Rule of Sean Connery (Sugar Wiki): Difference between revisions

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A subtrope of the "[[Rule of Cool]]".
{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Sean Connery]]:}}<br />A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Sean Connery<br />B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Sean Connery = 100<br />C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor<br />If Sean Connery is in the movie then C = BA = 100A, otherwise A=C.
{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Keanu Reeves]]:}}<br />A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Keanu Reeves<br />B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Keanu Reeves = -5<br />C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor<br />If Keanu Reeves is in the movie then C = BA = -5A, otherwise A=C.
{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Nicolas Cage]] aka The Great Variable:}}<br />A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Nicolas Cage<br />B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Nicolas Cage = + /-5<br />C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor<br />If Nicolas Cage is in the movie then C = BA = + /-5A, otherwise A=C
{{examples|page=the Rule of Sean Connery}}
== Connery Factors (YMMV, but only 1% of the time) ==
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** He got the part in ''The Petrified Forest'' because he'd played the role on Broadway, and was so good that leading man Leslie Howard wouldn't make the movie unless they cast Bogie. He of course nailed it so well that he immediately became the go-to guy to play tough villains in Hollywood until ''[[The Maltese Falcon]]'' bailed him out of his [[Typecasting]].
** Bogart wasn't named the Greatest Movie star of all time by the AFI for nothing. Even when he played supporting roles he elevated mostly forgettable films into must see viewing.
* '''[[Sean Bean]]''', ladies and gentlemen. He can make even a [[Michael Bay]] movie good by his mere presence. To truly get an idea of his greatness, see [ this article].
** Hey, Bay did one truly good movie, ''[[The Rock]]'' - though as mentioned above, it stars the trope namer, and is a good example of Nic Cage contributing positively.
* '''[[David Bowie]]''', even if it's just for [[One-Scene Wonder|one scene]].
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** Also that he continued soldiering on through the Hammer ''Dracula'' films as they got worse and worse solely because of how many crew jobs the studio reminded him would be lost if they stopped making the films says something for this man's character. Not to mention that he tries his hardest to make each one of them worthwhile.
* '''[[Bill Murray]]'''
* '''[[Samuel L. Jackson]]''' is synonymous with awesomeness. [[Old Shame|Except in]] ''[[Coming to America]]'' and ''[[Jungle Fever]]''.
* '''[[Ian McKellen]]'''
* '''[[Jack Nicholson]]''': Even when he's essentially [[Adam Westing|playing himself]], he makes everything better.
* '''[[Laurence Olivier]]''': considered to be one of the greatest actors of all time. Despite all the professional success and having the official knightbaron title of Sir LaurenceLord Olivier, [[Humble Hero|he always insisted on being called "Larry"]]
* '''[[Ron Perlman]]'''
* '''[[Denzel Washington]]'''
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* '''[[Maureen O'Hara]]''' Her synergy with [[John Wayne]] is noted above.
* '''[[Leonard Nimoy]]'''. Even ''[[Civilization]] IV'' improves from his presence!
* '''Vincent D'Onofrio'''. This Troper dares you to name just one bad performance he ever gave in any movie. [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Just. One.]]
* '''[[Michael Shannon]]''', who is right up there with [[Christopher Walken]] and [[Orson Welles]] with his ability to [[One-Scene Wonder|steal a movie simply by showing up]].
* '''[[Nathan Fillion]]'''
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* '''[[Keith David]]'''. And his voice even more.
* '''Bill Nighy'''. The best part of many a bad film.
* '''[[EllenElliot Page]]'''. Not a lot of people liked ''[[X-Men: The Last Stand]]'', but they did like Kitty Pryde taking down the Juggernaut.
* '''[[Pierce Brosnan]]''', widely considered the definitive [[James Bond]] after the trope namer. Even if the Bond movies he did after ''[[GoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' weren't that well written, Brosnan in the very least made them watchable, if not more so. And then there's [[Remington Steele|his]] [[The Thomas Crown Affair|other]] [[The Tailor Of Panama|work]].
* Voice actor '''[[Bastion|Logan Cunningham]]'''.
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* '''[[Joe Pesci]]''' - Friend [[George Carlin]] claimed that he prayed to Joe because he looked like a man that 'could get things done'. If that doesn't say anything about how convincing he is, nothing will.
* '''[[Jason Statham]]'''
* '''[[ZeljkoŽeljko Ivanek]]''' - Falls under [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]!, but usually steals the show.
* '''[[Mark Hamill]]'''
* '''[[Jackie Earle Haley]]''' in everything he's made since his 2006 comeback.
* '''[[Jeffrey Combs]]'''
* '''[[Jeremy Irons]]''': Even in the godawful ''[[Dungeons & Dragons (film)||Dungeons and Dragons]]'', he was the one redeeming factor.
* '''[[Peter Weller]]''': The man was [[The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension|cool]] before it was [[RoboCop|cool]]. He worked with some rough material; some more [[Fringe|easier to get away with]], some [[Star Trek: Enterprise|harder]]. [[Your Mileage May Vary]], of course.
* '''[[Orson Welles]]''': [[The Third Man|Enough]] [[A Man for All Seasons|said]].
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* '''[[Keanu Reeves]]''' in pretty much anything not called ''[[Speed]]'', ''[[Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure]]'', ''[[The Matrix]]'' or ''[[A Scanner Darkly]]''.
** He actually does a pretty good job in ''[[Constantine]]'', as long as you're not familiar with [[Hellblazer|the comics]] (but inaccuracies to the comic are not the man's fault, take that up with the writers).
** People are rather divided on whether his involvement in a Hollywood ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'' will help or harm it, though it's somewhat hard to tell the difference between hate for Reeves and standard hate for an American movie adaption of an anime. This became academic when the project stayed in [[Development Hell]] for long enough for [[John Cho]] to get the role instead.
** ''[[Point Break]], [[Bram Stoker's Dracula|Bram Stokers Dracula]], [[The Devil's Advocate]]''...
*** ''[[Parenthood (film)|Parenthood]]'' was a good film.
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* '''[[Michael Cera]]''': As this trope applies only to film, ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'' will be disregarded here (as will ''[[Scott Pilgrim vs. the World]]'' for the time being).
** What about ''[[Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist]]''?
** And ''[[Juno]]''! Surely his effect is trumped by [[EllenElliot Page]]?
** What, no love for ''[[Superbad]]''?
** ''[[Year One]]'' is the only true stinker. The man has one trick, but he does it well. At worst B = 0.9
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[[The Stinger|... and let's not forget he]] he who [[Trivially Obvious|who works in any work he's in]], namely]] [[Chuck Norris]].
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