Pathways into Darkness: Difference between revisions

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* ~Everybody's Dead Dave~: See how much you miss when your chute fails?
* [[First-Person Shooter]]: The first from Bungie.
* [[Ghostapo]]: The player finds numerous skeletal corpses of a Nazi expiditionexpedition to the pyramid back during [[World War Two]] in order to recover the Dreaming God for use as a weapon, or other valuable and/or supernatural artifacts as a consolation prize. They provide an important source of exposition, as well the most frequent source of arms and ammunition.
* [[God's Hands Are Tied]]: The Dreaming God is in a sleeping state ([[All There in the Manual|referedreferred to in the manual]] as being the closest state to death such beings are capable of.) However, it is soon to wake…
** In a less literal sense, the sole purpose of your mission is to buy time for a race of friendly aliens to reach Earth and [[Sealed Evil in a Can|put the Dreaming God firmly back in the can]].
* [[Guide Dang It]]: The teleporter maze, among other things.
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* [[Locked in a Freezer]]: On the level "I'd Rather Be Surfing", A corpse posing as [[Schmuck Bait]] in a room with an open door and a closed door. When you enter the room, the open door closes behind you, normally not a problem, except the closed door in front does not open. The game console emits "Uh oh.". The corpse casually informs you that he was in the room until he suffocated and that the doors did not open until afterwards, and mentions that a group entered many years ago and one of them walked through the other door. {{spoiler|Don the red cloak, which speeds the passage of time by slowing your metabolism. Sleeping further speeds up the game. Making more ammo during this time is optional since it will be obsolete soon.}}
* [[Multiple Endings]]: [[Numerological Motif|Seven]] of them.
* [[Nazis With Gnarly Weapons]]: Most of the weapons and ammunition that the player ends up using for a large part of the game is recovered from the corpses of German soldiers sent to the pryamidpyramid during [[World War Two]]. The weapons are in surprisingly functional condition considering they have been [[Ragnarok Proofing|lying in the tunnels for decades]].
* [[Night Vision Goggles]]: Useful for {{spoiler|finding invisible monsters and avoiding nasty rodents that are attracted to your flashlight}}.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: And unlike Bungie's later games, this one does not have difficulty levels.