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[[File:Theworstpictureever.jpg|alt=|frame|Just once, we'd like to see you become an hero]]
{{quote|You are a retarded cunt who will most likely end up in hell.|Go die of the coronavirus}}
| Go die of the coronavirus}}
Retarded cunts like you refers to the association between reptiles and villainy. This trope manifests itself in several basic ways. The simplest is to have reptiles that are consistently villainous. In [[Animal Tropes|animal stories]], villains might be anthropomorphic versions of [[Real Life]] reptiles, while the heroes are cute PRAY TO MAMMON AND BAAL, CUNT!

Revision as of 00:22, 5 June 2020

Just once, we'd like to see you become an hero
You are a retarded cunt who will most likely end up in hell.
—Go die of the coronavirus

Retarded cunts like you refers to the association between reptiles and villainy. This trope manifests itself in several basic ways. The simplest is to have reptiles that are consistently villainous. In animal stories, villains might be anthropomorphic versions of Real Life reptiles, while the heroes are cute PRAY TO MAMMON AND BAAL, CUNT!

  • Fuck off bitch.

The Cimmerian recoiled, remembering tales he had heard -- serpents were sacred to Set, god of Stygia, who men said was himself a serpent. Monsters such as this were kept in the temples of Set, and when they hungered, were allowed to crawl forth into the streets to take what prey they wished. Their ghastly feasts were considered a sacrifice to the scaly god.

  • Dark Heavens: "Some of my best friends are snakes."
  • This trope is discussed at some length in the Star Trek: Typhon Pact novel Seize the Fire. The book also plays with it when the reptilian Gorn show similar revulsion to mammals.

"Mammals. Why did it have to be mammals?"

  • Subverted, invoked, and reconstructed in Dreamsnake: Someone's violent phobia of snakes is what kicks off the Frontier Doctor heroine's troubles. And while she views her cobra and rattlesnake (which serve as her medical kit) as both pets and essential tools, not even she can find anything likable about the dangerous, ill-tempered, and downright ugly sand vipers.
  • Subverted in Andre Norton's Operation Time Search, when a young man from 20th Century America is flung back in time to the war between Atlantis and Mu, and is surprised, though he doesn't say it aloud, to find that his Murian hosts revere snakes. A nine-headed serpent motif is often used in jewelry—and the Emperor's crown.
  • Goblins in Artemis Fowl are a reptilian species of fairy. They're presented as extremely stupid and almost unversally prone to a criminal disposition. They are also the only fairy race with the ability to conjure fire.
  • In The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Quetzalcoatl is one of the more evil-aligned Elders (seriously, people need to stop making the nicest Aztec god evil just because he's the only one they've heard of) and a Komodo-dragon-like monster called a Nidhogg is summoned and nearly eats Scathach in the first book. Also, everyone's magical aura has a different smell, and one of the villains' auras smells like a snake.
  • In Gene Stratton Porter's Freckles, the Friend to All Living Things Freckles makes an exception for snakes. Killing one was an important part of Face Your Fears for him, and the summer where they retreat to the swamp is nasty.

Live-Action TV

  • Star Trek
    • Star Trek: Enterprise introduces the Xindi, a set of related (somehow) species who each have evolved from a different species and yet are all at least vaguely humanoid. There's the (dolphin-like) Aquatics, human-like Primates, human-like (if hairier) Arborials, ant-like and scary-looking Insectoids, lizard-like and also scary-looking Reptilians, and the extinct and presumably birdlike Avians. You win no prizes for guessing which two species remained villains.
    • Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had the Cardassians, a very unpleasant race with distinctly reptilian features. The same can be said of the Hirogens in Star Trek: Voyager.
    • Chakotay has a speech about this in "Scorpion." Wary of Janeway's plan to forge an alliance with the Borg, he tells her a version of the first story listed in the Myth and Legend section, attributing it as ancient legend of his tribe.
    • Apart from a bare handful of Cardassians who thought My Species Doth Protest Too Much, the only exceptions were some background characters in the movies, revealing that The Federation does have turtle-people and lizard-people amongst its citizens; they just don't do anything. Maybe they need more sunlight?
  • V: The Sirians embody this trope, but more to the point, the show-makers rely on it working on the audience. When they first appear, they are disguised as humans, and the fact that they are actually reptiles hidden behind Latex Perfection is treated as a revelation just as horrifying as their attempt to enslave all of humanity.
  • Sesame Street intentionally avoids the trope, featuring friendly introductions to "scary" animals to assure the kids that they're not mean. There's a song about a friendly snake named Sammy. There is also one about an Alligator king and his seven sons; both song and alligators are pleasant.
  • Farscape:
  • Stargate SG-1:
    • Subverted with the Unas. When first introduced, the lizard-like Unas are unquestionably evil. This is, of course, because the only ones encountered are possessed by the Exclusively Evil Goa'uld (who, of course, are referred to as "snakes" by several characters, though they're closer to eels). Later, the team finds un-possessed Unas, who are initially somewhat primitive and feral, but later show capacity for honor and other virtues.
    • However, there was also the first Big Bad, Apophis, whose Jaffa wore snake-themed armour, and he himself wore golden snake armour.
  • In the CSI: Miami episode "Identity," a sunbathing woman is killed and swallowed (but for some reason not digested) by a boa constrictor. Once again, this is more a case of Humans are Bastards, as the snake had been illegally imported and died soon thereafter.
  • The Sleestak were the worst sentient villains in Land of the Lost. And the other villains? Well, they subverted Everything's Better with Dinosaurs by being carnivores who chased the cast... except for Dopey.
  • The main Big Bads of Space Cases were the Spung, an Exclusively Evil (except for Elmira) race of bipedal reptiles.
  • Kamen Rider Ryuki has Kamen Rider Ohja, which means King of Snakes. And Oh how evil he is.
  • A brief scene in the Davy Crockett mini-series featured Davy up against a few alligators.
  • On the Animal Planet channel:
    • Blatantly invoked in a recent series, Fatal Attractions, during an episode about an animal hoarder who owned several Nile monitors and allowed them free reign of his apartment. The man died in his apartment and his body was discovered in a heavily decomposed state, with his pet lizards having fed upon the body. The show seemed to go out of its way to demonise the reptiles themselves (as well as the people who own them, painting them as egomaniacs who form no emotional bonds with their pets), with no shortage of re-enactments featuring close-up shots of plotting, shifty-eyed lizards filmed in a sinister monochrome. The show also hypothesised that the monitors deliberatedly envenomated their owner and waited around for him to die like Komodo Dragons, a hunting strategy which Komodo Dragons themselves are no longer believed to use, let alone Nile Monitors. It also perpetuated the myth that reptiles spread salmonella.[1] The show also neglected to mention the far more likely possibility that the man simply died and was scavenged upon by his starving pets.
    • A season two episode about pet crocodiles seems to have a very black-and-white issue on the subject. Crocodiles are depicted as either mindless cold-blooded killers or as intelligent beloved pets. There is, sadly, no middle ground stating that crocodiles are intelligent predators that should NEVER be kept as pets because of how dangerous they are, but that we shouldn't go about mindlessly killing them just because they're predators.
    • Man-Eating Super Snake, a recent Animal Planet documentary, indulges in blatant fearmongering based on the possibility that the feral Burmese Pythons and African Rock Pythons in the Everglades will breed and produce hybrids with the size of the former and the purported aggression of the latter. Not only is this premise utterly sensationalistic and like something out of a Syfy channel original movie, but Burmese and Rock Pythons have already been hybridized in captivity; "Burmrocks", as they are known, are no larger or more aggressive than their Burmese or African parents. In fact, they're actually quite docile, a trait they inherit from their Burmese parents, exactly the opposite of Animal Planet's "Man-Eating Super Snake".
  • In the episode of The Muppet Show starring James Coco, Kermit's nephew Robin was too afraid of snakes to go to bed. Kermit tried to show him the better side of snakes by having him envision beautful dancing snakes. It works for Robin but the appearance of the snakes unnerves poor Kermit. Snakes are major predators of frogs...
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Mayor's Evil Plan involved him turning into a gigantic snakey demon. Several other demons, such as the baby-eating Lurconis of "Band Candy", also had a snake-like appearance.
  • Triple subverted in the Bad Feng Shui episode of The Haunting Hour the Series which discusses this trope, and how it doesn't apply with Chinese folklore. However it ends up with a snakelike villain anyway. Until it's revealed he's more of a misguided Literal Genie, who thinks he's helping the protagonist.


  • An issue of New Scientist with a cover story about "Gaia's Evil Twin". The cover picture showed Gaia surrounded by "good nature"; green shoots, flowers, butterflies and doves, and Evil Gaia surrounded by "bad nature"; black roots, flies, carrion birds and of course, snakes. This did not reflect the actual story in any way.


  • The death metal band Nile get a lot of mileage out of this one, from serpents to crocodiles to the deliciously Lovecraftian "prehuman serpent volk" to TURNING INTO A SNAKE.
  • There's a Playground Song based upon a Shel Silverstein poem called "I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor", which exploits the fear of a snake being able to eat a person.

Oh, heck! He's up to my neck!
Oh, dread! He's up to my *GULP*

  • "Ah don't like spiduhs an' snakes..."
  • The Church's unfair but rocking "Reptile" makes use of explicit Biblical symbolism.

And I should have believed Eve.
She said we had to blow.
She was the apple of my eye.
It wasn't long ago.

  • Never smile at a crocodile. Never tip your hat and stop to talk a while...
  • From The Downward Spiral we get the song "Reptile," which goes:

She splits herself wide open, to let the insects in
She leaves a trail of honey, to show me where she's been
She's got the blood of reptiles, just underneath her skin
Seeds of a thousand others, drip down from within

  • Many heavy metal bands ranging from Alice Cooper to Soundgarden to Symphony X use snakes as symbols of fear, and this translates to heavier music.
  • Paula Abdul: HE'S A COLD HEARTED SNAKE! Look into his eyes, he's been tellin' lies.
  • Something Wicked saga by Iced Earth has "Setians" fighting Ancient Astronauts. After which they chose long and pointlessly overcomplicated Revenge Before Reason and messed with those mammals from behind the curtain until The End of the World as We Know It.

Myth, Legend, and Religion

  • There's an old story (attributed to Aesop sometimes) about a woman (or a farmer) who finds a venomous snake shivering outside in the snow. It begs her to let it in so it does not freeze to death. She refuses, on the grounds that the snake will bite her and she'll die. The snake continues to plead, assuring her he will do no such thing, asking how he could possibly hurt the one who saved his life. So the kind hearted woman brings the snake in, and cuddles it to her breast by the fire. When the snake thaws out, it bites her anyway. As she lies dying, she asks the snake why he broke his word. The snake replies that it's just his nature; "Lady, you knew I was a snake when you let me in!"
    • This story survives even into the Old American South, starring kind-hearted Br'er Possum in place of the woman and Br'er Snake as himself. "You knowed I was a snake when you put me in yer pocket" . . .
    • It was a popular song in 1968, sung by the great Al Wilson.
  • In Norse Mythology the mighty Midgard Serpent, Jormugandr, is the mortal enemy of Thor and spawn of Loki. There's also Nidhoggr, the serpent who munches on Yggdrassil The World Tree's roots.
  • In Sumerian myth, the world is made from the body of the primordial dragon-goddess Tiamat after she is killed by her much more human-like divine children. Also, the Trickster serpent steals the secret of eternal life from Gilgamesh.
  • Most mythology surrounding Dragons in most Western and Middle-Eastern cultures uses this trope; in fact, the medieval Western dragon or wyrm, a poison-spewing, slimy, fire-breathing, and/or virgin-munching abomination that spreads death and destruction wherever it goes and must be killed by a brave hero or outwitted by a clever, pure-hearted maiden, might well be the ultimate incarnation of this trope. Though their depiction has evolved over time, most early Western and Middle-Eastern dragons are basically just giant snakes, with or without embellisments like wings and horns.
  • Islamic tradition has it that getting up to slay a snake is one of very few permissible reasons to interrupt one's prayers. It's even attributed heroic value; those who have slain snakes may earn entry into Paradise. The large number of venomous snakes in the Middle-East is an obvious source for the sentiment.
  • Satan, the greatest evil in Christianity, appears to Eve in the form of a snake. He is also often called an "old snake" or a "dragon." A dragon mentioned in the Book of Revelations is most likely meant to be him.

New Media

  • The Weebls Stuff flash animation, Badger Badger Badger has its single moment of terror surrounding the snake, who does seem pretty harmless, really.

ARGH! Ack! It's a snake! A snake! Oh, no! It's a snake!

Newspaper Comics

  • The Crocs in Pearls Before Swine; their usual (and futile) goal is to eat Zebra while speaking in ludicrous accents and displaying eye-popping stupidity. The youngest one seems to be the least dedicated.

Professional Wrestling

  • Jake "The Snake" Roberts, whether in the WWF, WCW, or anywhere else, was generally portrayed as just as sleazy, slimy, and duplicitous as the reptiles he handled. He also loved to use his snakes to intimidate and/or humiliate his foes, and cleared the ring in at least one battle royal by letting loose an 8-foot boa constrictor and watching everybody scramble over the top rope trying to get away from it. (We'd love to know what the snake was thinking.)
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin also went by "The Rattlesnake," although it was because of his violent and unpredictable nature rather than because he was truly evil.
  • Then there's the Viper himself, Randy Orton.

Puppet Shows

Tabletop Games

  • The Yu-Gi-Oh! card game has several sets of Reptile-type monsters that either affirm or subvert this; the Venoms (evil corrupting snakes with Naga-like "gods"), Aliens (patterned off of the reptilian humanoid and Roswell Gray alien theories, but no official word on their allegiance), the Gagagigos (flip-flopped between evil and good, but now officially evil), and the Worms (Light-Attribute, but horrendously ugly, and the enemies of the Dark-Attribute Ally of Justice monsters.
  • In Magic: The Gathering snakes were originally depicted as nasty creatures with cards like Serpent Warrior, but more recently the Orochi were powerful and noble Proud Warrior Race Guys, if a bit hostile. However, Orochi are surely the least snake-like "snake men" ever illustrated: they have hair, breasts, four arms, two legs, and no tails, and their faces are mostly humanoid. Dragons have been in every alignment (including a genius dragon mad wizard scientist), but skew towards evil or violently, destructively instinct-driven. Reptiles may be simply animals, but aside from some Orochi there aren't many heroic reptiles, nor are many in White, the most community-driven, justice-oriented, or stereotypically "heroic" color.
  • One of the fictional series in Cartoon Action Hour, "Warriors of the Cosmos," has a evil snake-human in the form Serpentina, but of course, that tabletop kisses the mouth of 1980s cartoons very hard.
  • The Champions superhero RPG had the ubiquitous VIPER criminal organization as well as reptile-themed villains. One was King Cobra (formerly Dr. Timothy Blank), a Mad Scientist who discovered the Coil Gene, which mutates humans into super-powered reptilian creatures. He was his own first subject, of course. His goal is to turn every human in the world into reptiles... totally loyal to him, naturally. He's been a master villain in Champions for at least the last three editions of the game, probably longer.
  • In the Ani-Earth Animal Superheroes setting for Mutants and Masterminds, it is specifically stated that reptiles tend to be villains, with snakes as evil masterminds, lizards as mid-level bad guys and crocodilians as dumb mooks. Freedom City's Big Bad, Overshadow, becomes Cobrashadow.
  • In the Vampire: The Requiem sourcebook "Mythologies", one of the possibilities for the first vampire? The son (or daughter) of Eve, the First Woman... and The Serpent of Eden. The book includes several snake-based powers to apply to vampires to further imply that this might be true, including making snakes into default forms for the Protean discipline, it being easier to Ghoul snakes, and making vampires immune to snake venom (ordinarily, snake venoms—like most haemotoxins—work just fine on vampires).
  • Dungeons & Dragons mostly do without this - Lizardmen are crude savages, but not particularly malicious, Nagas are spread over the whole alignment scale and have religion built around Balance Between Good and Evil, and there are no more mostly-evil reptile species than mostly-good.
    • ...and then there are Yuan-ti. Who manage to fill this niche all on their own, though with several different breeds that range from bloated abominations to human-like infiltrators.


  • The Zyglak in Bionicle. There's also the Skakdi—a group of them (the Piraka) were collectively the Big Bad of the 2006 Story Arc, and one of their leaders (Nektann) briefly became The Dragon to overall series Big Bad Teridax during the 2010 arc. It is not uncommon for villains to get turned into snakes.
  • In the Beast Wars toys played the trope straight, usually. Dinosaurs, reptiles and arthropods where villainous Predacons. Interestingly fish, manta rays, sharks, and squid were Maximals. The main non-evil dinosaur was Dinobot, who abandoned the Predacons because he considered their leader incompetent, and ended up with the Maximals. He remained an only half-trusted anti-hero for much of the show, but got a Heroic Sacrifice towards the end.

Video Games

  • Mortal Kombat: Let's hear it for Reptile! He's so abhorrent, he doesn't even need an actual name. However, he's actually a subversion as he's a severe case of Type II Anti Villain; his whole goal was to prevent his race from becoming extinct, but his masters constantly screw over his goal. Doesn't help that Reptile's attitude is more or less a mentally deteriorating Yes-Man. Aside of him, there's also Khameleon, whose goal is to pull Reptile out of that service and repopulate the race together.
  • Donkey Kong:
    • The Donkey Kong Country has the apes saving their bananas from a gang of bullying crocodiles. Mind, the apes are also helped by a lot of other animals, including a friendly snake, so only the crocs really get this treatment.
    • In Donkey Kong 64, K. Lumsy is a Kremling (croc-like creature) that is locked up because he won't be mean and crush the "lovely little island, with lots of monkeys running around on it". He even (inadvertently) helps you move forward in the game.
  • Despite the villains, the Hierarchy, being The Greys, Universe At War still manages to pull this. What skin is exposed on the mostly-armored Grunts is visibly scaly if you get a good look at it, and the Brutes are something between The Greys and some sort of humanoid predatory reptile.
  • Metroid series:
  • Subverted in Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura; the lizard people in the game, the Bedokkan, are introduced as a barbaric, primitive people who have captured an elf; the most obvious solution is to kill them all. However, with a bit of negotiation, you find that the Bedokkan are a peaceful-ish tribe of indigenous people with a threatened homeland, albeit one that is made up of 9-foot tall magic lizards.
  • Star FOX 64, along with (ab)using several other Animal Stereotypes, plays this trope straight. One of the members of the evil rival group, Star Wolf, is a chameleon called "Leon". Not only that, but the boss characters for Corneria's secret path and Area 6 look reptilian in their avatars. (According to the manual, the lizards are the native species of Venom and were enslaved by the evil Andross and his simian scientists.)
  • In Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, the main Mooks are frilled lizards. In the second game, however, a frilled lizard is the cook for Bush Rescue, and responds to Ty's surprise at seeing him with "Not all lizards are bad, you know!"
  • From the Soul Calibur games:
    • Lizardman, who was once a Spartan warrior named Aeon Calcos, but was later taken in by the Fygul Cestemus cult (who also created the Golem Astaroth) and turned into a reptile.
    • While Aeon reclaims his human memories, he makes efforts to not be seen during travels and only attacks those that may hold clues to Soul Edge (or if its related to Hephaestus, which triggers his primal rage). However, the corruption slowly eats away at his mind, erasing all human memories and leaving only a primal instinct and bloodlust, regressing to his Brainwashed and Crazy persona seen in the first Calibur. The Mook variety (all humans as well) seems to suffer the same ordeal, though they were never freed from the brainwashing to begin with. By the time of 4, they all are back to their murderous rampages.
  • X-COM: UFO Defense has the Snakemen aliens, who are best known for the Chrysallids that accompany them.
  • Warcraft and World of Warcraft generally uses snakes as evil creatures, though sometimes they are treated neutrally:
    • The Druids of the Fang in the Wailing Caverns dungeon. They are a group of formerly beneficent druids corrupted by the Nightmare which is a manifestation of the will of the Old Gods within the Emerald Dream. Their totem animal, which all of them could transform into during combat, was a Viper. This was in addition to their hench-animals Deviate Vipers, Deviate Raptors, Deviate Alligators, etc. Oh, and their leaders' names were Lord Pythas, Lord Serpentis, Lord Cobrahn, and Lady Anacondra. The expanded universe paints them in a slightly better light but none of this is seen in-game.
    • Throughout the game, players also encounter winged snakes called wind serpents. These serpents are almost always hostile to the player.
    • The most obviously evil wind serpent is the father of them all, Hakkar the Soulflayer. Hakkar is either an offspring of or manifestation of the will of the Old Gods and corrupted the entire jungle troll nation and damn near destroyed it completely. His hobbies included eating the souls and drinking the blood of those captured by his troll followers or, baring that, his followers themselves.
    • The Naga are a powerful race of former elves transformed into snake-things by an Old God. Guess how friendly they are? Warcraft generally tries to show everyone except demons as being fairly morally neutral depending on what their leaders choose to do, but Naga get very few instances where they aren't being total jerks for the hell of it.
    • There're even more nasty snakes in the expanded universe.
    • The snake loa was never given the opportunity to do anything bad given what we see. The wind serpent loa is a rather nasty fellow, but not completely unjustified. He/she decides to spend his/her eternity as a now-incorporeal being torturing and murdering those who betrayed him over and over for shiggles. Then again, it does help you out, and they do sort of deserve it.
    • Trolls of all subraces in World of Warcraft are frequently shown to have deep connections to reptiles—subverting this trope, since trolls are no more inherently evil than other player-character races. Their racial mount is a small dinosaur, snakes are a common motif of troll architecture, and a troll vendor sells a variety of snake vanity pets. In Warcraft III, the troll Shadow Hunter hero unit summoned Serpent Wards. Trolls and tauren hold snakes to be somewhat sacred. For example, Arikara, the tauren avatar of vengeance, probably would have gone on to kill Magratha for being a complete backstabbing jerkass (the implication is she lies to you when she tells you who its target is).
  • Played mostly straight in the Crash Bandicoot series. While the human scientists were the scheming and callous baddies (invoking the Humans Are the Real Monsters trope, as well), the mutated minions were the ones just doing the direct dirty work and nothing more... Komodo Joe (a Komodo Dragon) and Dingodile did nasty things too:
    • Komodo Joe was said to run an illegal Cubic Zirconia fraud business, and the concepts released by the Crash Twinsanity developers showed that he would cheat Crash and Cortex out of Power Crystals while they ended up driving around a course in a car with no brakes.
    • In the same game, Dingodile ends up hearing about the alleged treasure of the Evil Twins from Crash and Cortex, secretly follows them, makes base in the boiler rooms of the Academy of Evil, and ends up blasting Cortex out of said rooms when Cortex won't reveal where the treasure is to him (which is more a case of Cortex not understanding what he's asking for, anyway). He does appear in the handheld versions as a lackey of Cortex in Crash of the Titans, but it does seem that Cortex trusts him a lot less.
  • The World Ends With You gives us Anguis and Draco Cantus, Megumi Kitaniji's Noise forms—a giant snake and a five-headed dragon, respectively. Fitting, considering his Jerkass nature. (And, incidentally, his fondness for snakeskin suits.)
  • Neverwinter Nights
    • Played straight in the original Neverwinter Nights, in which the Big Bad turns out to be the queen of a race of lizardmen hiding in a glorified magical bomb shelter.
    • In Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir, the Samarachans despise the yuan-ti, a race of snake-like beings. On several occasions, you end up having to fight yuan-ti. Subverted when you go to hunt down a yuan-ti and they turn out to be quite benevolent. You can create a yuan-ti for your party, and choose to make them not-evil.
  • In Jeanne D'Arc, the good guys are all mammalian (lions and dogs) while the bad guys are mostly reptilian.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Bangaa examples:
      • The Bangaa in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are pretty cool guys, and have some incredibly Badass job abilities. However, the NPC Bangaa in the game are almost all soldiers and jailers in the employ of the evil government.
      • In Final Fantasy XII Vaan's adoptive father figure Migelo is a Bangaa. But, then you have Ba'gam'nan's all-Bangaa hit-squad after you. Tellingly they are common enemies while the cuter tribes Viera, Moogle, and Nu mou are not.
      • Bangaas are the race best integrated within the humes, hence why they're so common in the game. Contrast with the Seeqs who also appear as enemies and are treated like second-rate citizens.
    • Final Fantasy XI has a few different reptile and amphibian enemies, and none are on any peaceful terms (Half the time because people did something stupid):
      • The Lamiae are snake-women hybrids that routinely slay people and then raise the corpses to make an undead army.
      • The Mamool Ja are lizardmen who had once paid tribute to The Empire of Aht Urhgan, but have since tried to destroy it.
      • Poroggos are frogs that were able to walk due to magic, and actually were nice to the Tarutaru, thinking they were on good terms with the main races... too bad Windurst got scared of talking, magic-casting frogs and tried to kill them all. Now the Poroggos go around and hit adventurers with party-wiping magic.
      • Quadav are turtle beastmen who actually had a nice life and weren't very nasty. This, of course, all went to hell when Bastok started taking and destroying the Quadav's homes so that the Republic could get more resources. Now the Quadav attack pretty much anyone they see, defending their homes with extreme prejudice.
  • Any time Orochi shows up, and whatever form he takes, he's bound to be trouble. He seems to be attracted to Crisis Crossovers, as well. That's not to say that's all he shows up in...
  • Far more often than not, when they're not player-controlled, the Sakkra are usually quite ready to attack others, in the Master of Orion series. Not helped any by their tendency to have the "Repulsive" racial trait, which severely limits communication and gives a negative modifier to diplomatic relations. Basically, you can't live with them, and if you slacked off on building a big fleet you can't kill them.
  • In Contra Rebirth your enemies this time are the Neo Salamander Army trying to take over the Earth in the past and wipe out the Contra forces retroactively, but it's also subverted with Plissken, one of the unlockable allies in your game who's a blue Salamander and is also Colonel Salamander, the leader of the entire army who changed his evil ways and joined Contra to do good, or for revenge.
  • Terumi Yuuki, from BlazBlue: His drive is called "Ouroboros" and for the most part, is a set of snake-like chains that are thrown around to drastically increase his mobility which is also capable of inducing Mind Rape. His finishing move involves summoning a giant snake to consume the opponent.
  • City of Villains:
    • This game features an enemy group called the Snakes, based in Mercy Island. Unlike most enemy groups (which are at least humanoid), the Snakes are literally anthropomorphic snakes who worship a deity called Stheno and wish to reclaim Mercy Island for themselves. Arachnos ends up using them as a test for new Destined Ones to see if they really have what it takes to be a supervillain. They tend to view these Snakes more as pests than anything else...
    • ...Until you get to Operative Grillo's story arc in Grandville. You know those low level Snakes you stomped on as a newbie? Snakes not only have a racial name (The S'lisur,) they're also descended from an Incarnate, which makes every single S'lisur partially an Incarnate. As in "Physical Embodiment of a God" incarnate. And that Incarnate is still alive. And she's PISSED that you've been killing her kids.
    • Stheno is named after one of Medusa's unpleasant sisters in Greek Mythology.
  • Played back and forth in the EverQuest series. In the original, the reptilian Iksar are evil, but the amphibian Frogloks can be either good or evil. In Everquest II, the evil Frogloks have disappeared as a player character race, so they're now pure good, and the previously NPC Sarnak have become a PC Evil race... but the game also allows you to change from your starting alignment, so there are both good and evil Frogloks, Sarnak, and Iksar.
  • Age of Wonders has the Lizard Men and the Draconians. Both are portrayed as savage and believing in survival of the fittest, but their morality is neutral rather than evil.
  • While the Gorn in Star Trek doesn't play this Trope straight, the ones in Star Trek Online sure do, though it probably doesn't help that they've been conquered by the Klingons.
  • An interesting example is the iguana owned by acrobat/assassin/thief Eve in the little known Arcade fighting game The Outfoxies. He doesn't really do much that's abhorrent (or much at all other than serve as comic relief) and is in fact something of a Morality Pet for his owner, who is a thief and assassin willing to do anything to fund her lavish lifestyle, which makes him sort of abhorrent by proximity, unfortunately. He's absolutely adorable in her ending, though.
  • Bug!! has a stage named "Reptilia". A Shifting Sand Land filled with snakes (which were cannon fodder) and horned lizards (which were completely damn invincible). The boss: a giant horned lizard that would try to club Bug with its Epic Flail of a tongue. Thankfully, it was stupid enough to cause boulders to roll into two conveniently-placed catapults on its arena.
  • The krait in Guild Wars 2. They've got fans hating their guts from the previews. The fact that they nearly genocided the Actual Pacifist quaggan[2] is just the start.
  • Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. Subverted halfway through the game, however, since he's really one of the good guys.
  • The Jazz Jackrabbit series all feature rabbits as the heroes and turtles and lizards as the villains.
  • The Reptids in The Last Story serve as The Usual Adversaries.


  • In Terinu. The Galapados are gene-gineered reptile warriors designed to match humans for sheer agression.
  • WTF Comics is based on EverQuest, so most of the reptilian Iksars are hostile. Straha Ironscale, one of the protagonists, is a rare exception.
  • In one arc of The Wotch, Anne and Robin turn into a snake and dragon respectively through changing the dimension they're in.
  • Eerie Cuties has twin lizard boy bullies. And a nice girl Brooke Lynn who as a Melusine is sometimes considered scary by other students. She uses this intentionally on said bullies, but is mostly shy about it.
  • Played straight in Goblins by Takn, a sadistic kobold.
  • Played with in Prophecy of the Circle: since the main story is told from the perspective of the (mammalian) tikedi race, their rival race of tekk is generally pictured as menacing, murderous beasts. But the tekk are as sapient as the tikedi, and the tikedi themselves are regularly organizing hunts for tekk. Furthermore, some of the chapters follow tekk characters showing them in a more sympathetic light.

Web Original

  • The horror story We don't make good wives explains why one should never Mode Lock a shapeshifting snake woman, no matter how much of a Cute Monster Girl you think she is.
  • The Global Guardians PBEM Universe has not one, not two, not three, but four serpent-themed villain groups: the Serpent Society, the Viper Squad, the Venom Brotherhood, and finally the Cthonians, an ancient race of Snake People who predate humanity and want to bring back the rule of the Old Ones.
  • Both Tropes wikis refer to a certain type of villain as a Smug Snake.
  • In a Heroes webisode, one of the villains is a humanoid snake called the Constrictor.
  • In RWBY there is the King Taijitu, a monstrous two-headed duotone snake fought by Lie Ren in the Emerald Forest, said to lack (like all creatures of Grimm) even the rudimentary soul a "natural" animal possesses.

Western Animation

  • Extremely evident in The Get Along Gang. Some episodes had a turtle (of course) joining the Gang. The Cartoon Over-Analizations blog described him as "the Furry equivalent of a Token Minority".
  • G.I. Joe's Big Bad enemy is a terrorist organization called Cobra.
  • Bucky O Hare and The Toad Wars concerns an interplanetary war between the Toads and various mammalian species (of course). In one episode, a guy named Al Negator tries to get a job on Bucky's ship. As he's a shifty-looking reptile, the crew is generally suspicious. But Captain Bucky O'Hare hires him on anyway, making a big point of mentioning how he trusted the gunner Deadeye Duck, despite him being a pirate with somewhat questionable morals (and of course a duck). So it looks like a "beauty is on the inside" or "different doesn't mean bad" kind of Aesop... until Al betrays them, steals classified info, and sabotages the ship! So is the message "if they look evil, they are evil"?
  • The Swan Princess had evil alligators, and a heroic turtle.
  • Franchise/Transformers:
  • On Swat Kats, Dr. Viper is an Evilutionary Biologist villain and part snake. Of course, everyone on that show is an anthropomorphic cat, and he's part plant too; he's then, what, a quarter-human, quarter-cat, quarter-snake, quarter-plant?
  • Usually played straight in Class of the Titans, except for the God of Harmony, who is a giant pink snake.
  • Played straight in the Tale Spin two-parter episode For Whom the Bell Klangs: the reptile Klang is trying to find a legendary superweapon and Take Over the World. To make him even more abhorrent, he is revealed to be, not a crocodile/alligator as he appears, but a giant snake. Shocking, considering that the rest of the population of the world are bipedal, anthropomorphic animals.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
    • Anthro alligator Leatherhead is a villain in the first cartoon; all other versions of the canon play him much more sympathetically, but he does tend to have a nasty temper control problem that can make him a threat even to his friends.
    • And obviously, TMNT makes exceptions for certain "cute" reptiles, given the nature of its titular characters. Reptilian anthros are mostly good guys. The cartoon is a bit shakier about this as noted above. Then again, Leatherhead the alligator may be more a case of Carnivores Are Mean; not to get too graphic but a turtle's shell doesn't work so well against those jaws...
    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003): Two fused villains use a time scepter to transport the turtles in separate time periods for revenge. Leonardo is dropped in Miyamoto Usagi's universe and is attacked by two animal riders because of this trope. Leonardo himself invokes this trope when battling the ruthless Daimyo, Lord Hebi, a giant snake: "It's guys like you that give us honorable reptiles a bad name!"
  • Baron Silas Greenback, Arch Enemy of Danger Mouse, is a toad with a penchant for Greed.
  • Tuff Puppy has Francisco the crocodile, a member of DOOM, and The Chameleon.
  • As Spike the baby dragon succumbs to greed in My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, his reptilian traits become more and more exaggerated and his cute aspects recede. And then he turns into a purple Godzilla.
  1. Reptiles are no more specifically prone to carrying salmonella than any other animal, and 95% of all reptile-related salmonella infections come from green iguanas and red-eared sliders, (both of which are species unsuited for but commonly kept by novices, and often in unsanitary housing conditions.)
  2. Almost, as they discovered that the reason quaggan survived so long is that they have a universal Super-Powered Evil Side