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American Kirby Is Hardcore: Difference between revisions

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(Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.9.2)
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== Video[[Anime]] Gameand Examples[[Manga]] ==
* Astro Boy is known to be very cute and innocent. But when the 2003 anime was brought to America, most of the advertisement focused on the action scenes and his super hero side. The dubbing gave him a harsher and more snarky attitude as well. It also cut out most of Astro's cute child-like moments. To say nothing of the DVD boxset cover which is just his face looking absurdly angry.
* Even when it became [[Darker and Edgier]], the ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' franchise has always had a humorous, whimsical tone, summed up nicely by DBZ's [[Crazy Awesome]] Japanese theme tune, "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtFMwF7CKGo&feature=related Cha-La Head Cha-La]". Its North American opening themes, on the other hand, have ranged from "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAshPnOKzSg Rock The Dragon]" to… [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O27PUI1veBg well, this]. Later English-language releases have either kept or translated the Japanese themes.
** When CNX ([[Cartoon Network]] UK's short-lived attempt at attracting the 15-35 male demographic) got the rights to show the original ''[[Dragon Ball]]'', the [[The Ocean Group|Canadian-dubbed]] episodes they acquired featured [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVrVTinOsBw a cheerful kid-focused opening theme]. Fearing ridicule from their target audience, a new opening with more action-packed scenes from the show was thrown together, complete with [[Kung Foley]] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBkVLTHy_2c a remixed theme]. (Though the Canadian themes were accidentally shown on occasion.)
** The terrible French dub (And the many other dubs that translated from it) inverted this trope by giving ''Z'' a super-happy OP about Gohan. Saying it invokes [[Mood Whiplash]] would be falling short.
** In a variation, the European Spanish dub of ''Cha-La Head-Cha-La'' keeps the music but changes the comedy lyrics to standard "We'll beat up the villains" fare, which is more this trope.
* Nelvana's infamous [[Macekre]] English dub of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'', while not exactly "hardcore," considerably downplayed the [[Shojo]] cuteness of the original, essentially trying to change it into [[Shonen]] (even changing the show's name to just ''Cardcaptors'', presumably to downplay the fact that the main character is a girl, and cutting out the first seven episodes, which take place before Sakura's male rival Syaoran is introduced). The original opening theme was replaced with a more histrionic rock song, Sakura and her friends sounded more like teenagers than elementary schoolers, and perhaps most egregiously of all, Kero was given a [[Totally Radical]] dudebro voice and his characterization was changed to be more like a comedic foil sidekick akin to Mushu from ''[[Mulan]]''. As a result, the English dub had a completely different feel from the Japanese original, and anyone who's seen the latter would be able to spot the dub's attempts to turn the show into something quite different from what it was originally.
* The same thing was done for ''[[Vision of Escaflowne]]'' to make it more hardcore they removed THE ENTIRE FIRST EPISODE because it focused too much on romance leaving many American fans confused as to what was happening. The show was eventually cancelled while the Canadian dub which kept the first episode finished its entire run.
* Some of the dub voices in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]''. Most notably is Russia, who had a higher-pitched, cuter, somewhat happier voice in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5uWmMImOf0 Japanese] version, and a deeper, gruffer voice in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoeCZf9zc1A&feature=relmfu English dub]. It's left up to the watchers to determine whether this was done to better fit the [[Husky Russkie|stereotype]] or to defuse some of the [[Cute and Psycho|horror]].
* ''[[Madoka Magica]]'' was released as 6 two-episode boxsets in Japan, with [http://wiki.puella-magi.net/Madoka_Magica_Products#Blu-Ray_Discs different boxarts for each.] Three of the boxarts show characters looking happy and/or cute, two are relatively neutral, and one has a very dark and angsty mood to it. The U.S. release was 3 four-episode boxsets, and used three of the existing boxart pictures. [[Foregone Conclusion|To the surprise of no one]], they chose the two neutral ones (the first and last) and the angsty one (number four). {{spoiler|This may be somewhat justified given the nature of the series, but still...}}
=== [[Comic Books]] ===
* American edition of [[Graphic Novel]] ''[[Marzi]]'' looks like [https://web.archive.org/web/20120219101514/http://www.dccomics.com/vertigo/comics/?cm=20192 this], while the original looks like [https://web.archive.org/web/20121102144124/http://www.komiks.gildia.pl/komiksy/marzi/1,okladka this].
* This is more a case of Modern [[DC Comics]] Is Hardcore, but check out [https://web.archive.org/web/20190614052653/https://www.dccomics.com/ the cover] of a recent trade paperback they put out. Now [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Superboy_Vol_1_76 take] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Superman_Vol_1_138 a] [https://web.archive.org/web/20120922132410/http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Flash_Vol_1_127 look] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Detective_Comics_Vol_1_339 at] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Hawkman_Vol_1_16 some] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Wonder_Woman_Vol_1_170 of] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Strange_Adventures_Vol_1_201 the] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150623184606/http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Shazam_Vol_1_9 original] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Detective_Comics_Vol_1_482 covers...]
=== [[Literature]] ===
* The ''[[Redwall]]'' series has produced a lot of covers over the years, ranging from cartoonish to realistic, from gritty and abstract to epic and clear-drawn. Although every country's publications had their own different variations of all ends of the scale, there are some pretty standard levels for their home country (which may not least be due to the artists themselves):
** Original British covers are realistic and colourfully objective. [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070305185353/redwall/images/e/e2/UKsalahc.jpg Here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100822163904/redwall/images/1/1f/Marlfox.jpg here].
** American Covers are similarly colourful but almost constantly more epical playing this trope completely straight ([http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090107071359/redwall/images/d/d4/MTWHardcover.jpg here] and [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060211193954/redwall/images/d/d1/PearlsOfLutraFirebird.jpg here]). But their chapter illustrations are either rather cartoonish and abstract ([http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051015005927/redwall/images/c/c7/Mattimeo.jpg here]) or beautifully copper/plated ([http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080229101223/redwall/images/1/11/Samkim2.PNG here]).
** French covers are sometimes kept in pseudo-3d-rendering, both gritty and abstract (perhaps even downright disturbing). Just look at those rotoscopes of humans with animals' heads ([http://redwall.wikia.com/wiki/File:Mf-france-vol1.jpg here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081013043918/redwall/images/e/ea/FrenchSalamandastronVol4.gif here]).
** Russian Covers are rather realistic and incredibly detailed in both physique and attire. ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090518033604/redwall/images/3/33/Ruslp.jpg here] and ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080303014311/redwall/images/b/b0/Russianrthc.jpg here)]
** Israeli Covers are... interestingly cartoonish ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110319140234/redwall/images/f/f5/Hebrewredwall.jpg here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110319142123/redwall/images/c/c2/Redwisraelchar1.jpg here]).
** German covers stay usually on one level with the British ones ([http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060105082731/redwall/images/4/4f/Matti-german.jpg like here]), but have quite some... unnerving exceptions ([http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060106055125/redwall/images/f/f9/GermanMossflower2.jpg here] and [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080422054506/redwall/images/3/37/Redwallaudio1995.jpg here]). [[Uncanny Valley]] ahead.
* More like "Russian ''[[Warrior Cats|Warriors]]'' is Hardcore". Compare [https://web.archive.org/web/20110408185917/http://www.warriorswish.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=2&fullsize=1 this] to [https://web.archive.org/web/20110408185934/http://www.warriorswish.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=35&fullsize=1 this]. There's a lot more where that came from: The title translation is also subject to this having been translated as ''Raging Storm'' rather then ''Rising Storm''. Also, the French title for ''Fire and Ice'' roughly means ''In Fire and In Blood''.
** Inverted with the Japanese covers. The Japanese [http://i25.tinypic.com/v75dls.jpg cover] for ''The Darkest Hour'', which is probably the most carnage-tastic book in the series, is of [[Covers Always Lie|two fluffy kitties smiling]].
* To ensure that it sells with the mainstream crowd, Yen Press [[Executive Meddling|was told by distributors]] that (the first volume) American ''[[Spice and Wolf]]'' is [[Contemptible Cover|Trashy]] and Realistic. It didn't go well, so the original art was used from the second volume onwards.
* The [[Tortall Universe|Protector of the Small]] quartet has [https://web.archive.org/web/20130508121416/http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/The_Protector_of_the_Small_covers different covers] in the US and the UK. American [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080615175435/tamorapierce/images/thumb/7/79/Squire.jpg/102px-Squire.jpg Squire] has Keladry of Mindelan holding a baby griffin and looking at the viewer with a faint smile; [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100109210651/tamorapierce/images/thumb/2/22/Squire_uk_paperback.jpg/123px-Squire_uk_paperback.jpg in the UK] she's looking at it and smiling more broadly. US [http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/File:Lady_Knight.jpg Lady Knight] has her staring at us with a hostile expression; in the UK she [http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ladyknightuk.jpg looks to the side] and seems more hopeful. Notably, although three books out of the trilogy have different artwork, they all feature the same subject, just interpreted differently.
* Peter Grant is way macho in the [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_f50VvY-dR9k/TTFXfCPOleI/AAAAAAAAAU0/8SuxsbjJmo0/s1600/9780345524256.jpg US cover] of [[Midnight Riot]]/[[Rivers of London]] compared to the restrained 'arty' look of the [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f50VvY-dR9k/TSl06w6CaTI/AAAAAAAAAUc/7STCe6nzULE/s1600/riverscover_.jpg British cover]. Also note that Peter Grant, who in the books is described as a slender mixed race young man who by his own admission looks more North African, has metamorphosed into a [[Scary Black Man]]. And as a [[British Coppers|British Copper]], he'd better have signed for that gun.
=== [[Music]] ===
* The original cover art for Japanese [[Doom Metal]] band Boris' album ''Smile'' is [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1f/Borissmile.jpg cute]. The American release's cover is [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/Boris-smileus.jpg edgy].
* An inversion occurred when [[Within Temptation]]'s album ''The Unforgiving'' made it to Japan...and the gothed-up [[Sharon Den Adel]] cover was replaced by one with a busty, [[Moe]] [[Meganekko]] schoolgirl waggling her finger at the buyer.
=== [[WebVideo OriginalGames]] ===
=== Action-Adventure Games ===
* Compare the [https://web.archive.org/web/20121102144059/http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/bigboxshots/4/563284_2715_front.jpg Japanese] and [http://www.gameexpress.com/images/product/original/039854000225F.JPG American] box art for the obscure Game Boy port of ''Milon's Secret Castle''.
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=== Platformers ===
* The [[Trope Namer]] here is ''[[Kirby]]''. [http://www.n-sider.com/contentview.php?contentid=407 The box art for many of his games] have had angry eyebrows added to the main character to make an 8-inch-high pink puffball seem more aggressive. This strange practice is joked on originally in [http://angryamericankirby.ytmnd.com/ this] [[YTMND]] and subsequently in [http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/?p=288 this] ''[[Brawl in the Family]]'' strip. It seems to have calmed for the time being with the release of ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]. Brawl'', ''[[Kirby Super Star]] Ultra'', and more recently,{{when}} ''[[Kirby's Epic Yarn|Kirbys Epic Yarn]]'', whose boxarts have Kirby actually looking happy for a change, but it seems to be creeping up again no thanks to ''[[Kirby Mass Attack]]''{{'}}s cover (though to be fair, roughly half the Kirbys on ''Mass Attack''{{'}}s cover still retain their cute/curious expressions and most the the "hardcore" one are already attacking something). It's back in full force with ''[[Kirby's Return to Dream Land]]''.
** This practice is [[Older Than They Think]], too, as a ''Kirby's Dream Land 2'' commercial aired in the US turned Kirby, Rick, Kine, and Coo into [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqVVG4FCq7w scowling tough guys (or, you know, as tough as an 8-inch high puffball and his similarly-sized friends can be) roughhousing some Hell's Angels]. As well, compare the commercials for ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU6cHCkWqy8 Kirby's Dreamland]'' and ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1okxuvGRQ Kirby's Adventure]'', to say nothing of [https://web.archive.org/web/20121021041938/http://www.1up.com/do/feature?pager.offset=3&cId=3152506 the magazine ad for Kirby's Avalanche and Kirby's Dream Course] (scroll down the page). "He used to be such a good boy."
*** Even older than ''that'', albeit to a lesser extent. Contrast the [http://images.wikia.com/kirby/en/images/0/0d/603710.jpg American box art]{{Dead link}} for the original ''Kirby's Dream Land'' to the [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100506155654/kirby/en/images/c/c9/KDLboxartjapan.png Japanese box art]{{Dead link}}. Yes, Kirby's still plenty happy in America...but he's ''white'', because it was thought that a soft, [[Pink Is for Sissies|pink character]] wouldn't appeal to American audiences.
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* Something akin to this trope occurred in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]: The War of the Lions'', where Barrington's dialogue with Rafa on the Rooftop of Riovanes Castle was "punched up" to make it even ''more'' creepy and blatantly sexual. The original PSX version's translation instead ''very slightly'' [[Bowdlerization|downplayed that aspect.]]
== Other[[Web ExamplesOriginal]] ==
=== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ===
* Astro Boy is known to be very cute and innocent. But when the 2003 anime was brought to America, most of the advertisement focused on the action scenes and his super hero side. The dubbing gave him a harsher and more snarky attitude as well. It also cut out most of Astro's cute child-like moments. To say nothing of the DVD boxset cover which is just his face looking absurdly angry.
* Even when it became [[Darker and Edgier]], the ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' franchise has always had a humorous, whimsical tone, summed up nicely by DBZ's [[Crazy Awesome]] Japanese theme tune, "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtFMwF7CKGo&feature=related Cha-La Head Cha-La]". Its North American opening themes, on the other hand, have ranged from "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAshPnOKzSg Rock The Dragon]" to… [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O27PUI1veBg well, this]. Later English-language releases have either kept or translated the Japanese themes.
** When CNX ([[Cartoon Network]] UK's short-lived attempt at attracting the 15-35 male demographic) got the rights to show the original ''[[Dragon Ball]]'', the [[The Ocean Group|Canadian-dubbed]] episodes they acquired featured [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVrVTinOsBw a cheerful kid-focused opening theme]. Fearing ridicule from their target audience, a new opening with more action-packed scenes from the show was thrown together, complete with [[Kung Foley]] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBkVLTHy_2c a remixed theme]. (Though the Canadian themes were accidentally shown on occasion.)
** The terrible French dub (And the many other dubs that translated from it) inverted this trope by giving ''Z'' a super-happy OP about Gohan. Saying it invokes [[Mood Whiplash]] would be falling short.
** In a variation, the European Spanish dub of ''Cha-La Head-Cha-La'' keeps the music but changes the comedy lyrics to standard "We'll beat up the villains" fare, which is more this trope.
* Nelvana's infamous [[Macekre]] English dub of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'', while not exactly "hardcore," considerably downplayed the [[Shojo]] cuteness of the original, essentially trying to change it into [[Shonen]] (even changing the show's name to just ''Cardcaptors'', presumably to downplay the fact that the main character is a girl, and cutting out the first seven episodes, which take place before Sakura's male rival Syaoran is introduced). The original opening theme was replaced with a more histrionic rock song, Sakura and her friends sounded more like teenagers than elementary schoolers, and perhaps most egregiously of all, Kero was given a [[Totally Radical]] dudebro voice and his characterization was changed to be more like a comedic foil sidekick akin to Mushu from ''[[Mulan]]''. As a result, the English dub had a completely different feel from the Japanese original, and anyone who's seen the latter would be able to spot the dub's attempts to turn the show into something quite different from what it was originally.
* The same thing was done for ''[[Vision of Escaflowne]]'' to make it more hardcore they removed THE ENTIRE FIRST EPISODE because it focused too much on romance leaving many American fans confused as to what was happening. The show was eventually cancelled while the Canadian dub which kept the first episode finished its entire run.
* Some of the dub voices in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]''. Most notably is Russia, who had a higher-pitched, cuter, somewhat happier voice in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5uWmMImOf0 Japanese] version, and a deeper, gruffer voice in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoeCZf9zc1A&feature=relmfu English dub]. It's left up to the watchers to determine whether this was done to better fit the [[Husky Russkie|stereotype]] or to defuse some of the [[Cute and Psycho|horror]].
* ''[[Madoka Magica]]'' was released as 6 two-episode boxsets in Japan, with [http://wiki.puella-magi.net/Madoka_Magica_Products#Blu-Ray_Discs different boxarts for each.] Three of the boxarts show characters looking happy and/or cute, two are relatively neutral, and one has a very dark and angsty mood to it. The U.S. release was 3 four-episode boxsets, and used three of the existing boxart pictures. [[Foregone Conclusion|To the surprise of no one]], they chose the two neutral ones (the first and last) and the angsty one (number four). {{spoiler|This may be somewhat justified given the nature of the series, but still...}}
=== [[Comic Books]] ===
* American edition of [[Graphic Novel]] ''[[Marzi]]'' looks like [https://web.archive.org/web/20120219101514/http://www.dccomics.com/vertigo/comics/?cm=20192 this], while the original looks like [https://web.archive.org/web/20121102144124/http://www.komiks.gildia.pl/komiksy/marzi/1,okladka this].
* This is more a case of Modern [[DC Comics]] Is Hardcore, but check out [https://web.archive.org/web/20190614052653/https://www.dccomics.com/ the cover] of a recent trade paperback they put out. Now [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Superboy_Vol_1_76 take] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Superman_Vol_1_138 a] [https://web.archive.org/web/20120922132410/http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Flash_Vol_1_127 look] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Detective_Comics_Vol_1_339 at] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Hawkman_Vol_1_16 some] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Wonder_Woman_Vol_1_170 of] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Strange_Adventures_Vol_1_201 the] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150623184606/http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Shazam_Vol_1_9 original] [http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Detective_Comics_Vol_1_482 covers...]
=== [[Literature]] ===
* The ''[[Redwall]]'' series has produced a lot of covers over the years, ranging from cartoonish to realistic, from gritty and abstract to epic and clear-drawn. Although every country's publications had their own different variations of all ends of the scale, there are some pretty standard levels for their home country (which may not least be due to the artists themselves):
** Original British covers are realistic and colourfully objective. [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070305185353/redwall/images/e/e2/UKsalahc.jpg Here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100822163904/redwall/images/1/1f/Marlfox.jpg here].
** American Covers are similarly colourful but almost constantly more epical playing this trope completely straight ([http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090107071359/redwall/images/d/d4/MTWHardcover.jpg here] and [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060211193954/redwall/images/d/d1/PearlsOfLutraFirebird.jpg here]). But their chapter illustrations are either rather cartoonish and abstract ([http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051015005927/redwall/images/c/c7/Mattimeo.jpg here]) or beautifully copper/plated ([http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080229101223/redwall/images/1/11/Samkim2.PNG here]).
** French covers are sometimes kept in pseudo-3d-rendering, both gritty and abstract (perhaps even downright disturbing). Just look at those rotoscopes of humans with animals' heads ([http://redwall.wikia.com/wiki/File:Mf-france-vol1.jpg here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081013043918/redwall/images/e/ea/FrenchSalamandastronVol4.gif here]).
** Russian Covers are rather realistic and incredibly detailed in both physique and attire. ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090518033604/redwall/images/3/33/Ruslp.jpg here] and ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080303014311/redwall/images/b/b0/Russianrthc.jpg here)]
** Israeli Covers are... interestingly cartoonish ([http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110319140234/redwall/images/f/f5/Hebrewredwall.jpg here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110319142123/redwall/images/c/c2/Redwisraelchar1.jpg here]).
** German covers stay usually on one level with the British ones ([http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060105082731/redwall/images/4/4f/Matti-german.jpg like here]), but have quite some... unnerving exceptions ([http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060106055125/redwall/images/f/f9/GermanMossflower2.jpg here] and [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080422054506/redwall/images/3/37/Redwallaudio1995.jpg here]). [[Uncanny Valley]] ahead.
* More like "Russian ''[[Warrior Cats|Warriors]]'' is Hardcore". Compare [https://web.archive.org/web/20110408185917/http://www.warriorswish.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=2&fullsize=1 this] to [https://web.archive.org/web/20110408185934/http://www.warriorswish.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=35&fullsize=1 this]. There's a lot more where that came from: The title translation is also subject to this having been translated as ''Raging Storm'' rather then ''Rising Storm''. Also, the French title for ''Fire and Ice'' roughly means ''In Fire and In Blood''.
** Inverted with the Japanese covers. The Japanese [http://i25.tinypic.com/v75dls.jpg cover] for ''The Darkest Hour'', which is probably the most carnage-tastic book in the series, is of [[Covers Always Lie|two fluffy kitties smiling]].
* To ensure that it sells with the mainstream crowd, Yen Press [[Executive Meddling|was told by distributors]] that (the first volume) American ''[[Spice and Wolf]]'' is [[Contemptible Cover|Trashy]] and Realistic. It didn't go well, so the original art was used from the second volume onwards.
* The [[Tortall Universe|Protector of the Small]] quartet has [https://web.archive.org/web/20130508121416/http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/The_Protector_of_the_Small_covers different covers] in the US and the UK. American [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080615175435/tamorapierce/images/thumb/7/79/Squire.jpg/102px-Squire.jpg Squire] has Keladry of Mindelan holding a baby griffin and looking at the viewer with a faint smile; [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100109210651/tamorapierce/images/thumb/2/22/Squire_uk_paperback.jpg/123px-Squire_uk_paperback.jpg in the UK] she's looking at it and smiling more broadly. US [http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/File:Lady_Knight.jpg Lady Knight] has her staring at us with a hostile expression; in the UK she [http://tamorapierce.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ladyknightuk.jpg looks to the side] and seems more hopeful. Notably, although three books out of the trilogy have different artwork, they all feature the same subject, just interpreted differently.
* Peter Grant is way macho in the [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_f50VvY-dR9k/TTFXfCPOleI/AAAAAAAAAU0/8SuxsbjJmo0/s1600/9780345524256.jpg US cover] of [[Midnight Riot]]/[[Rivers of London]] compared to the restrained 'arty' look of the [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f50VvY-dR9k/TSl06w6CaTI/AAAAAAAAAUc/7STCe6nzULE/s1600/riverscover_.jpg British cover]. Also note that Peter Grant, who in the books is described as a slender mixed race young man who by his own admission looks more North African, has metamorphosed into a [[Scary Black Man]]. And as a [[British Coppers|British Copper]], he'd better have signed for that gun.
=== [[Music]] ===
* The original cover art for Japanese [[Doom Metal]] band Boris' album ''Smile'' is [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1f/Borissmile.jpg cute]. The American release's cover is [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/Boris-smileus.jpg edgy].
* An inversion occurred when [[Within Temptation]]'s album ''The Unforgiving'' made it to Japan...and the gothed-up [[Sharon Den Adel]] cover was replaced by one with a busty, [[Moe]] [[Meganekko]] schoolgirl waggling her finger at the buyer.
=== [[Web Original]] ===
* Most paintings by the infamous Handre de Jager from ''[[Something Awful]]'' mercilessly parody this trope. The artist himself stated that his initial inspiration was the aforementioned original American boxart for ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]''. Handre's works can be found throughout the Internet. Be warned, they're disgusting and scary.
* While not an actual example of this trope, honorable mention must be given to [[There Will Be Brawl]], for portraying Kirby as scary.
=== [[Western Animation]] ===
* Inverted for ''[[Transformers Animated]]'''s debut in Japan. In order to turn it into a prequel to the [[Transformers (film)|live-action movies]] ([[Lying Creator|or so we thought]]), among other things, a new logo looking almost exactly like the film logos was comissioned, [http://www.tv-aichi.co.jp/TF-animated/ which practically clashes with the show's cartoony art style]. And to think that Japan once played this straight with ''[[Transformers]]'' by [[Gag Dub|gag dubbing]] the edgy ''[[Beast Wars]]''... (Though there might be a reason as to the shift in attitude --- see the ''Transformers'' films' entries on [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]]).
** Just to be clear, this is not the first time that Japan has made Americans very confused about the continuity choices the Japanese side makes.
Line 283 ⟶ 282:
* ''[[Oban Star Racers]]'' had a mixed french/japanese J-pop opening theme in France, Great Britain & Japan. The US got a generic rock song called "Never say Never" ([[I Thought It Meant|No, not]] [[Justin Bieber|that one]])
=== Other =Media ==
* [http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/07/13/real-touhou-art-terrible-to-behold/ These box arts] for ''[[Touhou]]'' merchandise are in the same parody league as Handre's art. ...we hope. NSFW link, by the way.
* Back in the '80s Japan got some special ''[[My Little Pony]]'' toys which were supposed to be even cuter than the normal ones, called [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GdfAoE9__g&feature=player_embedded Osharena Pony].
* The artists who design Polish [[Film Posters]] are famous for adding a bit of edginess, even if the original poster was already a bit edgy. Check out the poster for [[Alfred Hitchcock]]'s [[Vertigo]] as [http://www.vinmag.com/online/media/gbu0/prodlg/AP750-vertigo-hitchcock-cieslewicz-polish-movie-poster-1963.jpg as it appeared in Poland]{{Dead link}} compared to [http://www.cinemasterpieces.com/92010a/vertigonov10.jpg the original.]
[[Category:The Nineties]]
[[Category:Localization Tropes]]
[[Category:Videogame Culture]]
[[Category:American Kirby Is Hardcore]]
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