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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[The World of Darkness]]'' has a variation of this, where you choose which stats to boost to use your experience.
* Chaosium's Basic Role Playing system did this first with ''[[Rune Quest]]'', and later in ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'', ''Elric!/Stormbringer'', ''Superworld'' and others. It took a successful roll to become eligible for a chance at improvement, and then between sessions (one week) the roll was made to increase the skill. There was also the possibility of taking formal training for skills and characteristics, but in Superworld (a generic superhero RPG), a critical success, special success, or fumble with a characteristic allowed to improve the characteristic as well.
* ''[[Bunnies and Burrows]]'' used this system, where every time a character used a statistic, they would roll at the end of the play session to try and increase their level (not their ability) in that statistic.
* [[Prose Descriptive Qualities|PDQ#]] inverts the trope; you have to ''fail'' a roll to get Training Points (the logic being that, if you succeed, the challenge was too easy for you to learn anything from it).