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[[File:772689-166_drgoblin_cov_super_4078.jpg|frame|[[Complete Monster|NOT the good guy]].]]
{{quote|"''But you, [[Spider-Man|Parker]]... How does it feel to once again, let a friend down? You seem to have quite a history of failing your friends and loved ones. [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die|Dear, sweet Gwendolyn]], your deceased girlfriend who died so young. Your beloved aunt May, who asked for so little of you and received exactly that until she was taken from you. My son, Harry. You claimed to be his friend, his confidant, and when he needed you most, you failed him as you do everyone else who gets close to you."''|'''''Peter Parker Spider-Man #95'''''}}
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=== Norman Osborn is the [[Trope Namer]] for: ===
* [[Sadistic Choice]]
* [[Abusive Parent|Abusive Father]]: Had one, and was one to Harry.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]: Reason he became what he became.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: One of them for Spidey. Though, since his return in the 90's, he has eclipsed the other two.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Apparently he was a big fan of comic books as a child.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: As the Green Goblin. As Norman, he's far more lucid, though still evil.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
* [[Bad Boss]]: To the [[Thunderbolts]] and the Dark Avengers.
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Mac Gargan once described one of Norman's hideouts as a "cornucopia of plans and counter-plans."
* [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check]]: Frequently [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]], though also inverted. The Hobgoblin only turned to crime becase he wasn't as smart as Norman, and thought Osborn had to be insane to use his amazing tech in the same way when he could easily make a fortune out of it. That said, Osborn is already a successful corporate millionare and his superbrain has only made him more money and power (ironically enough, he ended up buying out the Hobgoblin's own company when the latter tried to blackmail him). Nonetheless, he is still too messed up to use his mind to its fullest potential.
* [[Death Seeker]]: [ In one storyline] (in which he [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapes]] Spider-Man in an attempt [[Suicide by Cop|to get Spidey to kill him.]])
* [[Depending on the Writer]]: [[Mark Millar]]'s version of the character is noticeably smarter -- bordering on [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]] -- compared to most other takes on the character.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Probably two thirds of his plots are convoluted and incredibly nasty revenge schemes, usually involving a lot of [[Revenge by Proxy]] ever since he knocked Gwen Stacy off that bridge. But the real qualifier is his beef with Spider-Man in the first place- he originally wanted to kill him to get street cred in the criminal underworld; after two or three failed attempts at that, he ''then'' wanted to kill Spider-Man for [[Insane Troll Logic|foiling his previous attempts at killing Spider-Man]].
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* [[Evil Mentor]]: Once tried to be this to Peter. Nearly succeeded.
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: Oddly inverted in his pre-''Spectacular'' cartoon appearances, where the Goblin had a high, screeching voice and laugh. (In fact, a later Goblin, Phil Urich, weaponized the laugh.)
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: He was ''not'' happy to learn that Roderick Kingsley had stolen his equipment and used it to become the Hobgoblin, and even considered coming out of retirement to deal with him. The two did indeed come to blows later after the Clone Saga. Which led to:
** [[Eviler Than Thou]]: Norman proved ''far'' eviler than Kingsley, robbing him blind of almost everything he had. While the actual fight between them was a draw, Kingsley fled, and was last seen at some tropical island nation with no extradition treaties, noting he was lucky Osborn didn't get to his Swiss bank account. [[Retired Monster| He hasn't shown his face since.]]
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: Green Goblin's motivation in ''all'' situations; and Norman Osborn's motivation in many.
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* [[Tautological Templar]]: Is willing to murder his own son for ratings...all for the Greater Good, of course. If he hadn't spent the last 50 odd years being a [[Mad Bomber]] and [[Diabolical Mastermind]] who shamelessly gloated about his selfish quest for money and power, and had an obsessive and homicidal grudge against a [[Spider-Man|well known superhero]] that extended to [[And Your Little Dog, Too|everyone who shook the hero's hand]] because said hero didn't let Osborn ''murder'' him years ago so Osborn could get enough street cred to become the dominant crime lord of New York City...[[Sarcasm Mode|you'd almost be inclined to believe him.]]
* [[Throw Down the Bomblet]]: His signature pumpkin bombs.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]/[[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: He is several magnitudes more dangerous, calculating and sadistic than he was in his early appearances since he came [[Back From the Dead]]. The main reason for this is that though ''Osborn'' survived being [[Hoist by His Own Petard]] back in the 1970's, [[Split Personality|The Goblin]] seems to have been largely suppressed. The result though was that Norman retained his memories as the Goblin for once and evolved into a much more rational psychopath who was able to take advantage of his considerable strength, intelligence and resources, and since he decided that [[Evil Tastes Good]] he now frequently [[Kick the Dog|Kicks The Dog]] [[For the Evulz]].
** He apparently did this ''again'' while forming the New Dark Avengers, to the point of stopping Luke Cage's punch with a single raised hand and then throwing him out to sea.
* [[Ubermensch]]: [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Got shades of this]] in [[The Movie]]. Also admired Hitler in one of the comics.
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