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[[File:ywymyn_9054.jpg|link=Static (Comic Book)|rightframe|It's the one group Static can ''never'' defeat: the Insufferable Y-Wymyn!]]
...not spelled like that.
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* ''[[The Thrawn Trilogy]]'' from the ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'' gives us the evil clones [[Evil Mentor|Joruus C'baoth]] and [[Evil Knockoff|Luuke Skywalker]] (cloned from Jedi Master [[Outbound Flight|Jorus C'baoth]] and Luke Skywalker, respectively). Although the spelling of these names is not called into question (because the characters never had to spell them), the "telltale mispronunciation" was mentioned as a sign that these were indeed clones. Of course, since this is [[Timothy Zahn]] we're talking about, there's a pun involved too: It's not just a mispronunciation; since both clones characters have the letter U in their names, the clone is ''Another U''. (One wonders what C'baoth would've named the clone of Mara Jade he intended to create. "Maura"? "Maara"?)
** At least it wasn't [[Hand of Thrawn|Entoo Nee]] or Ebanne Q3 Baobab, who got mistaken for droids all the time. Even though they didn't actually look a thing like droids.
** No other clones, not even the "Devist family" and {{spoiler|Tierce}} from the [[Hand of Thrawn]] duology, written by the same author, distort their names like that. Maybe it's a Joruus thing, or maybe because these new ones were desperate to keep anyone from [[Cloning Blues|knowing that they were clones]], and the Devists were all furiously working to avert [[Which Me?]] by being as individual as was practical.
** The same author uses this trope as a way to slip in very normal (at least pronounciation-wise), Earth-sounding names such as Jacen, Jorj, Billey, and Odonnl.
* ''[[Winnie the Pooh]]'' has this a lot. [[Know-Nothing Know-It-All|Owl]] and Eeyore believe that the former's name is spelled "Wol", Tigger spells his name "T - I - Double Guh - err".
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* Season 12 of ''[[The Amazing Race]]'' featured a team of two [[Goth|Goths]] by the names of Kynt and Vyxsin. Season 15 had the couple of Meghan & Cheyne (pronunced "Shane"). Season 16 had Caite (pronounced "Katie", not "Kate").
* [[Stephen Colbert]] of ''[[The Colbert Report]]'' has been known to accuse [[The Daily Show|Jon Stewart]] of this, adding an H to make it "John" because "that is how you are supposed to spell that." (Of course, it's short for "Jonathan" and so is perfectly valid.)
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''
** In "Bad Wolf," the character Lynda clarifies that her name is spelled with a Y, not an I. Subsequently, the Doctor calls her "Lynda with a Y."
** Later in the two-parter "Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks", a showgirl named Tallulah explains that her name is spelled "with three l's and an h". When she later asks the Doctor if he can save her fiance's life, the Doctor answers, "Oh, Tallulah with three L's and an H--just you watch me!"
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* The first word in metal band [[Machinae Supremacy]]'s name is apparently pronounced like "machine".
* Halestorm's lead singer is Elizabeth "Lzzy" Hale.
* There is a group called "!!!" (it's pronounced "[http://en.[ consonant|chk chk chk]]").
* The band Sunn O))) pronounces their name "Sunn".
* In one of his radio shows, [[PDQ Bach|Professor Peter Schickele]] mentions a friend who spells his name Hen3ry. "The three is silent."
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