Scrappy Mechanic: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Lusternia]]'' has a few:
** The [[Sanity Meter]] gradually erodes when time is spent on [[Death World|The Astral Plane]] or inside [[Cosmic Horror|Muud]]. Initially just causing [[Reality Is Out to Lunch|amusingly nonsensical hallucinations]], it rapidly worsens into full blown insanity, represented by approximately 50% of your commands being cancelled out or replaced with others. This wouldn't be so bad if Astral and Muud weren't the two best places to [[Level Grinding|grind]] for high-levelled players outside of Aetherspace (which itself qualifies as a Scrappy Mechanic).
** The Envoy system is also not great. The idea is to have representatives from each [[Character Class System|class]] liaise with the administration to preserve [[Competitive Balance]]. But [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|most envoys]] are biased, and just try to [[Nerf|ruin]] other classes skills and buff their own into the stratosphere. The few envoys who actually ''do'' preserve balance are so rare they're actually given increased status by the administration ''just for doing their job''.
* ''[[Runescape]]'':
** The way people are paired up in the Fist of Guthix minigame. Level 10s playing against level 100s is an all too common sight.