Nice to the Waiter: Difference between revisions

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** Tywin Lannister has a few [[Pet the Dog]] moments with Arya Stark and treats her with a surprising amount of respect, though he does warn her to "be careful" when she steps over the line.
** Daenerys Targaryen treats her servants with a great deal of respect.
* Spectacularly inverted in the [[Horatio Hornblower (TV series)]] episode ''The Wrong War.'' A French Royalist officer press-gangs a schoolmarm into waiting tables for him and then makes comments about how absolutely contemptible her lack of noble birth makes her, assuming the guests will consider it part of the entertainment. The British officers are [[Officer and a Gentleman|obviously disgusted]]: Hornblower, blurts out his indignation, while the more mission-sensitive Edrington contents himself with saying he is glad he is born noble, or in other words that he is glad he doesn't have to endure such things.