Swamps Are Evil: Difference between revisions

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** Three of Creation's major [[Mordor|shadowlands]] are based around swamps, the largest of them (and one of the biggest in the world) being the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Bayou of Endless Regret]].
* In ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'', swamps are the traditional home of black dragons, generally regarded as the most sinister and malicious of all dragon breeds. Other inhabitants include the evil frog-like bullywugs and the more neutral (but still aggressive) lizardfolk.
** Taken [[Up To Eleven]] with Minaurus, the fifth layer of Hell. the entire layer is a swamp, full of quicksand, geysers of boiling mud, oily rain, jagged hail, dangerous insects... Yeah, it's a horrible place. Even other devils - except kytons, who seem to be natives - don't like it much, and the largest city (also called Minaurus) is constantly sinking, as devils employ groups of damned souls and mortal slaves to scour the swamp for stone to either shore it up or rebuild it. It's widely known that Mammon, the Lord of the Fifth, is a lazy, selfish despot who simply doesn't care about the city's welfare.
== Theme Parks ==