalek and an Imperial Dalek be forewarned — but not discouraged.
To briefly summarise — the Tenth Doctor, in a bad mood following "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2006 CS the Runaway Bride/Recap|The Runaway Bride]]", has gone to a luxurious world called the [[Doctor Who/Recap/20th AS the Five Doctors/Recap|Eye of Orion]] to cheer himself up...only to gradually find eight of his previous selves having all arrived at the same time along with their companions. While they begin to investigate what's going on and why they've been brought together, [[Doctor Who/Recap/TVM the TV Movie/Recap|the Eighth Doctor]] (the odd one out) is on Gallifrey, investigating mysterious goings-on which seem to involve the recently-disappeared Daleks. And then things get [[Gambit Pileup|complicated...]]
The story is 247 pages long (plus a few extras along the way) and was posted from March 10, 2007 until May 27, in a sense, it could be considered the "official" unofficial ''Doctor Who'' 45th-Anniversary Special.
It can be read [ here], or downloaded in PDF format [http here.]
For other works by this author, see [[Rich's Comix Blog|Richs Comix Blog]].
For other works by this author, see [[Rich's Comix Blog|Richs Comix Blog]].
* [[Actor Allusion]]: The first thing Five says to Four is "So you've decided to join us this time, have you?" [[Tom Baker]], of course, has consistently refused to reprise his role as the Fourth Doctor in any of the multi-Doctor episodes (unless you count "Dimensions in Time").
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** Ten is especially glad to see Five, referencing how David Tennant became an actor entirely in the hopes that he might get to play the Doctor, after his adoration of Five's episodes in his childhood. Keep in mind that ''The Ten Doctors'' was written well before ''Time Crash''.
*** However, the end was uploaded after ''Time Crash'', and in said end Ten says he hopes to see Five again, and Five responds with this gem...
{{quote| Five: [[Be Careful What You Wish For]].}}
* [[And the Adventure Continues...]]: The last page of the comic segues immediately into the beginning of "[[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S3 E1S29/E01 Smith and Jones|Smith and Jones]]".
* [[Arc Words]]: In [ Page 54], there's a throwback to the "Bad Wolf" storyline in the second panel, which focuses on 9.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: From one fan work to another! During a scene where Two needs assistance performing a TARDIS function that requires two Time Lords, he {{spoiler|uses willpower to create a "temporary manifestation" of a future incarnation. As he doesn't want it to be "that unhelpful, smug buffoon" (Three), he modifies the projection to be "different enough from me, but not yet him." The result, who stays for the remainder of the story, is the Second-and-a-Halfth Doctor (Tony Garner) from the ''Who'' fan film ''Devious''}}.
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* [[Creator Cameo]]: Rich, his wife, and their daughter appear briefly as [[Muggles]] watching {{spoiler|Five's fighter}} buzz a city.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]:
{{quote| '''Glitz''': Personally, I think it tastes like Nimon sh--<br />
'''Two''': Ahem-hem! }}
* [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]]: Case in point for both the cyberized Silurians and the {{spoiler|Time Daleks}}.
* [[Development Gag]]: Maxil takes a TARDIS over to the Renegade Dalek ship to apprehend Six, reflecting Colin Baker's idea to have Maxil arrest Six during "Trial of a Time Lord". (And if you recall, Baker played both characters at different times on the show.)
* [[Did Not Do the Bloody Research]]: Averted. On one page, an enraged Nine calls his other selves "tossers." Rich is actually Canadian, but he also knew full well how rude the word is in the UK.
{{quote| '''[[Word of God|Rich]]:''' I knew how rude the word was, having English parents and relatives. The scene is one of ultimate despair for the 9th Doctor and all his previous incarnations are playing into the hands of the enemy. It seemed that he was the Doctor who would snap and get rude at such a time.}}
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: {{spoiler|Nine and Ten end the comic by feeding the Black and White Guardians to the [[Clock Roaches]].}}
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: Having been trapped in the Toymaker's pocket universe, Two tricks the Toymaker into a game of Crazy Eights, then {{spoiler|wins freedom by cheating using the Toymaker's own rules}}. Omega is '''not''' pleased.
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* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: Rose and Ace. They start off [[Volleying Insults]], but are soon blowing up Daleks and Cybermen together.
* [[Flat What]] / [[Big "What?"]]: Ten gets in the usual "What? What?! What?!?"
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Given what we know about [ when the Doctors and companions came from] and when this story is set, a reader can safely assume that Susan, Jo, Sarah Jane, K9 Mks. II and IV, Romana, Tegan, Turlough, Peri, Rose, Jack <ref>(well, ''[[Immortality|duh]]'')</ref>, the Brigadier, and the Doctors will all survive. It's more unclear with Jamie, Zoe, Leela, K9 Mk. I, Nyssa, Glitz, Mel, Ace, and Grace, but {{spoiler|they survive anyway}}.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: {{spoiler|The Guardians say that their appearances change with the needs of their desired champions. In the story proper, both Guardians manifest as attractive humanoid women in order to toy with Ten's need for meaningful companionship, and in a flashback, the White Guardian manifests to Davros as a military officer.}}
** It's also mentioned that their appearances as {{spoiler|doddery old men in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S16 E1/E01 The Ribos Operation|The Ribos Operation]]" and "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S16 E6/E06 The Armageddon Factor|The Armageddon Factor]]"}} played off of Four's need for an authority figure.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: At one point, after hearing what other Time Lords think of his career, One (during his exile but before ''An Unearthly Child'') wonders what kind of lunatic he's going to turn into. Later, Four wants to know what kind of toxin he had to ingest to become Six.
** Doctors One through Eight also feel this way about Nine, wondering just what could have happened to make him into such a hard edged, bitter, cynical person. Of course what none of them know is that {{spoiler|he carries the guilt of having to effectively destroy the Time Lord race at the end of his Eighth incarnation at the close of the Last Great Time War}}.
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* [[Groin Attack]]: The Rani deals with Glitz the same way she did the Master.
* [[Have We Met Yet?]]: Happens quite a bit, and it's inevitable with all the time traveling and multiple incarnations of the same fellow gallivanting about, but it's especially notable with this gem:
{{quote| '''Mel''': (''via radio'') Doctor! How are you? It's me, Mel!<br />
'''Five''': Mel? I don't know a "Mel". }}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|The Rani, the War Chief, and Maxil.}}
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|The Valeyard, believing only Daleks or Time Lords have the potential to be the supreme beings but both unable to reach it (with the Time Lords being too pacifistic and stopping the Daleks all the time), creates Time Daleks out of Leela's several half-human, half-Time Lord children. He then tries to threaten the Time Daleks' [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|mom]]. You can probably guess what happens next.}}
{{quote| '''Dalek Ahn''': EXTERMINATE!}}
* [[Heinz Hybrid]]: The Time Daleks are {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid|half-human]], [[Human Aliens|half-Time Lords]] in [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|Dalek casings]]}}.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* [[Mind Rape]]: Part of what the Keeper is doing to his "experiments".
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Peri, of course, has a considerably more revealing neckline than the rest of the female companions.
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]:
{{quote| '''Nine''': I am the Doctor, not "Thete", not "The Professor"!<br />
'''Ace''': Sorry, Professor!<br />
'''Drax''': Sorry, Thete!<br />
'''K-9''': Apologies, Master!<br />
(''Nine sighs'') }}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Ten has {{spoiler|the power to stop the entire Time War from ever occurring by giving the Daleks' attack strategies to Eight. He doesn't}}.
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* [[Screaming Woman]]: "Mel, as we all feared, screams." ''For three straight panels.''
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: From Rich's Notes on Page 202:
{{quote| "The 10 Doctors merge their consciousnesses, experiencing each others' memories past and future. Then, [[All Your Powers Combined|combined into one mighty Doctor]], they face off against the Dalek conditioning. Y'know, written down, that sounds stupid."}}
* [[Sequel Hook]]: Most plot threads are wrapped up in a rather conclusive manner, except {{spoiler|Dalek Ahn escaping}}. Rich admitted this was a deliberate hook for a possible future story.
* [[Seven Minute Lull]]: [ Page 141] features everyone talking at once, and Jamie gets a line at the very end:
{{quote| '''Jamie:''' An' I could see her bra...}}
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Holy crap has he. The author's even pointed out exactly where and when all the Doctors and their companions are coming from.
* [[Summon Bigger Fish]]: Quite a few villains are defeated or set back by one or other Doctor summoning their arch enemies, but the best example of this trope comes towards the end, when Nine and Ten {{spoiler|unleash the Reapers on the Guardians.}}
* [[Take a Third Option]]: {{spoiler|The Black and White Guardians demand that the Doctor [[Order Versus Chaos|choose between one of them]], condemning the universe either to strict, stifling, perfect Order or the mass destruction of perfect Chaos.}} Have they ''watched'' the show?
* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]: Mentioned by name as to how all ten Doctors can be in one place at the same time.
{{quote| '''Ten''': It's...squishy-squashy...<br />
'''Seven''': Wibbly-wobbly.<br />
'''Five''': Gelatinous.<br />
'''Six''': Semi-fluid!<br />
'''Nine''': Mushy-gooey.<br />
'''Drax''': Higgledy-piggledy.<br />
'''Four''': Hi-ho the dairy-o!<br />
'''Romana II''': Green grow the rushes-o!<br />
'''One''': Alright, you lot! }}
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Ace and Rose, eventually. Though they bond over blowing up Cybermen with Nitro-9.
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* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Barbara, Ian, Dodo, Bret Vyon, Steven, and Vicki aren't mentioned, but that's okay because they travelled with One, who hasn't met them yet. But Polly, Ben, Victoria, Adam and Chang Lee aren't mentioned either. No, wait, hold on, Nine hasn't met Captain Jack and Six hasn't met Mel or Sabalom Glitz. Wait, Jack also travelled with Ten, which won't happen for another 11 episodes yet. At least the dead ones are mentioned by name, near the end of the comic.<ref>Donna doesn't count.</ref>
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]] / [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: While Three, Four, Five, and Seven are manipulating a space battle:
{{quote| '''Five''': You know, if actual lives weren't involved, this would almost be exhilarating.<br />
'''Four''': What, clones, mutants, androids, and blobby things? I don't think any of them count. }}
* [[Xanatos Roulette]]: As mentioned above, [[Gambit Pileup|there's a number of tables going at once]], but special mention must be made of Omega, who {{spoiler|piggybacked onto a bunch of other people's plans in an effort to destroy One so that he and the actions of his successors would be removed from all time}}.
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* [[Your Answer to Everything]]: Two when Three suggests [[Reverse the Polarity|reversing the polarity]].
* [[You're Insane!|You're Mad]]: Ten's reaction to the Keeper's plan. When Eight sees it, he says almost the exact same thing.
{{quote| '''Ten''': You're barmy! Bonkers! Totally flip-noggan twitters and shakes mad!<br />
'''Valeyard''': You think so? We shall see when the universe is firmly under my control.<br />
'''Ten''': That won't change the fact that you're a loonie. }}
{{Doctor Who Franchise}}
[[Category:Fan Web Comics]]
[[Category:The 10 DoctorsFanfic]]
[[Category:Doctor Who/Fan FicWorks]]
[[Category:Fan Works of the 2000s]]
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