My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Headscratchers/Season 2: Difference between revisions

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This is where the [[Headscratchers]] for Season 2 go, and you can find the other seasons from [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Headscratchers|this index]].
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*** I saw that too, at least with everyone but Fluttershy. He attacks Applejack with an uncomfortable "truth", he attacks Pinkie Pie by turning laughter into a negative, he hits Rarity with something she really adores to turn her into a selfish jerk, and he divides Rainbow Dash's loyalty to her town and to her friends. But with Fluttershy, he tries again and again (and fails) to get her to be unkind to her friends (talk about them behind their backs) but she NEVER DOES. And then he just hypnotizes her into being cruel. What gives? I feel like it was either an [[Ass Pull]] or a [[Deus Ex Machina]]. If the writers had gotten her to admit, even once, that her friends might not be perfect little angels, then I could see him abusing that chink in her armor... I dunno, I just feel it wasn't handled as well as it could have been.
**** I think the fact that Discord couldn't harm Fluttershy in that subtle way and had to be forced to rewire her directly is a testament to her strengths as a character and why most people love her as one; think about it. Twilight wasn't attacked, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were corrupted quick by the double-edged sword they both have of taking things quickly and at face-value. Pinkie Pie resisted it because she's Pinkie and likes at least the humor that Discord brings, and Rarity resisted Discord's corruption at first because she was staying true to her element and the task at hand. Fluttershy? She was outright immune to his subtle magics and social advances. He had to ''STOP PLAYING'' in order to corrupt her. Its probably why they Fluttercruel needed to be tied down in order to be uncorrupted; she was too strong in the ways in both Kindness and Cruelty.
**** That's because you've got it wrong. Discord's manipulation works by zapping ponies in the head with magic. He does the "getting them to expose a moment of weakness" thing because it's ''fun''.
****** I have another view on that: Discord hopes for a more complete corruption instead of a quick but incomplete corruption. That's why Discord wants to gets them to expose a moment of weakness before he uses magic to zap. But, it doesn't work well on Fluttershy, and so Discord gets impatient.
****** It may also be that exposing a pony's weakness simply makes it ''easier'' for the corruption spell to operate effectively. Keep in mind that while Discord is just a few shades shy of a [[Physical God]], he still got out of a thousand-year imprisonment just several hours prior; it's not unlikely, therefore, that some of his powers might have atrophied in the meantime. Using a brunt-force attack as he did on Fluttershy against the ''entire'' Mane Six might've been beyond his comfortable power limit at the time.
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*** [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|And what do Spike and Pinkie Pie have in common?]] They are the only two characters ''confirmed'' to be aware of the dull coloring. Twilight makes no mention of it, despite being aware that ''something'' weird is happening to her friends; and of course, she fails to consider that maybe the guy called [[Meaningful Name|Discord]] has something to do with it.
*** Hay, even ''Discord himself fails to notice that the tell-tale sign of his influence is gone.'' Clearly, the fact that Spike and Pinkie Pie notice the color change at all is the exception, not the rule.
** Remember, though, that Discord is an embodiment of ''chaos''. It would not be out of character for him to deviate from his strategy when it suits him. Given his extensive knowledge of each of the characters' many exploitable weaknesses, he probably chose his mode of attack (possibly based on the quickest, easiest, or simply whichever way he enjoyed most) for each character as an individual.
*** Two of the ponies have been corrupted by turning their elements into something to be shunned in their mind (Applejack and Pinkie Pie). Rarity has been corrupted by using her weakness (pretty things). Rainbow Dash got hit with an impossible choice. Fluttershy got brainwashed by force, and Twilight was completely severed from her element (magic/friendship) by turning her friends into enemies. So yeah, there doesn't really seem to be a definite pattern to Discord's madness. [[Fridge Brilliance]], maybe?
** Discord did prey on one of Pinkie Pie's weaknesses -- her insecurity. People don't acknowledge it enough, but it was hinted at in "Green Isn't Your Color" with her outright paranoia about secret-keeping and the potential to lose friends over it, and took center stage in "Party of One." For all her cheerfulness and unashamed weirdness, Pinkie Pie is actually terribly insecure about herself. She's afraid her friends will leave her, afraid people are laughing at her, afraid they're just humoring her and really think she's an annoyance. This is also why Gilda's bullying got to her so badly.
* How is there room for that giant hedge maze near Canterlot? As far as we see, it's just one giant castle attached to the side of a mountain.
Line 53:
** This troper was under the impression that a [[Big Bad]] is going to be pulling the strings and unleashing ancient evils over the course of the season. Tirek possibly? It would also be a good way to introduce a new character for one of the ancient evils to have simply mellowed out during their imprisonment.
**** I think that's [[Word of God]] right there. Something corrupted Luna and weakened Discord's prison. I can't remember the details.
*** If the [[Big Bad]] turns out to be those witches from that movie and TV series (the one with the smooze, remember?) I think I'll roll on the floor laughing.
**** I hope they bring their ship that [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|looks remarkably like boobs]] with them.
**** The WMG making a STARTLINGLY good case that the [[Bigger Bad]] who's been running around weakening Discord's prison, corrupting characters and unleashing chaos on Ponyville is none other than Cheerilee.
*** It's not clear if Celestia personally is responsible for imprisoning all of them, but there's apparently enough that there's an entire realm (Tartaros -- they distinctly pronounce it with the Greek "os", not the Latin "us") dedicated to holding them, and they can potentially get out any time Cerberus decides to wander off.
Line 70:
** Remember the way Applejack talks, though. The deeper you go into the South, the more likely you are to run into double/triple/quadruple negatives. Twilight would probably have just ended up with a splitting headache if she'd tried this on her.
*** Um, gross generalizations about the South aside, Applejack doesn't actually use a lot of double negatives, as far as I can recall. Her grammar may not always be perfect, but it's not so bad that you can't understand what she's trying to say, or that she doesn't understand what others are trying to say. Twilight might get a headache from trying to penetrate her constant lies, but grammar shouldn't be an issue.
** The question is, why ''would'' Twilight do this? As far as Twilight knew, Applejack didn't have any vital information anyway, and there was no indication that tricking Applejack into saying one thing that was true would have broken Discord's spell. Playing word games with her wouldn't accomplish anything.
* Did anyone else think that when Twilight Sparkle got corrupted, that she would become a techhead instead? After all, the obvious offense against Magic is...but my real Headscratcher comes from the lesson of this story; Friendship is hard, but if you work at it you will persevere. This is all well and good, but the problem rears its head when we look at the circumstances that their friendship is threatened. It was totally from an outside force for which they had no control over their actions and weren't acting in their frame of mind. If they had been led into those corruptions from a sense of need to lie or be cruel or be greedy or grumpy in their own personalities, then one could argue that it was their personality and they could be held responsible, but not in this case.
** Twilight was corrupted because she gave up. That's why fighting for their friendship is the lesson. Twilight didn't try to fix them, she just pressed ahead on her own.
** Regarding the first part, science is not the opposite of magic in this world; indeed, the complex laboratory and equipment that Twilight possesses in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E15 Feeling Pinkie Keen|Feeling Pinkie Keen]] seems to indicate that the two are one and the same (or at least, that unicorn magic functions as [[Magic A Is Magic A|a scientific discipline]] [[Sufficiently Advanced Magic|with predictable and testable outcomes]]). And in any event, Twilight's Element of Harmony is not merely "Magic" as a generality but literally the [[Title Drop|Magic of Friendship]], the spark or "X-factor" that is needed to forge enduring friendships between compatible ponies. So it makes perfect sense that giving up on her friends would trigger her corruption, and that it would turn her into the essence of friendship's ''true'' opposites: despondency and solitude.
** Fair enough. Which leads me to wonder why her strength of enduring friendships would be something to attack. For the longest time, if we are being fair, she resisted. Also, being as smart as she is, you would think she would realize her friends were being manipulated...which goes back to the second question, really. They were being manipulated.
*** She definitely knew ''something'' was wrong, and that it was Discord's fault, but she pegged all her hopes on being able to befriend the crap out of him with the Element Cannon. When that failed, she just gave up until Celestia spammed her with her own letters. To more directly answer the opening 'scratcher, for all of Discord's [[Mind Rape]], he was taking a trait that already existed and turning it [[Up to Eleven|up to about fifteen]]. As one WMG on the Mane Characters page put it, each of them (except possibly Rainbow Dash) had already acted against their Element at least once - all Discord did was let that part out to play for more than a CMFIS (Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome, in case you aren't in the know)-induced breakdown (OK, Applejack's lies were mainly to keep a surprise party secret). Meaning that yes, they ''were'' lead into those corruptions from their own flaws, just aggravated by Discord.
*** That also assumes that the opposite was there to begin with. I would feel bad if the girls were brought low because of this apparent weakness. I will certainly agree with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and (sorry 'bout this, cutie) Fluttershy though I would call her more psychotic and desperate more than cruel. They certainly showed the opposite traits. Twilight hadn't before Season 2, and I don't think Pinkie did. She was paranoid and schizophrenic [[Played for Laughs]], but I'm not sure I'd call her grumpy, would you?
*** Perhaps not the grumpiness per se, but certainly the [[hair-trigger Temper]] and the obstinacy in assuming the worst in others' motivations were certainly established quite thoroughly by [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E25 Party of One|Party of One]]. The stimulus is different (i.e. she becomes obsessively paranoid that everyone is laughing at her and don't really consider her a friend), but the symptoms are similar.
*** And as for Twilight, she absolutely ''did'' demonstrate her "Discorded" traits in Season 1...way back in the pilot. Meeting the other members of the Mane Six allowed her to get past that mindset, but with them all having abandoned her, there was nothing left to keep her from reverting to the introverted loner with no time for or interest in making friends. The additional signs of depression can be attributed to the old aphorism "you never know what you've got until you lose it."
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*** Also, because we have yet to see Earth Ponies with any form of supernatural advantage that Pegasi or Unicorns have, it only makes sense for Discord to use that lack of current advantage to prove his point. What got to me in that episode was why Rainbow Dash wasn't freaking out because her wings were gone? A huge part of her character goals hinge directly on the fact that she is a Pegasus.
**** She did freak out and give a [[Girly Scream]]. She probably tried to pull herself together for the sake of her friends, but once she was alone and Discord offered her her wings back, she crumbled.
**** It would make sense indeed, but remember that Rainbow Dash's ''true'' freak outs over losing her wings (or even just one) have mainly occurred in fanfiction, and you may be letting that influence your opinion. It's even considered cliche, right up there with "Celestia turns, or ''turns out to be'', evil." Yes, fanfiction has no place in a canon discussion, but it's fair to point this out because [[Cupcakes (Fanfic)|Cupcakes]] did a similar thing to Pinkie Pie.
* Couldn't the girls have walked through the hedge walls? They're literally just tall bushes...
Line 109:
** This troper was under the impression that a [[Big Bad]] is going to be pulling the strings and unleashing ancient evils over the course of the season. Tirek possibly? It would also be a good way to introduce a new character for one of the ancient evils to have simply mellowed out during their imprisonment.
**** I think that's [[Word of God]] right there. Something corrupted Luna and weakened Discord's prison. I can't remember the details.
*** If the [[Big Bad]] turns out to be those witches from that movie and TV series (the one with the smooze, remember?) I think I'll roll on the floor laughing.
**** I hope they bring their ship that [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|looks remarkably like boobs]] with them.
**** The WMG making a STARTLINGLY good case that the [[Bigger Bad]] who's been running around weakening Discord's prison, corrupting characters and unleashing chaos on Ponyville is none other than Cheerilee.
*** It's not clear if Celestia personally is responsible for imprisoning all of them, but there's apparently enough that there's an entire realm (Tartaros -- they distinctly pronounce it with the Greek "os", not the Latin "us") dedicated to holding them, and they can potentially get out any time Cerberus decides to wander off.
Line 128:
** This troper was under the impression that a [[Big Bad]] is going to be pulling the strings and unleashing ancient evils over the course of the season. Tirek possibly? It would also be a good way to introduce a new character for one of the ancient evils to have simply mellowed out during their imprisonment.
**** I think that's [[Word of God]] right there. Something corrupted Luna and weakened Discord's prison. I can't remember the details.
*** If the [[Big Bad]] turns out to be those witches from that movie and TV series (the one with the smooze, remember?) I think I'll roll on the floor laughing.
**** I hope they bring their ship that [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|looks remarkably like boobs]] with them.
**** The WMG making a STARTLINGLY good case that the [[Bigger Bad]] who's been running around weakening Discord's prison, corrupting characters and unleashing chaos on Ponyville is none other than Cheerilee.
*** It's not clear if Celestia personally is responsible for imprisoning all of them, but there's apparently enough that there's an entire realm (Tartaros -- they distinctly pronounce it with the Greek "os", not the Latin "us") dedicated to holding them, and they can potentially get out any time Cerberus decides to wander off.
Line 158:
* Why weren't Twilight's parents at the ceremony at the end? They live in Canterlot, their daughter is basically getting the Medal of Honor for saving the world from the pony equivalent of the Devil. So where are they?
** We never do see them again outside of that flashback. It's entirely possible that they're dead. Or [[Vague Age|maybe]] (assuming they were in their 40s or 50s in the flashback) they've reached the pony equivalent of retirement age and moved to pony Florida and couldn't go since the ceremony was last-minute (or at least I thought it was...).
*** Besides, they could've been in the crowd.
Line 176:
** Rainbow Dash has a lot of flying moves that cause impressive physical and visual effects other than the Sonic Rainboom, such as the Buccaneer Blaze. It could be a new move she developed over the summer. It doesn't look much like a Sonic Rainboom, really.
* Even though it was in Twilight's imagination, why was there an Alicorn filly in Magic Kindegarten? No, seriously, go check in that scene. The yellow filly with purple hair closest to Twilight's right has wings and a horn.
** Not to sound redundant but... it's her imagination, really. If anything, it shows none of these are real.
** Also, it's an animation error.
*** Also? Possible Celestia's Dream Offspring?
Line 190:
*** The Spike super sizing and parent polymorphing was the result of a burst of raw magic.
**** Irrelevant. If she can do it unintentionally then it can be done purposefully. Magic is magic, and if she can do things like that, it only makes sense that she'd be to alter minds. There's no reason Celestia wouldn't teach it to her. Such a spell could have infinite practical uses.
**** Exactly, not to mention that by technical terms, this wasn't even a mind-altering spell. It was pure suggestion at the very least, and not a very powerful one if all it takse to remove it it initially is to remove it from sight. They were simply influenced into appreciating the item more. A very powerful Charm Person would be my understanding.
* Probably missing a joke here, but when Twilight saw Fluttershy apparently beating up a bear, why is her reaction 'she's finally grown a spine' rather than questioning why her meek and patient friend is choosing violence over her usual kind-but-firm approach. Moreover, why didn't she try to help if she thought Fluttershy was in a fight? Fluttershy is the [[Silk Hiding Steel]] type to be sure, but that kind of violence - from Twilight's perspective - is wildly OOC, and one wonders why Twilight wasn't more concerned for her friend. Unless Twilight would be if she were in her right mind, and brushing it off as a missed opportunity for a 'lesson' was down to her frustration at the time.
** While she hadn't gone completely off the deep end, Twilight had just pretty much announced her intent to take advantage of Fluttershy's meek nature ("Fluttershy ''always'' has some fear she's trying to get over, as a good friend I should be able to help her") which kinda implies the crazy had already started to take hold. Plus out of character or not, would you really want to confront a friend who'd just "killed" something several times her size and was probably still angry? I also imagine being hit by the debris from the Tactical Rain Nuke probably didn't help any. Maybe it wasn't madness, more severe concussion...
Line 198:
** you're probably right. and a lecture is probably punishment enough considering how much Twilight wants to please Celestia. but on the other hoof, just a lecture does seem like to light a consequence. and Celestia's dialog does suggest that she would have punished Twilight somehow if the others hadn't convinced her that they actually leaned something from the incident.
** Am I the only one who never thought Celestia was going to punish Twilight at all, and she was simply letting the others plead in their friend's defence so that ''they would learn and admit the lesson''? That sounds like something Celestia would do, rather than spoon-feed them with "Ssh, it's okay." Either that or she was just letting them sweat, in a subtle nod to [[Alternative Character Interpretation|Trollestia]].
** Think back to how Twlight's mild scolding of Spike was so devastating to him that he ran away from home. A lecture from Celestia would be at least as devastating to Twilight, if not even moreso. I agree that would be punishment enough.
** I'm just saying that wile there are valid reasons to think Celestia was always going to let Twilight off the hook, Twilight had never screwed up this bad before and the consequences may have been a bit more harsh if the rest of the Mane Six hadn't shown up. it also should be noted that Celestia usually makes a point that she is not going to punish anypony who thought it was coming. but this time she says she'll let it slide on the condition that they all write the friendship reports now. being tough on Twilight wouldn't automatically make her [[Alternate Character Interpretation|Tyrant Celestia]]. plus I saw a [[Fanfic]] that wile technically (soft) Rule 34,(a [[Spank the Cutie]] premise) shows a great deal of respect for the show and cannon characterizations and is a pretty heartwarming [[What If]] that wile unlikely, isn't beyond the realm of possibility in my mind.
*** Which fic is this? PM Aurabolt if you don't mind, and I can't really see Tyrant Celestia as a proper characterization considering that theirwhole society is based off the enduring values of the Elements of Harmony.
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*** She was going to decree that for her crimes, Twilight must atone by facing the Tomb of Horrors! The scene cuts to a table in a basement where Twilight is forced to play D&D with Snips, Snails, and Twist. Just to make sure she doesn't have any unintended fun, the Great and Powerful Trixie will be [[Killer Game Master|DMing]]. Twilight has a long night of re-rolling characters ahead of her.
*** She actually ''was'' going to send Twilight back to Magic Kindergarden in Canterlot. However, to Twilight's surprise, it quickly grows on her. She's getting three juice boxes a day, a comfy mat on the floor to nap on, and her classmates look on her in awe as the genius she always knew she was. Upon seeing that her punishment isn't working, Celestia will announce that Twilight is being exiled, to serve out the duration of her sentence in a small town in the middle of nowhere that was founded by escaped mental patients, and is also surrounded on all sides by dangerous, carnivorous monsters... The next day Pinky will throw her a "Welcome Back" party throughout which Twilight is noticeably quiet.
*** She was going to pull out all of Mrs. Smartypants's stuffing, fill her full of sliced bread, and say "There! Mrs. Smartypants isn't real!" Then she'd make Twilight write a three hundred page essay explaining what that proved, [[My Little Pony the Mentally Advanced Series|and Twilight WOULDN'T KNOW!]]
*** [[The Stand|"M-O-O-N. That spells criminal justice!"]]
*** She was going to inform Twilight that she wasn't going to be punished then, but in the afterlife; that she'd be held accountable for the days event's after she died. Celestia would then ask Twilight what day it was. Upon being told it was Tuesday, Celestia would say "Already? Oooh, doesn't leave you much time to repent." She'd then leave the room chuckling as Twilight enjoyed a fear induced BSOD.
*** She would ask Twilight if she [ likes bananas]....
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** Could easily be simply a tradition the ponies themselves started, at first starting as an actual appeasement. Later simply a tradition. Luna might have simply heard of it and went 'oh, I need to FIX this'.
** It's highly unlikely Celestia is the origin of Nightmare Night; Luna's original transformation into Nightmare Moon 1000 years ago was probably a big scary event, and after Celestia fixed the problem the ponies of the world probably continued to tell or dramatize the story. One millennium later and it's a festival.
*** Yeah, she probably didn't start the ceremony. But she also didn't forbid it or gave the townsfolk a lecture about the implications of the whole thing.
*** Because ponies feared and shunned the night, Celestia singled out one night to focus their fears and anguish, leaving them with peace the rest of the year. It also got them out of their homes on that night, so they would realize the night isn't that bad.
** They weren't quite saying that being scary was a good trait to have, but more like it was a good thing on that particular holiday, it being modeled after Halloween and everything. A good thing, too, since Luna's demeanor would have scared everyone on any ''other'' day. So it's good timing that she decided to show up on the day on which scares are ''expected'', increasing the chances that misunderstandings can be cleared up/she can play it off as part of the celebration, and the townsfolk can see her for who she is under the Traditional Royal Voice.
** There could also be the small chance that Nightmare Night was established long before Luna became Nightmare Moon and she took the title of Nightmare Moon to make the ponies more scared of her.
** Another theory: ''lesser of two evils''. On the one hoof, cannibal pony who can be appeased by offering candy. On the other hoof, [[Omnicidal Maniac]]. Pick one!
* Is everypony carrying the [[Idiot Ball]] in the first episode? No one knows who Nightmare Moon is, even though she is the pony boogyman and the is a HUGE STATUE OF HER NEARBY?!?!?!
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* Is Pinkie Pie just so far gone now she was blind to the trouble she was causing, or was she just selfishly ignoring it for her own amusement?
** Pinkie Pie likes to have fun and thought acting scared was fun. She might've assumed that the other scared ponies were playing along (the foals were, at least) and didn't realize how much trouble she caused.
*** The adults were also playing along, except Fluttershy, but she wasn't supposed to be there anyways. Zecora was herself also scaring foals until they were screaming with the story that she made up, Applejeck stopped pretending to be afraid when Twilight asked her, and the Mayor was playing along with Zecora, even at the end.
*** The adults were most certainly afraid, not merely playing. They wouldn't have destroyed half their celebration in their frantic attempts to get away if they thought it was all a game.
** Neither. She was always away whenever Luna did stuff, only showing up at the end of a scene to scream and run off again. Think about it. Luna first showed up at the tail end of Zecora's little show. Pinkie probably thought that Luna was getting into the spirit of the holiday. After all, she made an amazing entrance and had an evil chariot and everything. She was ''playing along'' with Luna, or so she thought. She wasn't around for any of Twilight's lecture-sessions with the princess, not until Twilight jumped her.
Line 250:
** Maybe the princesses work on similar principles to the gods on [[Discworld]]. Luna was trapped on the moon for 1000 years, so people stopped believing in her, making her smaller. Now she's back, belief has made her stronger again. She might end up as large as Celestia yet!
** The darker part might have to do with Luna Eclipse taking place at night.
** [[Word of Dante]] is that she's built up her magic reserves after being brought down close-to-normal by the Elements of Harmony.
** Being the princess of the night, it might be that she's big, loud and powerful at night and small, timid and weak during the day. Celestia seems normal at night, but maybe it took time for her to reach that point.
** Or maybe her powers - along with her appearance - are tied to the moon phases, changing in parallel.
Line 261:
** Whenever we see Celestia, she's busy. (Royal duties, scolding an irresponsible student, etc.) Maybe she hasn't had time to teach Luna etiquette. Or, [[Wild Mass Guessing]], Luna insisted that she catch up on everything by herself.
** Think about this, if she ''had'' just told her about it, then she'd just be going through the motions. She'd have been ''told'' how to behave, not ''learned''. And even more important, she'd not have bonded with her subjects in the process. Celestia is the older and more intelligent sister, but she's also a [[Trickster Mentor]], just telling someone how to act isn't her style if learning themselves will work a lot better.
*** There's a difference between telling someone how to behave and explaining that "oh, this is the way everyone speaks now." The explanation is that Celestia, whether troll or [[Trickster Mentor]], has a policy of never explaining anything.
** Rainbow's wearing a Shadowbolt costume. Which means that the idea's fresh in her mind… from when she met them in episode 2. Assuming the Summer Sun Celebration is around 21 June, and Nightmare Night is 31 October… that's barely over 4 months to get caught up on one thousand years of culture and changes.
** Would Celestia [[The Fog of Ages|even remember]] how they behaved a thousand years ago, and did she even know Luna would act that way in public? The only other time we see her she acts completely differently. Either it was [[Characterization Marches On]], or she simply doesn't act that hammy around her sister.
Line 276:
** This lends some credence to the theory that Nightmare Moon was a completely separate entity that was possessing Luna.
*** I'm not sure this counts as a "theory", given that Lauren Faust said something to this effect -- that although her jealousy and resentment provided the opening for something to do so, the transformation was due to some outside force.
**** except that Faust never communicated any such thing.
** I can only conclude that Nightmare Moon was awake, aware and using magic to keep track what happening on the planet all those thousand years...but Luna's real personality didn't experience that passage of time because she wasn't conscious. So all she remembers is the initial quarrel with Celestia but she only knows that Twilight and co cured her because Celestia told her so.
** Another possibility: ''Nightmare Moon'' really couldn't have cared less, but when ''Luna'' paid Ponyville her first major return visit she wanted to make the best impression she could and so took pains to be on her very best royal behavior -- formal speech as she remembered it from happier times and all. That is, she doesn't ''actually'' still talk like that all the time (she doesn't seem to when we see her again at the end of the season in "A Canterlot Wedding", though she doesn't have many lines there either), but she dusted off her old lessons on proper princessly protocol specifically for this occasion.
Line 286:
* The demon-winged pegasi that brought Luna in, is that a costume? Or are there demon-winged pegasi?
** There are no solid facts since we never got to see how Luna's return affected the palace, therefore we can only guess their origins. Makes you wonder where such a pony would find employment while Luna was exiled, but there again, we didn't see much of Equestria and beyond, so they may just be a foreign race. That or Luna simply cast an illusion/shapeshift spell on regular royal guards.
** They ''could'' be demon-winged pegasi. They don't have to be a separate race or sub-breed; pegasus ponies like Dash and the Wonderbolts sometimes leave a unique contrail, maybe there are variant wing patterns. Bat wings might just be a very rare variant, or maybe just rare in the regions we've been shown, though actually the norm in the area where Luna recruits her servants (Pranceylvania, of course).
* Rainbow Dash dressed as a Shadowbolt, a pony that only appeared in an illusion created by Nightmare Moon. Is there an acutal group called the Shadowbolts that are rivals to the Wonderbolts? How did anyone understand Rainbow's costume?
Line 298:
* Why did Apple Bloom keep saying "just for one day" threateningly, if she was in on the trick and knew Applejack was never going to run the race with Sweetie Belle at all?
** Sure, she was in on it -- but ''Sweetie'' wasn't. And after Sweetie had raved about wanting Applejack as '''her''' [[Cool Big Sis]], she was probably more than a little worried she'd take the 'lending' too seriously.
** Apple Bloom kept insisting on the "one day" thing in order to keep up the illusion that [[Apple Jack]] would be racing with Sweetie.
* Maybe it's just me, but the portrayal of Applejack's and Apple Bloom's relationship in this episode didn't seem to fit with how they related to each other back in "Call of the Cutie". In that episode, Applejack seemed [[Adults Are Useless|much more distant and out of touch with Apple Bloom's life]], whereas Apple Bloom saw Applejack as a faraway idol who she wanted to grow up to be like (which is much like Sweetie Belle and Rarity in this episode). In other words, the two seemed much, much closer here than they did in "Call of the Cutie".
** Well, it's not like Applejack could just give Apple Bloom her Cutie Mark. That might be why she seemed more distant. Or maybe they ''were'' distant and have simply gotten closer since "Call of the Cutie".
Line 315:
*** Given that the only candidates we see for "the ponies in charge" are Big Macintosh and Granny Smith…
* Do they seriously expect people to believe that Rarity, a FASHION DESIGNER, never once considered making a line of clothing where each outfit was a different color? That seems like something that would occur to someone who doesn't make clothes for a living. It's pretty basic stuff. The only thing I can think of is that Rarity focuses mostly on gems in her designs so she wouldn't think of something that simple, but since she's seen at one point adding gems to the new line she came up with that logic doesn't really seem to work. Especially since there are gems for pretty much any color of the rainbow and she's had to do something similar for a client in a previous episode.
** It's not that hard to imagine that "each outfit is a different color of the rainbow" simply hadn't occurred to her before; she was always busy with her other ideas.
** Its not unbelievable. She calls that room her "Inspiration Room", which means that it's the place where her ideas come to her. She also notes that it had never been so ordered before. Simply put, she'd never before had a rainbow arrangement in the special place she sets aside for inspiration, which is why the idea didn't occur to her before.
Line 331:
** I think it's kind of been established that the ponies really don't know much about zebras. It shouldn't be too surprising that they still have some weird misconceptions.
*** AJ has unfortunately proven herself to be kinda racist. Just look back at her reactions to Zecora in ''Bridle Gossip''.
**** Uh, no. Prejudiced, definitely, but hardly "racist". And certainly not any more prejudiced than any other of the mane six in that episode. Is all this because of her accent, or what?
** As for the French thing, I didn't really take that as racist. AJ's horrified because her little sister's been rendered unable to speak any other language ''at random''. I could imagine that being genuinely creepy in real life. The fancy talk comment could be either playing up the idea that French is archaically seen as a refined language when compared to rural American-English (which stems from French being the traditional court language in many European monarchies, such as Britain's) or trying to avoid naming France directly due to Equestria not being on Earth. And yes, I know Fluttershy name checked the french previously.
*** And from the "Cutie Mark Chronicles", we can guess Applejack associates French with the snotty upper class she dislikes.
Line 337:
*** It could be that in the ponyverse, French is actually called "Fancy". It's not likely there's a country called France in this world, after all.
*** Explain this line then...
{{quote| '''Fluttershy''': "French haute couture, please."}}
**** She doesn't know how to properly pronounce the name.
*** Alternate explanation: perhaps we misheard her line and she said "She's speakin' ''Francey''!" As in Applejack just knows that's how they speak in France but doesn't actually know the name of the language? Or maybe she's mispronouncing "Français"? Well, okay, maybe not. But [[Gratuitous French]] words ''are'' used a lot by high society snobs, so I guess it could be "fancy" too…
Line 351:
** No one ever said that Twilight raised Spike from birth, or that he sees her as a surrogate mother. In fact he refers to the mane 6 as "my friends", rather than "my five friends and also my mom."
** Twilight and Spike's relationship has always seemed more like a surrogate brother/sister thing than parental.
* Was the Cutie-Pox outbreak that happened centuries ago caused by all the ponies eating Heart's Desire too?
** It could be possible, but every single one of them would have had to eat it while wishing with all their hearts that they had cutie marks. Not to mention the fact that Applebloom brewed the Heart's Desire into a potion, though if she just ate the plant herself it might have had the same cutie pox effect. Although, if all the ponies who got it (or at least the first one if it is actually infectious), wouldn't they have noticed that it started after eating that flower? Not to mention it never says where the outbreak first happened - just to "a population of ponies in the Paleopony period".
** The original sickness probably had nothing to do with Heart's Desire. The Heart's Desire potion seems to make the drinker's most dearly held wish come true magically. However, it's been shown a number of times that a real cutie mark cannot be conjured by magic. Since the spell couldn't do something impossible, it did something that was possible (if unlikely) and gave Apple Bloom the Cutie Pox instead.
Line 360:
*** You mean you ''should'' only receive a cutie mark once...
** Not to mention that Trixie was a total stranger, while Apple Bloom was a little kid who lived in town.
** And that getting your cutie mark seems to be a cause for celebration, and its implied the townsponies knew that AB was a blank flank the previous day, so her display (with only 2 marks) wasn't out of the ordinary.
** Plus, Trixie was all hat and no cattle. Applebloom was hat ''and'' cattle.
* Again with Twilight's hair gets snipped to match Rarity's. When Spike immediately falls in love with Twilight for a brief time (Well, only due to her mane), and he mostly loves Rarity.. Does Spike only love Rarity for her mane?
Line 372:
== 2.07 May the Best Pet Win ==
* Right at the beginning of the song there is a vulture sitting on a fence in the background. Why didn't Fluttershy show that to Rainbow Dash? Vultures can fly and (in my opinion anyway) are incredibly cool so I'm sure Rainbow would have liked it.
** You're right, it is in your opinion. Vultures tend to look like [http this], and also aren't held in high esteem outside those who recognize their ecological importance. If she was looking for coolness and flight ability, a clumsy, ugly vulture (in Dash's likely opinion) wouldn't make it past the first round (thoguh how Tank managed to do so is beyond me).
*** Tank managed to last as he did for two things: He was accepted in the first place to humor Fluttershy, and he never let the little fact that Rainbow Dash told him he had lost(several times) intimidate him.
*** Different person from the OP, here, but I object. Vultures ''are'' incredibly cool animals, and they do ''not'', all look like the same either. You get ''tons'' of variation, from the [ fluffy-headed griffon vulture]<ref> She gets a pet Gilda!</ref>, to the [ striking lammergeier], to the frankly-awesome [[wikipedia:File:Neophron percnopterus.JPG|egyptian vulture]]. I don't even know where you got the misconception that they're clumsy, other than from watching too many cartoons about them. They are incredibly elegant while in flight, and the [[wikipedia:California Condor|california condor]] in particular, has one of the largest wingspans of any bird in the world (beaten only by the wandering albatross, I believe), and can stay aloft for hours with hardly a beat of its wings. Awesome indeed. The one problem, though, is that they ''are'' rather lazy fliers, preferring to soar and glide rather than the fast-paced sorta stuff that Dash is fond of, but then again, Dash is kinda lazy too, so that might work out.
*** No, it wouldn't. The vulture shown in the episode isn't depicted as awesome at all, or at least, Dash didn't find it so.
* Fluttershy taking care of otters and seals. Okay, its probably a river otter. But a seal? How is she taking care of it that far from the ocean?
Line 380:
* How's Tank going to live with Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale despite being a turtle (thus, can't walk on clouds), or is it going to stay the night with Fluttershy?
** Twilight can probably just cast that cloudwalking spell on it, and it has the helicopter to get from cloud to cloud.
** Rainbow Dash doesn't live in Cloudsdale, she lives in a [[Buffy-Speak|cloud castle thingy]] that isn't very far off the ground. Tank could probably just live right underneath it.
** Umm... [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Shellicopter]], anyone?
* How did Gummy appear in Rainbow Dash's dream? All the other pets were making noises but Gummy can't make any kind of sound so he shouldn't have appeared. It's a pretty silly and pointless question, but this troper was just wondering.
** I guess she subconsciously figured "hey, all the other pets had cameos in my dream, why not?" [besides, note that Gummy does make noises, just very rarely (his sneeze in "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E7/E07 May the Best Pet Win|Party of One]]" is an example)].
*** And that weird little sound he makes when Pinkie first introduces Gummy in "Feeling Pinkie Keen".
** Gummy has the same [[Reality Warper|reality warping]] powers as Pinkie, and consciously inserted himself into the dream world.
Line 423:
*** Why would people be upset about somepony showing up Rainbow Dash? Dash shows people up all the time, her whole shtick is being more awesome then everypony else. [[Badass|She is somewhat excused by the fact that she usually IS.]] But this also means that she herself never gets brought down to earth, and that leads her to become extremely obnoxious sometimes. Therefore, to be frank, Rainbow Dash ''deserved'' to be showed up a bit. She needed to learn more than just "being a hero without making a fuss of it". She needed to get hammered into her rather thick skull just how annoying it is when somepony demonstratively can do anything better than you.
**** Because trying to make your friend feel bad is a horrible thing to do? Plus, as stated before, for Rainbow Dash being the best is the same thing as being good with animals is to Fluttershy or being able to work her farm properly is to Applejack. When something messes with that, she gets panic attacks and depression and then starts acting ever more irrationally.
*** The fact two episodes about Rainbow Dash learning something the hard way aired one after the other might also suggest they intended the audience to be fed up of her behavior and understand she needs a good deal of wisdom beaten into her. If anything, 'May the Best Pet Win' showcased Rainbow Dash as what she seemingly learned to avoid in 'Griffon the Brush-Off'; only seeing 'cool' traits and forsaking the rest, while this episode is reminiscent of 'Boast Busters' taken up to eleven. After such regression on RD's part, it's surprising to see so many fans believe the rest of the Mane 6 were 'harsh'; she truly needed to be taken down to earth. Also, Rainbow Dash only understood the aesop at the very end of the episode, which suggests the lesson won't stick for long.
** The basic problem with the costume is that it ''wasn't doing its job.'' It didn't cause Rainbow Dash to think that she should focus more on her heroics and less on the bragging. It just made her feel bad because she apparently believed that Mare Do Well was trying to drive her out of heroics altogether. Every time it showed up, it made Rainbow Dash even ''more'' desperate for others' admiration. She only finally learned her lesson when her friends ''explained'' it at the end.
** I think the main problem people had with the rest of the Mane 6 was the motivations behind their actions and the general logic that lead them to do what they did. The impression that I and others got from the rest of Mane Six's actions in this episode was that they found Rainbow Dash's bragging and boasting to be more annoying than usual. So in order to correct this they decide to hatch an under-handed scheme behind their friend's back that involved trying to one-upping her at every opportunity possible, and they even went so far as to remind said friend how they have one-upped her without her even realizing it. All because they thought their friend was annoying. If that doesn't sound at least some what illogical/dickish then I don't know what is.
*** She wasn't just annoying. Even before Mare-Do-Well stepped in, she was ''already'' showing herself to be dangerous irresponsible. Pay attention when she rescues the baby -- not only does she needlessly worry the crowd to fish for extra praise by saying there's something wrong with the baby... but once the photographers show up, she carelessly tosses it aside to pose for the pictures. Then she wastes time showboating with a pose and catchphrase before rescuing the elderly ponies. More than just being insufferably obnoxious, she was letting her arrogance get in the way of actually being a hero, and was endangering lives as a result.
*** Except that nothing about the Mane 6's behavior seems to suggest that they were at all concerned about the danger she might pose, it was all about getting her to stop bragging and act with humility. I would also like to say that despite their intentions it can be argued that their actions only made the situation worse by making RD more desperate for attention.
*** I'd like to point out that Mare Do Well ''saved ponies'', including ponies that Dash would not have been able to save by herself. (Remember the dam? And the cart that Dash couldn't stop?) The Mane 5 have an obvious moral imperative to save those ponies whether or not Dash is being a braggart. So it was a question of either saving ponies (and thus embarrassing Dash) while wearing a costume, vs. saving ponies (and thus embarrassing Dash) while ''not'' wearing a costume; Dash was going to be embarrassed no matter what they did. They went with the costume idea because they wanted to demonstrate the idea of humility to Dash, because Dash had been a braggart recently. That effort unfortunately backfired, until the Mane 5 revealed their scheme and Dash learned her lesson. But the Mane 5 were always simply trying to save ponies and teach their friend a much-needed lesson; they weren't trying to be dicks about it.
Line 446:
* This is a relatively minor issue, but I've noticed that Fluttershy's flying ability seems to fluctuate over the course of the season. She's canonically described as a poor flyer, but while disguised as MDW we see her whiz past Rainbow Dash at a speed so great it makes her (briefly) dizzy. Combine this with the fact that she was able to keep up with Rainbow Dash ''while towing a 500+ pound hot air balloon'' just earlier in the season; it seems like she can magically turn into a competent flyer whenever it's convenient to the plot.
** Pretty much. Fluttershy is [[Beware of the Nice Ones]] personified, so the writers will always come up with new ways for her to impress. Maybe she can match Dash in speed, but she still can't pull of a Sonic Rainboom or Dash's advanced flying tricks. So maybe she's not really better at being Dash than Dash herself. Though yeah, that bugged me too.
*** I assumed RD wasn't going at full speed, but was flying fast enough that she assumed Fluttershy would never catch up to her.
** Fluttershy does not like to show off or bring about attention to herself (e.g. the perfect antithesis of RD in this episode). The only time we've ever seen her fly badly was in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and that was because she was a lanky filly then. (Her inability to fly in "Dragonshy" due to fear doesn't count). Thus to anyone else, a pegasus pony that stays close to the ground and rarely shows off her flying abilities is likely to be seen as a "poor flyer". But give her an outfit that completely disguises who she is, and she's probably all ~yay~ and ready to speed off to do what it takes for her friends.
** Fluttershy described herself as a poor flyer back when she was a filly. As an adult, she seems to be a perfectly competent flyer. Nothing amazing ([[Let's Get Dangerous|normally]]) but still able to handle herself in the air. She just prefers sticking close to the ground for all the animals and plants.
** Basically, her poor flying ability is an [[Informed Flaw]], nothing more.
Line 473:
* Why didn't Rarity bring up any of her or her friends' genuine accomplishments? Twilight Sparkle is Celestia's personal student and prize pupil -- there's very few other ponies in the series who are even ''possibly'' closer to the Princess than her -- and she's defeated an Ursa Minor. Rainbow Dash is a likely candidate for the Wonderbolts -- as seen in "Sonic Rainboom" and "The Best Night Ever", they distinctly have their eye on her and are impressed with her abilities. Although the Apple family isn't upper-class, it surely has '''some''' influence (not to mention their famous zap apple jam). Fluttershy single-handedly stopped a dragon and is a former famous model thanks to Photo Finish. Pinkie Pie stopped the first major Parasprite infestation in so long that even Princess Celestia didn't seem to know what they were. Rarity herself has had Hoity Toity and Sapphire Shores as clients. All of them have saved Equestria '''twice'''. And that's just going into the accomplishments the upper-class ponies may have heard of or care about. They may not know their names, but it's hard to believe they don't at least know their reputations.
** If nothing else, several of those ponies were at the Grand Galloping Gala, and were in the receiving line to pay their obeisances to Princess Celestia, where they shook hooves with Twilight Sparkle. Wouldn't the fact that Twilight was standing at Princess Celestia's side throughout the premier social event of Equestrian society, while Celestia was receiving her subjects' homage, have already marked Twilight Sparkle as "a pony everypony should know?"
** This whole show has a problem with characters' popularity. Both seasons start with the Mane 6 ''saving the world'', but they're not treated as celebrities in the other episodes. Fluttershy became briefly famous as a model, and afterwards no one ever refers to her modeling career, etc.. It's like a special form of [[Negative Continuity]].
** I have thought of a theory re: why Rarity never mentions Twilight Sparkle being Celestia's student. It's possible Twilight Sparkle simply does not want that fact advertised, and there are many good reasons why she wouldn't: it could come off as bragging. It could bring her the kind of attention she doesn't want, or cause people to perceive her in a light she doesn't agree with. There's so many other possible reasons as well. As for everything else, I have no idea.
** This wasn't about achievements. Rarity assumed Fancypants would be prejudiced against countryside ponies, regardless of their achievements, and didn't want to lose his support. Remember how two upperclass ponies who have previously made positive remarks about her reacted when they found out she's from Ponyville.
* Also, why was Rarity so desperate to go to ''every'' high-society event she was invited to? Anyone who's ever tried to make it in high society knows that if you just go to everything, you cease to be seen as being in any way exclusive or desirable as a guest. You want to be a catch. You want to always have something more important, and more exclusive, to be going to. Why didn't Rarity just say, 'Oh, you know, I would love to, but Princess Celestia's personal apprentice is having her birthday party--it's very exclusive, only five ponies got invitations--and I simply have to put in an appearance. You know how it is.'?
** First, you gotta understand how you form an image for yourself in these things; you go to as many events as you can until you're a common feature in all the high profile functions, once the invites are really coming thick and fast, you start being picky on where you go from now on. Second, no matter what you do, no matter how world changing the effects of your actions are, it's all about how stylish you are with the kind of people you see Rarity deal with in Canterlot, and Rarity is painfully aware that her own inner circle is nowhere near the definition of the word as her new connections understand it.
Line 497:
** Another possibility is notice she was being calm and peaceful this time. Last time she went running towards them and tried to MAKE them be friends. This time she set in a tree calmly and let them come to her, so it also has to do with her taking a more reasonable approach this time.
* Why didn't Spike go to the birthday party? It was a party for his closest friend/boss. She had to travel out of town to attend it, leaving him alone. It was held in Canterlot, his original home, and he was very enthusiastic about visiting during "The Best Night Ever". And, of course, all the ponies went to Canterlot rather than holding it at home because that was the only way they could include ''Raaaaaarity''. With all of that in mind, his absence seems odd.
** It's pretty commonly noticed, and an interesting point. I suppose someone needed to watch over her library in her absence? Maybe Twilight had a private birthday party with Spike first before leaving for Canterlot?
* Anyone else find it odd that two ponies that Rarity has bad history with, Blueblood and Photo Finish, were seen in prominent cameos, but weren't confronted or even focused on? The former at least, has every reason to want to start an argument or undermine her newfound celebrity, but no. I don't know why they bothered if nothing came of it; if you don't have time to do something with a character, don't throw him in when it wouldn't make sense for him to be anywhere near that scene looking so pleased.
** I'm guessing Blueblood and Fancypants are friends and as such is willing to tolerate her presence for his sake. Heck, given how much Fancypant's companion looks like a young, wingless Celestia, she might actually be a member of the royal family the same way he is, and is doing it for her.
Line 504:
** Since she's been in town for about a week, I know Rarity wouldn't want to make a scene at any of the big events she was invited to even if she wanted to have another go at some of the people that have been jerks to her. And maybe among the upper crust of Canterlot it's considered very rude to get into an argument at a party, to the point that anyone doing it would fall out of favor pretty pretty quickly.
* One explanation for a good half the [[Fridge Logic]] here is that the show has an anachronic order and the Gala simply hasn't happened yet. It's even said that the Gala was still coming up, and the mane cast probably wouldn't be that excited to go after what happened last time.
** Unfortunately, the fact that the pillars in the Ballroom are quite clearly cracked means that this story takes place after "The Best Night Ever", so most of the fridge logic still stands.
** It's not [[Fridge Logic]], it's easily explainable: there talking about the next Gala. It's said to be an annual event. Twilight also wasn't' so much excited for the next one as she figured that Rarity was making connections so she could get clients for it, and the garden party being the second most important event next to the gala was a logical place to do so, even if Twilight didn't realize Rarity planned to abandon her party for the garden party. As for why any of them would be excited, they ended up having a good time with Celestia and this time would have realistic expectations for it and at the very list get to hang out with the princess and each other and have a good time again.
== 2.10 Secret of My Excess ==
Line 521:
** You just answered your own question. She was tied up, she couldn't cast any spells.
*** Gee, I must have never noticed when she performed an interprative dance every time before she cast any of her other spells. Oh wait, she didn't, because she '''just has to think hard enough''' to cast a spell. And maybe she did use a spell during the scene cut, it just didn't occur to her until 20 seconds later.
** And it isn't [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E15 Feeling Pinkie Keen|the first time]] either.
** Perhaps she automatically teleports anything she's touching, so she'd just teleport the tree and rope with her as well.
*** [[Forgot I Could Fly]]. There, I just explained this and every single instance similar to it that has or will happen in the series.
Line 530:
*** Both dragons were sentient enough to hold conversations and Basil (the red one) even had enough self-awareness to even feel bad after Fluttershy scolded him.
** It's entirely possible that Spike's loss of intelligence is due to his growth being unnaturally accelerated. If he had grown up the normal way, he'd probably have more control over himself. At least enough to limit his hoarding to items he'd actually have use for like gems.
** His intelligence seems to come back once he finally reaches his "adult" form as he starts to regain his snarky demeanor with his "blah blah blah" gestures when Rarity chews him out.
** Perhaps in normal cases a baby dragon's mother would stop it from indulging the hoarding instinct and getting large before it's ready. His immaturity is also why he was hoarding worthless objects, a grown up dragon has enough self control to only pick the best for it's hoard.
** As for the purpose of hoarding, remember that dragons ''eat'' gems. (Or Spike does, anyway.) Maybe they eat gold etc. too. If so, a dragon's horde is simply a large supply of food for itself. (Maybe dragons spend long periods of time in their caves, during which time they have only their hordes to feed on.) As for why Spike was also collecting non-edible objects, see the above points.
Line 558:
** Who's to say the Zap Apples aren't sweet?
** Maybe Sweet Apple Acres belonged to Granny Smith's husband and after they got married, Zap Apple Acres was included.
* Judging by the look of surprise on Apple Bloom's face after Granny Smith's story was over, I think it's pretty safe to assume that Granny hadn't told her the story before. Now, here's my question; why not? You'd think that the Apple family's instrumental role in the founding of Ponyville would be common knowledge (as well as a huge source of pride) among Apple family members. I have to imagine that Granny, or Applejack, or Big Macintosh, or ''somepony'' should have taken some time to educate Apple Bloom about her family's history.
** Showing off pride doesn't seem to be a big part of the Apple family, besides, being young, Granny Smith's odd behavior might have changed Applebloom's view on the story over time, and she simply stuck to 'Zap Apples are a big source of income, and we gather them every year' instead of remembering the rest of the story.
*** Maybe she was told the story before. Now, she was worrying because Granny would likely tell another nonsense story to the whole class as she often does, embarassing her horribly. Her happiness stems from how now the rest of the class knows and is delighted, along with dodging a huge bullet there. Also, two words about Apple Family pride; Applebuck Season.
Line 564:
* Seeing a young Granny Smith got me wondering something. What was Granny Smith's name before she became a Granny? I mean, I know that Granny Smith is a type of apple, and just about everypony in the Apple family has an [[Theme Naming|apple-themed name]]. [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?|But who in their right mind would name their foal Granny]]?
** Someone named their child Filthy and another child was named Stinkin'. Some ponies just aren't good namers. Besides, maybe Granny Smith just went as Smith? Or Smith Apple? Or some other apple reference I don't know.
** I've seen the name "Anny Smith" floating around, which I guess would be most reasonable, considering that it still works as a reference to the apples.
** When Granny Smith was talking about how Ponyville was founded, she called her family "the Smith family" and that her Pa was a seed collector. Maybe Granny Smith's real name has something to do with seed collecting?
* This is particularly prominent in this episode, but in retrospect shows up in other episodes, too: Cheerilee seems to be completely unaware of Diamond Tiaras and Silver Spoons bullying. I know, that most teachers wouldn`t notice (or at least pretend to), but shouldn`t the portrayal of a teacher in an edutainment series be more positive?
** Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only episode I can think of in which Diamond's and Silver's bullying is really evident is the one where Diamond throws a party in honor of her cutie mark, which obviously does not take place in school so there was no reason for Cheerilee to notice. There was also "Cutie Pox," where they make fun of Apple Bloom's hoop-spinning talent, but it sort of comes back to bite them when they can't do it as well and she makes fun of them. Also, in this episode there's hardly any bullying in class except for at the very end, and in that case the rest of the class gasped at Diamond's assertion that Granny Smith is a crazy old lady, and Silver Spoon even says that her father's business would not exist if not for Sweet Apple Acres.
* In Winter Wrap Up, Twilight Sparkle says that Ponyville was founded by earth ponies and they've been doing winter wrap up for hundreds of years without magic. So does that mean Granny Smith is [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|several hundred years old?]] The line in Winter Wrap Up is this btw: "No Spike, Ponyville was started by Earth ponies, so for hundreds of years they've never used magic to clean up winter."
Line 588:
*** Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle all say that baby unicorns and pegasi go through stages where their abilities are unusually strong randomly before fading. The babies will probably reach a more even level as they grow and learn to deliberately develop their powers. I wouldn't be surprised if baby earth ponies have periods where their innate strength and toughness can cause problems, but on a much lesser scale than the other two races.
**** Err, no. Rainbow Dash doesn´t say anything of that, they only say the part about the unicorns not the pegasi.
* So what was the problem with Pumpkin chewing on stuff animals and the rubber chicken? I can get it with things like the tablecloth and bottle where she could either choke or damage her teeth, but the animals and chicken were too soft to hurt her teeth and to big to choke on.
** Maybe because they weren't clean?
** Plus Pinkie probably didn't want her/the Cake's stuff covered in baby drool. It's not really a pleasant thing to coat your possessions in.
** Speaking from my experience taking care of my infant sister, most parents try to break their child's habit of chewing on random objects as soon as possible both to protect them (don't want them to stuff something dirty or dangerous in their mouths the second you take your eyes off them) and to protect your possessions (anybody living with a baby knows that they can be little forces of destruction if you let them).
*** Sucking on things as a baby can deform the shape of the mouth. It's another reason to prevent a baby from sucking on things.
* Rarity and Twilight are quick to point out that baby unicorns can have spurts of magic. This raises questions about Sweetie Belle's proficiency in magic, which so far hasn't been demonstrated even in, for example, places where Rarity would use telekinetic magic frequently.
Line 605:
*** They make it clear foals can do this then grow out of it, as Twilight did. Pumpkin has not, hence she had the power to whatever she wanted at the time and didn't lose control because she never had to force it.
** Like human babies can swim, maybe ponies have a similar reflex for magic and flying. As for why, it's so the little defenseless foals won't get eaten by the next dragon who comes along (ponies live in a dangerous world). They can't sustain this magic, as they age it fades, and they have to develop their abilities the old fashioned way. Twilight is also extremely powerful, to the extent that she has trouble controlling it as an adult.
** Hmm... If this is the case, would it be possible to neutralize a dangerous situation by encasing it in a magic-impenetrable barrier and then trapping a bunch of unicorn foals inside?
*** If you could rely on them not to freak out on the spot and actually know what to do. They're powerful, not focused or intelligent.
*** AND if you're prepared to take responsibility in case they fail and the dangerous situation devours them messily.
Line 660:
* There was ''no'' runner-up prize money in any of the events Applejack placed in? Isn't there usually a smaller purse for those who place? And hardly anyone at the rodeo remembered the pony who had placed in so many event?
** It looked to me like they remembered her, but didn't know where she went afterward, which seems reasonable.
** Repairs of the magnitude the Town Hall needed can cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if Applejack did earn some consolation prizes, and even if it would cost less than what it would in real life, she probably still didn't have enough.
** Why not send a "Staying here. Will send more money later. Here's some of it now. Bye."
*** The other ponies assumed that she had won all of the blue ribbons, and thus would be able to send all of the money at once. If she only sent some of the money it would seem like even more of a slap in the face to her family and friends, on top of her not returning to Ponyville.
Line 695:
**** But they don't have an unlimited amount of apples, so the long run might not be long enough to ensure profit. Furthermore, even if they would make a profit, the split just wasn't fair. The Apple family would be doing all the work maintaining the farm, growing the apples and harvesting them. Furthermore, even though they already have the apple trees, the farm still has a lot of expenses. They may have to purchase fertilizer, and of course, there's maintenance of the barn, fences, signs, tools, they have to buy things like barrels, and more. Not to mention they need enough money left over to support a family of four. Big Apple Acres is more than just the orchard, they have a lot more to support. And as seem in the episode, the Flim Flam brothers cared only about profit, not quality or integrity. Would you really want to work with someponies like them?
*** As stated a few times, the expenses from running and maintaining the farm, and feeding the family, are all expenses they make already, regardless of whether they make cider. The initial idea was that if the brothers had offered something that was more enticing (like a relatively-reasonable 50/50, since they're bringing unprecedented technology they literally can't get anywhere else to the table), then they probably would've been able to discuss a real business relationship with the Apples, instead of sparking an immediate feud. As for integrity, of COURSE nopony would want to work with them if they knew the brothers for more than 30 seconds. They're jerks, but if they HADN'T been jerks, they would've offered some a split that's not insulting, and could've made something great happen. Quality, though, is a different story. Until they "cheat" at the competition, their cider is implied to actually be delicious. Granny Smith drinks some and clearly looks worried that they actually have an equal product. They very clearly put great care into making sure their machine turns out a quality product consistently. They only stopped caring about quality because they started panicking about potential loss, and they probably figured losing would've made them look even worse than having an undrinkable product.
* When she was speeding up the cider making, why didn't Twilight simply harvest the entire field's worth of apples with magic? We've seen her do it before in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E4/E04 Applebuck Season|Applebuck Season]], and if she had done this then they'd been able to put more energy into the quality control and juicing.
** Because they'd hit a bottleneck with Granny Smith and Rarity inspecting the fruits and the mill only capable of juicing so many at a time. Better to split the crew among the various tasks according to their talents for better overall efficiency at all four steps than to attempt to focus on the sheer volume of one part of the process.
** We don't know how magic works exactly. It's possible that certain spells can only be performed under certain conditions. For instance, maybe in Applebuck Season Twilight had to spend a couple hours ''preparing'' the mega-apple-picking spell before she could actually use it. If so, then such a spell would be worthless in a timed competition like this.
** Alternately, it was just more efficient for Twilight to be helping with the tallying and the barrel moving. You don't always put the best pony on the job, especially if that pony would make the operation faster elsewhere.
Line 706:
*** Selling cider directly from the source not only allows them to set their own prices, it gets ponies to come directly to the farm and familiarize themselves with the Apple family. Doing so ensures repeat business and allows them to move other apple products while the crowds are still there. They can combine advertisement, seasonal product selling, regular products sold, and the full portion of the profits all by cutting out the middle man. Of course we don't see any additional products sold, but it would be a perfect opportunity.
*** Well, rather than sell it to a middle man, why not spend all of their time making the cider while trusted, responsible family friends like the Mane 6 work the stand. Make the cider within eyesight of the stand, interact with the customers during breaks, but also make more product, thus sell more product, get a better profit, and don't leave anywhere near as many dissatisfied customers, so the Flim Flam Brothers can't get the entire town behind them. In fact, if they got the whole gang to help work the stand, they could run 5 lines at a time while they have enough stock, thus shortening the lines so even if you get turned away you haven't wasted as much of your day waiting on it. Or if they prefer, have the trusted family friends do the cider making while the family works the counter. Either way, they make a LOT more product, without losing any of that family business feel.
*** If this is the first cider season after "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E4/E04 Applebuck Season|Applebuck Season]]" it might not have occurred to the Apples. There's nothing to say that they won't get the Mane 6 to help out in future cider seasons, now that they trust them and have seen the difference their help makes.
**** The problem with having the Mane 6 help is that they already ''have'' jobs. Even if they're willing to help, they may well be too busy next year or the year after that.
***** They have careers, but they are also self-employed. Since harvest is a scheduled event, they can adjust their own schedules around it. Maybe one of them will have a conflicting date that they can't reschedule on that day, but all five?
* Flim and Flam's names are probably supposed to indicate their nature, but…how? They're certainly not nice, but they're not ''dishonest'' either. Their machine works exactly as they claim it does, and until they press that button, nothing indicates their cider is of lesser quality. Granny Smith tries some of it, and her reaction suggests that it is indeed as good as her family's, though she's not about to say so. Even when the brothers ''do'' put quantity over quality, they're perfectly willing to lower the price of the cider, if only to get ponies to buy it. So while they're definitely ruthless and callous towards the Apple family, what evidence is there that they're actually cheating anyone?
** They could buy the apples, they could offer an actually fair deal to the apple orchard they join businesses with, they could sell/lend their machine, they could start their own orchard...but no, they simply go from town to town, offering a ridiculously one-sided deal that's almost certain to shut down the business they get the apples from. They don't want to invest a cent beside their machine, and as far as we know, their challenge might be a clever trick they pull on all the orchards they come across. Instead of starting from the beginning, they made their machine and tried to take over another business with it, take it as you will, but I doubt that's standard business in Equestria.
** Their behavior prior to making the challenge and their deliberate outline of its specifics, in which they stand to lose far less than the Apples, suggests that the whole thing was planned from the beginning. Just look at what happened: they showed up right after the Apples had exhausted their cider supply, then they started offering to sell their cider made with Sweet Apples. When AJ objected, they started insulting the family's pride and offered a contest that they outlined the rules for (in which they risk nothing, but the Apples give up their vitally needed cider business), goading them until they not only accepted, but freely gave them the raw materials that they tried to "deal" for earilier. The whole thing was a ploy to drive the Apples out of business and let them take over. The Bros. might not have directly lied about anything, but that doesn't change the fact that they're dishonest about their intentions and running a scam.
* I found it kind of hard to believe that the Apple family has such a hard time getting through the winter when just a few episodes ago it was obvious they made a bunch of money selling Zap Apple products. Exactly how much time are we supposed to believe passed between that episode and this one? Also, if the cider is such an imperative part of their income, shouldn't the Apple family spend the whole season making it? As in, Applejack should not have [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 /E14 The Last Roundup|left for that rodeo]] if the cider actually is a surefire way to make money?
** I think this episode has shown that the Ponyville Apples seem to have demonstrably poor business sense. They let themselves be taken for suckers, they don't plan out their cider season better, they don't hire any type of help for this crucial time of year.
** Well Granny Smith is senile and Applejack and Big Macintosh are in their early twenties at most, with no formal business education. It's made clear that they have two big products (Zap Apples and Cider) that come once a year, but as mentioned above they're too concerned with honesty and community relations to really make a killing on these products. The rest of the year they seem to struggle somewhat, and they seem to have quite extensive overheads. It’s possible that Sweet Apple Acres donates money to other Apple family ventures too, and in the name of entrepreneurship Applejack keeps their financial situation very close to the line so that their money isn’t just sitting around wasted.
** And considering the fact that these episodes are supposed to be watchable in any order, and the fact that there are no references to the previous one, who's to say that this episode took place after "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 /E14 The Last Roundup|The Last Roundup]]"?
* I can't help wondering just how cutie marks work in the context of this episode. The Flim Flam Brothers have apple cutie marks, but wouldn't they have cutie marks that suggested their true nature better? After all, based on the quality of their machine they would have decided to be inventors first (''and that's not getting into them deciding to be swindlers'').
** I frequently think that Equestria is a safer place than reality, since a hypothetical John Wayne Gacy Pony couldn't hide in plain sight because it's cutie mark would serve as a warning.
** ...Safer place? [[The Lost Woods|With a forest of death next door]]? [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E1/E01 The Return of Harmony Part 1|With the Spirit]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E2/E02 The Return of Harmony Part 2|of Chaos]]? [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 /E12 Baby Cakes|With baby unicorns getting bursts of magic]]? [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 /E13 HearthsHearth's Warming Eve|With the Windigos ready to freeze any loner or hater?]]
*** True, but you can identify a serial killer from across the room because their cutie mark... isn't.
**** Nup. Generally cutie marks are more abstract - see Cheerilee's, Twilight Sparkle's, Rarity's, Lyra Heartstrings's, etc. etc. It makes sense when the pony explains it, but it is usually not obvious. So, for example, Gacy? He'd have a clown Cutie Mark. Reflected in most peoples creation of a [[Dexter]] Pony, who has a splatter of blood for a cutie mark - which means both his work as a blood splatter analyst and his...hobbies. Incidentally, that clown cutie mark? Perfect for attracting young fillies and colts......
** We don't know enough about the Flim Flam brothers to say for sure, but there are a number of possibilities. It's possible that cider-making itself is their talent, (most likely, judging by their cutie marks) and they made a machine for it later on to improve efficiency. And as we've seen before, a pony can have many talents. Fluttershy can sew, Applejack is good at sports, and so on. They may be good at swindling and building machines, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's their "special talent" that they get a cutie mark for.
*** The mere possession of a cider-mobile doesn't mean they built it. I suspect they got their cutie mark as apple salesmen, and in the course of their apple selling business encountered an inventor, and used their talent to take advantage of his.
** They might have originally been farmers, and got themselves kicked out for dishonesty.
** Or, the cutie mark is fake? They were selling apple cider, so something related to apples would have people think they're honest.
** They're [ bad apples].
** When you put their cutie marks together, they make a whole apple. It means they work well together. They just use their particular talents(special and otherwise) for [[Jerkass|swindling]] instead of good.
* If cider was in deficit, why was Pinkie allowed to buy a whole armful of mugs? Wheter it was done [[Shout-Out|intentionally]] or [[Hilarious in Hindsight|not]], the whole setting strongly reminds me of the memetic Soviet-era [ beer lines]{{Dead link}}, and believe me, if somepony'd tried to hog the beer like this, they would've been explained the wrongs of their way swiftly and painfully. Even taking the [[Sugar Bowl]] into account, shouldn't there've been an outrage from the line?
** I think the best and only answer here is that Ponyville simply isn't Soviet Russia. The ponies are all forgiving, friendly, and closely knit. Even the bitterest ponies seem more likely to mope to themselves than actually start a confrontation.
*** Hogging cider is distinctly unfriendly, so by the transitive property so is helping someone hog it.
Line 732 ⟶ 733:
** Pinkie Pie was the ''first'' pony to get cider. It's possible that, at the beginning, they overestimated the amount of cider that would be available, and thus they saw no reason to ration it.
*** Except they do it every year. They run out of cider every year, and they sell too much to Pinkie Pie every year. If they haven't realized the pattern now, then the Apple family is significantly stupider than we've been giving them credit for.
**** To be fair to the Apples, this is the first year that their solution to the problem ('recruit the rest of the Mane Six') is available to them at harvest time.
** Pinkie was so enthusiastic about the cider that nopony wanted to tell her that she couldn't have her fill. (She was the very first in line, after all. In fact she's apparently ''always'' the first in line, every year, because she loves cider that much.)
* Moreover. They know how much cider they've got, why the hell don't they announce it, so that everypony knows for sure whether or not they'd get any and not waste time?
** I'm sure they don't know exactly how many mugs they'll be able to make ahead of time. Especially taking into account ponies like Pinkie, who buy more than one.
* Given how much cider they were able to make in 45 minutes (granted they were speeding up production tremendously), why don't the Apples alternate the selling days? One day is set to making as much cider they can and the next sell it. That way they could stockpile a large amount and not run out and risk alienating their customers.
Line 744 ⟶ 746:
** It would appear to be a moment of fridge logic: Why on earth would two reasonably intelligent businessponies give the worst cider to the first customers? Then the switch is made to Fridge Brilliance when you realize that, since the barrels were stacked, all the good stuff was at the bottom.
** The cider might not have been the issue so much as how pissed off the townsfolk were at that point. They were probably already upset (to some degree or another) by the brothers' cruel treatment of the Apple family on their way out, and that the two were willing to sell them crappy cider at all put the nail in the coffin. Flim and Flam likely figured that pushing the citizens any further would result in an angry mob, and that the only feasible option was to get the hell out of Dodge.
== 2.16 Read It And Weep ==
Line 750 ⟶ 751:
** Dash is too worried that Twilight might find out that she enjoys an "egghead" hobby to risk going directly to her home. Sure, it'd be easier, but RD's pride has always been able to override her logic.
** Perhaps she'd rather rob an establishment that she had no personal connection to, than her friend.
** RD's total disdain for libraries means she has no clue about the filing system and couldn't locate a single book in there without assistance, and at that point in the narrative she'd rather gnaw her own wings off than admit to Twilight that okay maybe I do like reading a little, and she didn't think far enough ahead to realize that she could have just asked Spike for help.
** Because RD has ''no idea'' where Twilight would keep her copy. Considering her disdain for reading, it would be hard for her to find a specific book no matter how well organized the library is.
* How the hay do the hospital ponies keep up with Rainbow Dash? She's shown that she can easily outrun all the ponies in Ponyville except Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They should be falling further and further behind.
** Well, the pain from her wings could had crippled her running speed, and the one time we really saw her run against someone else was during a marathon, this was a sprint. Ponies also tends to demonstrate greater physical abilities when pushed, having a thief break into your establishment, especially after a patient claimed he was robbed sure seems like a great way to push the medical staff and a security guard... and an insane patient, apparently.
*** Indeed. [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E13 Fall Weather Friends|Fall Weather Friends]] has already established that most of Dash's speed comes from her wings. Since she still needed to keep off her wing for the duration of the chase, she wouldn't have been any faster than an earth pony.
*** But that's just it: In that race she repeatedly demonstrated that she could go from way behind the pack to way in front of it, even ''without'' her wings. The only pony who could actually keep up with her was Applejack.
*** Doesn't stop her from still feeling pain from her crippled wing, though. Ever felt that stab in the ribs while running?
Line 774 ⟶ 775:
** Or she's just the type of pony who reads aloud to herself when she really gets into a book.
* So the stallion who took RD's bed after she left the hospital, the one who thought she was stealing his slippers; was he supposed to be a cancer patient? I can't help but notice that his mane had fallen out (as though due to the effects of chemotherapy), and he seems to grimace in pain even in his sleep.
** I just assumed that he had some catastrophic accident that broke numerous bones, not anything like cancer. I mean he was in a full body cast, they probably had to shave his mane to properly treat his wounds.
** No no, not the purple one she was roommates with; the yellow stallion who was put in her former bed after she had been discharged.
** Maybe it's just a minor lacerations and the hospital stuff had to shave his head to threat it properly? Alternatively he’s just a guy who likes this kind of hairstyle. We’ve seen ponies with mustache and long beards so a blad pony wouldn’t be that out of place.
** You can see some slight shading where his mane was indicating stuble, which doesn't happen when hair falls out from Chemo (at least not unless it starts to regrow after ending treatment), so shaving is much more likely, also if it was something causing the hair to fall out, it would almost certinitly affect his coat as well, not just his mane.
* So did Rainbow Dash stay up for three days? she stayed up all night reading then the following night trying to steal a copy and then reading in her own house
* So is Rainbow Dash going to just go without sleep untill she´s finished the series? she started reading the second book right away....even though she siad she wanted to finish the first one so she could get some sleep
** For the first one-two books - probably. Then the initial rush should've toned down.
* Why does Rarity wear her false eyelashes for bed? We see them on when she's waken up by the chase.
== 2.17 Hearts and Hooves Day ==
Line 799:
** On that note, how is having a diamond ring for a pony plausible? Yes, Rarity imagined one in her daydream of Prince Blueblood proposing to her, but they're both unicorns and I guess could keep it on their horns or magically place it somewhere on their person. Earth ponies though...where would they put it?
** I don't think we ever see the specific piece that Big Mac buys. When buying for an earth pony or pegasus, one could imagine earrings are the done thing. Or a necklace. Something noticeable but classy, probably in the face or mane area. It might even be that rings are actually very uncommon as proposal pieces because they're species-specific and look kind of silly. Or maybe, more likely, the writers were thinking about making the scene make sense from a human (the viewer's) perspective rather than making it make sense in-universe.
** We've never seen any ponies wearing rings, not even ones canonically married(Aunt Orange and Uncle Orange, unless you count her necklace). It's possible that the presentation of the jewellery is the only time it is ever used.
* According to the backstory for Heart's and Hooves Day, the love poison caused a prince and a princess to fall so madly in love that they neglected their royal duties, resulting in the kingdom collapsing and "chaos reigning." Did... we just get a cannon explanation as to how Discord came to power?
** It's possible. The story didn't make it clear where or when the event took place, so like a lot of things in the history of Equestria, it's open for interpretation.
Line 807:
** Even if they collapse from exhaustion in a couple weeks and the poison wears off afterward, it'd still be pretty devastating to the farm and to the two 'lovebirds'. Victims of the love poison can be talked into making life-changing decisions with the smallest nudge, and don't make rational decisions about their own interests; that gets into some really dark places really fast. Merely not being fatal would still be terrible. Applebloom's predictions are a little ridiculous, but that's cause she's a kid with terrible long-term planning ability. Even from a more adult perspective and even presuming the poison only lasts for a short time, it's still really nasty Magic Mind Control Juice.
** Another possibility is that time passing only counts while they're awake. The spell would probably make them dream about each other.
* One silly thing that won't stop puzzling me: at the beginning of Sweetie Belle's song, she has a (sort-of) [[Imagine Spot]] with Cheerilee holding up an apple. What in Equestria is this scene supposed to mean? It reminds me strangely of Ryuk from [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]].
** Teachers received apples as gifts from students sometimes? It probably doesn't happen these days anymore, but it's more like that scene in Pinocchio where he gets an apple to give to the teacher.
** Giving a teacher an apple is one of the oldest tropes around in American animation. It's reflected all over the place, how could someone not know it?
** [[Dead Horse Trope]]. While it was prevalent at one time, the most recent showing of it that I can name was in The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and that's only a vague recollection. I can imagine the latest generation of fans not being familiar with it, especially if they're more acclimated to anime where it never caught on.
** Holy Celestia; it just occurred to me. In trying to set Cheerilee up with Big Macnitosh, [[Fridge Brilliance|the entire episode was the Cutie Mark Crusaders trying to give "an apple for teacher"]]. Pardon me; I need to grow drink as I process this.
* So why does every ingredient of the love potion has something to do with pegasi? Are they like pony cupids, or something?
Line 820:
** The people behind the show have a relatively close relationship with the fandom, so I doubt they would want to start a shipping war just for an episode. Also, having one of the mane six enter a relationship would change the mood and focus of the series from Friendship to girls talking about boys. In story, because it would be unbelievable for the CMC to outsmart any of the mane six to be an hour separated of their special somepony(Regardless of involvement of Big Macintosh): Twilight can teleport, Fluttershy has the Stare, Rainbow is faster than them, Pinkie has offscreen teleport, Rarity is ''very'' cunning and clever, and Applejack would be basically the same as Big Macintosh.
** Excuse me... but how do we know none of them have boyfriends? We don't see any of them on Hearts and Hooves day after all (except for Twilight, but she quite frankly screams 'uninterested virgin'). We rarely ever see them when they're at work, why would we see them on dates? We see them with their friends, because that's what the show is about. They could all be dating off screen for all we know.
*** For ponies who constantly get into trouble and need to learn a new lesson about friendship every other week, it would seem like too big a deal to just happen offscreen, don't you think? If they ever used that element, it'd come off as an [[Ass Pull]] and if they didn't, it's virtually the same as not happening. Besides, if the fandom is to be believed, at least half of them would have girlfriends instead of boyfriends, anyway.
**** Heck, if one goes off the fandom preferences/shipping then the Mane 6 would be dating amongst themselves, which would be even more impossible to shove offscreen. Just not showing what any of the Mane 6 were up to (aside from Twilight spending the day with her one true love, books) was the safest thing to do.
* What about the age difference between Cheerilee and Big Mac? Or is Big Mac supposed to be around the same age as the CMC's teacher? Cheerilee is the pony-equivalent of late-20s/early-30s, if her 80's hair photo is to be believed. I always saw Big Mac to be in his early/mid 20s, because he doesn't seem more than a few years older than Applejack. Did the CMC not think of the implications of an adult teacher dating a younger adult? Just something I'm confused about, especially with no real official age to go by...
Line 830:
* Why didn't Matilda simply put the note for Cranky ''outside'' her door, to make sure he sees it?
** Because then we wouldn't have the character's [[Start of Darkness]].
** It didn't occur to her, mistakes like that happen all the time much to the insanity of everyone involved.
* This episode dealt with Ponyville's token Donkeys and also had cameos by Ponyville's token Zebra and Cow. While I'm sure this was unintentional... It can't help but make me [[Unfortunate Implications|wonder]] about the state of [[Fantastic Racism|minorities in Equestria.]]
** You mean minorities that get invited to the Grand Galloping Gala?
Line 839:
* As awesome as the first song was, at the Jump rope bit, it did look incredibly like Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle (who ''just'' gets a look in) were ignoring Applebloom for some reason. Some kind of Cutie Mark Crusader falling out going on?
** They're little kids, so probably.
** I rather got the impression that Applebloom went off by herself because she isn't good at rope-jumping, which depressed her. I think Applebloom is more sensitive when it comes to failure.
** I wouldn't give much significance to anything that happens during the Smile song. Why was Big Macintosh just waiting with a wagon for Pinkie to jump into with the two foals? How does the rope keep skipping when no one is holding it? How can Pinkie Pie share the screen with a sad version of herself? Why is there a sudden ticker tape parade that vanishes the second the song ends? The answer is that the song in it's entirety runs on Pinkie Logic.
* Just how do cows get milked in Equestria?
** We know they can be milked using magic, presumably in the same manner humans would, as Twilight demonstrated in "Boast Busters".
Line 847:
* When Pinkie wanted to apologize to Cranky, he stubbornly refused to accept her apology. The obvious question is why? All he had to do was say "I accept your apology" to get her to leave him alone, even if he didn't really mean it.
** He was too mad, and a little scared, to think of it. He wanted her to know that she wasn't welcome around him.
** Up until that point, Pinkie had showed that no matter what she did, Cranky just couldn't get rid of her. In Cranky's mind, there was no reason to believe that once he had accepted her apology, she would go back to annoy him.
** Just because he is cranky doesn't mean he would be okay with lying about accepting her apology. He has standards.
* Daisy Jo was in the bakery buying cookies to go with her milk. It's implied she's going to eat the cookies...does that mean she's going to drink [[Squick|her own milk?]]
Line 859:
** I didn't get the impression he was ''meant'' to be a bad guy. Rarity tries to manipulate him with flattery and Pinkie Pie with lying and trickery, both of which are as morally suspect as Fluttershy's [[Jerkass]] behavior and not necessarily presented as good things. Iron Will sees right through them, but is brought around by Fluttershy's polite and respectful, yet still assertive, demeanor, which is much more morally sound than any other alternative presented to being a doormat.
*** He even learns a lesson at the end, that saying "no means no" is a good way to be assertive.
** If there's anything people can learn from Iron Will, it's that there isn't so much of a ''villain''. Was he trying to cause harm to the characters, like say, the Flim Flam brothers? No. All he was doing was giving advice, and it was Fluttershy going crazy about it...and he actually kept his word that it's free because Fluttershy was not satisfied, even walking off deciding to teach people that "no means no" is also a good way to be assertive without being overly-aggressive.
* I don't have anything against Iron Will - for me it seems like he is at worst neutral charcter. Yet I worry some may take him for villain. In the same time, I would like to point out, that Pinkie Pie and Rarity acted like [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Mares]]. Both tomato’s seller and nerdy-pony didn't really do anything wrong and yet the way our Mane2/6 acted is shown as completely justified. Semi-honest haggling and mooching staff are not assertiveness.
** Sure Rarity only flirted with that guy to get the last vegetable, but she didn’t take it away from him. She paid him and gave him a good ego boost. That seems to be a fair deal.
*** You may be right here. Maybe as a nerd and capitalist, I'm a bit thin-skinned about the kind of things Rarirty and Pinkie did. Still, I would prefer if they would teach assertivness in other way.
*** An 'Ego boost' is not a proper trade-off, even if Rarity paid him back, she now has the last asparagus, that's the only thing that matters. If anything, there's a chance that pony will eventually remember why he wanted it in the first place, and realize the deception, turning the 'ego boost' around. It really depends on whenever someone considers charm to be a justified means to an end or a trick to manipulate others to be frowned upon.
** People really forgive heroes. I don't think Iron Will was a "villain", just someone who gives bad advice but he learns a lesson too. I don't think he deserves to be demonized, especially since, you know, he wasn't ''intending'' to hurt anyone like say, Gilda or the Flim Flam brothers.
** I think the show should have been clearer about it, but no I don't think Iron Will was a villain. And his lecture WORKS its just a real life assertiveness seminar would probably include advice about how not to be a jerk. If he were a villain he'd force Fluttershy to pay up, but the truth is, his product was good yet flawed, so Fluttershy wasn't 100% satisfied
** I agree too. In fact Iron Will was one of the few characters who didn't try to take advantage of Fluttershy this episode. He held a class on assertiveness and wanted to be paid which is completely reasonable. The only villainous thing he did was threaten Fluttershy and that was most likely a buff (though he really shouldn't have threatened her). He listens to Fluttershy and respects her reason for not paying. Compare him to any of the jerkass background ponies and it will be obvious who the real villains are in this episode.
* Is it just me, or did those goats look ''way'' too evil for just being hired help for a guy who's no worse than a bit of a [[Jerkass]] who gave advice that essentially equated "being assertive" with "being a creep"?
** Well real goats can have a bit of an evil look about them some times, so maybe it's kind of Genetic?
Line 877:
** Fluttershy doesn't seem to like using the Stare in general, and didn't she say she can't exactly use it at will?
* Iron Will is a minotaur (half-bull/half-human) does this mean humans exist on this show?
** ...that would raise some [[Squick|squicky]] implications. However, Minotaurs don't necessarily have to be literal human/bull hybrids (the ones in [[Dungeons and& Dragons]], for instance, are just a species like any others.).
** Why can't he just be a bipedal bull? I know traditionally they're half human, but with old mythology there's room for new interpretation, particularly in a world with no humans.
** The lower half of his body looks like the hindlegs of a pony/horse, so he might just be Equestria's version of a Minotaur.
* So, does this mean that Fluttershy's assertiveness will supercede her kindness? I mean, that Element of Harmony is quite important, and even an [[Action Girl]] like Fluttershy-when she wants to be-should still be as kind as kind can be.
** Kindness and ''politeness'' aren't necessarily the same thing, to say nothing of being an outright shrinking violet and/or doormat. If anything, then inasmuch as the show has a continuity I'd expect Fluttershy's new assertiveness (assuming it sticks) to help her reach out to and help ''more'' people that she'd otherwise have felt too intimidated by.
* If Iron Will feels the need to introduce himself by name to Pinkie Pie and Rarity, then how does he know they're friends with Fluttershy?
Line 900:
* So, Cerberus exists in Equestria guarding the entrance to some world full of evil spirits. Did they really just imply that there's hell in the My Little Pony world?
** Eeyup. Does it matter? The show isn't exactly a utopia.
** Well, evil spirits doesn't have to mean it's related to hell as in a form of afterlife. Maybe Princess Celestia just banished a bunch of creatures like the Windigos or spirits of disharmony like Discord (just weaker) into that place at some point and then set up a guard-dog.
** Tartarus in Equestria is not necessary hell.Could be a prison for ancient and evil creatures, or maybe regular monsters like the ones in the Everfree Forest.
*** Twilight explicitly describes the creatures in Tartaros (Twilight distinctly pronounces it in the Greek, rather than Latin fashion, with an "os" rather than an "us") as ancient evils, so they aren't just run-of-the-mill creatures.
** OP here. It just seems weird that such a location exists, but only now has it been referred to. Seriously, what kind of implications does that hold about Equestria? We've seen a few evil creatures, but those seemed to be anomalies. But the existence of Tartarus implies that there are a LOT of those things, so many that there's a whole area to lock 'em up in.
*** I don't think the writers care. Tartarus was used just for a gag, probably didn't exist before this episode was written and won't appear ever again.
Line 909:
** Twilight said Starswirl had a wing of the library named after him in Luna Eclipsed, so she knew it existed. Presumably, she'd never seen a reason to visit the high-security part of the library before.
** Yes, the time loop is based upon a problem it caused. Depending on one's perception of time (which is to say, highly subjective and open to interpretation), it might imply that there was a time when the loop wasn't initiated. This particular Twilight might had simply stumbled upon the spell and used it, creating an alternate timeline which eventually stabilized into a loop. For the sake of simplicity: original Twilight goes back in time as herself for some reason, something causes her past self to become 'future Twilight', then she goes back to the past for the reason we saw, poof, the loop is made.
*** It is not as much subjective as it is just a choice the writers made. I for one am very satisfied they went for a [[Stable Time Loop|bootstrap paradox]] and sticked to it, with no [[Grandfather Paradox|grandfather paradox]] nor [[Alternate Universe|alternate reality]] being thrown into the mix.
*** Maybe there actually WAS a disaster before she started the loop, but it was averted by disaster-proofing Ponyville.
== 2.21 Dragon Quest ==
Line 919:
** They followed because they were just worried about their young friend going off into the unknown. How is that "shallow"?
* So is there some kind of "Finders Keepers" rule in place between the sentient species of Equestria when it comes to offspring? Princess Celestia had a dragon egg she was using as a test for Luna knows how long (and let Twilight keep Spike, despite not knowing anything about dragons and their needs) and Spike apparently get to keep the newly hatched Pheonix, even though he knows it has a family out there. Just a little bit bothered by that.
** Well, we still don't know where his egg came from, so it's still up to interpretation where his egg came from. But as for the Phoenix, the nest his parents were staying in was destroyed, and they were being chased by vicious dragons, so they probably won't go back to their old nest, looking for their egg anytime soon. Birds usually just move on to another location and stay there. So Spike taking the egg, probably saved the egg's life.
* Is Spike defective or something? No really, think about it. Every single dragon, literally every. single. dragon. has wings except for Spike. It's even pointed out by him.
** Well he is still just a little guy. He may grow his wings later. Who says that his Greed-Growth in The Secret of My Excess, was his '''real''' grown up form. His greedy form could just be a malformed (incorrect) way of growing up. And the Grown-up version of him in the Cutie Mark Chronicles, was just him blown up to a larger size. And we didn't even see if that form had wings.
** The most simple explanation is that Spike just isn't the same type of dragon as the others we've seen. He doesn't have wings because his species is naturally flightless.
*** That still begs the question as to why he was pretty much the only flightless dragon there. So many dragons went on the dragon migration, even if Spike is a wingless species, why was he the only member there? Is his species that rare? Is his species from a far-away land?
Line 934:
* Shouldn't Fluttershy know better than to stomp on Rainbow's rib cage? Fine, she was flying, so it was probably less severe, but the sound wasn't the most pleasant one. She could have broken her ribs that could have pierced her lungs!
** That's why you don't mess with Fluttershy. But seriously, she was careful enough not to hurt Rainbow Dash. And Rainbow Dash was not hurt. What more was she supposed to do?
* Did it bother anyone else that all the young dragons were unanimously declared [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]? They're crude and uncivilized by pony standards, but they seemed to treat Spike fairly well considering. As for raiding the phoenix nest, that seems to be instinct and a natural cycle of predator-prey more than conscious cruelty or sadism. Not to say Spike should have conceded to peer pressure or sold out his own values, but he didn't say, "This lifestyle isn't my thing, and I don't feel like I belong," he flat-out said the ponies were ''better'' and the dragons inferior. Are we supposed to believe that dragons are naturally [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]?
** To be fair, the red dragon in Dragonshy seemed like an okay guy. Just grumpy from having woken up.
** He was interacting with the douchebag teenage dragons, it probably would've gone differently had he interacted with a more mature bunch of dragons.
** No, we're supposed to believe that [[Teens Are Monsters|teenagers]] are [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]].
** Spike never said ponies were better than dragons. He said that his pony friends were better friends than those [[Jerkass|three]] [[Teens Are Monsters|dragons]]. They were trying to get him to smash a phoenix egg, not for predatory instinct, but [[Kick the Dog|pure malice]]. Most might have written the dragon teens off as simply toughening him up with their trails and whatnot had it not been for them trying to [[Moral Event Horizon|kill phoenixes]] entirely for [[For the Evulz|fun]].
** Was it entirely for fun? It seems to be more of a rite of passage. For all we know, smashing a phoenix egg (or doing something similarly callous) could be something every dragon has to do, including the one from "Dragonshy", who clearly wasn't meant to be too bad. Spike's right about the ponies being better friends, as the dragons' friendship is recinded when he doesn't follow orders, but despite that, it still seems more like a bad case of [[Values Dissonance]] than much else.
Line 958:
*** Besides, that time was a case of [[Heroic Resolve]].
* Phoenix are immortal (they are reborn from their own ashes). Yet we have seen they lay an entire ''clutch'' of eggs at a time. Why isn't Equestria overflowing with them? No matter how slow or infrequent the mating instinct may be, no permanent deaths would mean no way to compensate for the birds that are successfully hatched.
** For that matter, what would ''eat'' a phoenix? How many animals would enjoy a meal of ash instead of meat?
*** Dragons are probably the only creatures that could. We've seen Spike eat some pretty gross/inedible things.
** Doesn't the Phoenix rebirth thing only happen once every thousand years? If they die due to other causes, they might actually be killed off for real, or at least until the next thousand years is up.
Line 965:
** Maybe they only get reborn a limited number of times before they die permanently.
*** So...phoenixes are [[Time Lord|Time Lords]]?
* Why was Fluttershy scared of dragons when she [[Talking the Monster Toto Death|defeated]] one in ''Dragonshy''?
** Fluttershy's dracophobia was established in that episode. It was only when he was directly threatening her friends that she got over it. As it stands, the dragons aren't doing much aside from collateral damage.
== 2.22 Hurricane Fluttershy ==
* So Bonbon's a pegasus now?
** There was also a Pegasus Lyra in one of the previous episodes, so maybe Bon-Bon has a pegasus twin too.
** There's a Pegasus version of Doctor Whooves who competes in the Best Young Flyers competition. Apparently a lot of background ponies have doppelgangers of a different pony type.
** Changeling.
Line 988:
* Is it just me, or is this the first time in the entire series that Rainbow Dash actually acts kind and caring to someone? Even when defending her friends or doing them favors, she's still pretty loud and obnoxious about it. Here, she's soft spoken and rather supportive of Fluttershy throughout much of the episode, returning to her loud and boastful variety of friendliness when she's playing up Fluttershys performance. She's not exactly perfect (She's still begging Flutteryshy to help), but this is probably her first incident of being actually sensitive. It almost seems Dash went through a bit of character development off-screen, and we missed a friendship letter somewhere.
** How about The Last Roundup, where she was also quite nice to Applejack? Or last episode, where she was protective of Spike? The main problem here probably is that her first two episodes this season portrayed her as an asshole.
*** Or when she shows genuine affection towards Tank after he proves his worth? Or when she graciously accepts her defeat in ''Fall Weather Friends''? Or when her actions in general in ''Sonic Rainboom''? I could go on, but the point is, Dash has ''always'' been a [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]], not a callous [[Jerkass]] like a lot of people are painting her as lately.
**** I did not intend that Dash was not capable of being nice. But there's a difference between her good traits manifesting loudly and energetically, like they usually do, and her being relatively low-key in this episode. To be fair, she was somewhat quiet when trying to calm Tank down when he got scared towards the end of Best Pet. However, I'm pointing out that, normally, she's more like she was at the end of the episode, where she was giving the credit to Fluttershy in her usual boisterous manner. It's not that Dash can't be kind and considerate, it's that in this case, she behaved in a much more subdued way here. It seems like a younger Dash might have tried to be a lot more energetic towards Fluttershy, rather than her much more downplayed than usual behavior here. It's like if Pinkie Pie threw a party, and it was just a quiet affair, maybe with a single cake and basic food, and it was much more about the guests simply enjoying each others company than the actual party itself. It wouldn't be completely out of character, but it would be odd, and signify positive character development and better empathy on the part of the character (Dash in the episode, Pinkie in this example).
** Her character development indeed seems to have improved over time, especially in 'Read it and Weep', in which she learned to stop hating what she doesn't understand, a lesson she truly needed. There's a few moments in which RD was actually caring to someone else, but the rather poorly planned two episodes in a row dedicated in showcasing her absolute worst features, almost making her seem like a villain in 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Mysterious Mare-Do-Well' did a great job of changing the opinion of the community regarding her. It took some time, but it seems like she was eventually redeemed by becoming a more open-minded pony and being the target of most jokes in episodes.
** You may recall that when RD first learned of what Fluttershy's problem was, she started out being rather abrasive, but then stopped herself, and continued on more gently. I simply took this as her [[Shrinking Violet|realizing who she was dealing with.]] She knew she was talking to Fluttershy, and needed to be a bit more sensitive than normal. Compare it to Griffon The Brush-Off - Rainbow and Pinkie pranked every member of the Mane Cast except Fluttershy, because Pinkie declared that she was too sensitive for that, and that even the lightest prank would hurt her feelings. Rainbow agreed to this rather quickly. Similarly, there's not much of a problem when RD's brash with a Pinkie Pie or an Applejack, because they're not very likely to get their feelings hurt by it. But Flutters is the sensitive one, and she knows to be easier with her.
*** Yeah, dumping cold water and scaring her? Yeah, that's being kind. Hell, its not like RD needed Fluttershy anyway; she had most of the people in Ponyville riled up like her and could easily do the tornado without Fluttershy. The only thing that prevented their ability was the other ponies getting sick.
*** Fluttershy pulling out a cheap, obviously faked, "sick" excuse is understandably going to aggravate Rainbow a little bit, and as said above she went easier on her afterwards. She wanted Fluttershy to be in the tornado not because she ''had'' to be, but because she really, really, wanted her to participate and be part of the group. When Fluttershy acquiesced, it became more about helping her overcome her confidence and self-esteem issues. Fluttershy giving up and staying home wasn't the end of the tornado project, but it was a big disappointment and a loss for both Rainbow Dash and her.
* [[You Fail Physics Forever|How does Roid Rage fly with these itty-bitty wings?]]
** It's been implied at times that Pegasi rely partially on magic to fly, so maybe wing size does not matter that much.
** [[Rule of Funny]]
== 2.23 Ponyville Confidential ==
* [[Homestar Runner (Web Animation)|Dear Gabby Gums: How do you type with horseshoes on]]?
** [[Completely Missing the Point|Gabby Gums didn't use a typewriter]]. Anyway, the typewriters had two hoof-sized buttons and what looked like a space bar. That changes the question from how they hit the buttons to how they fit all the functions into such few keys.
*** I've got it! They type in... Horse Code!
Line 1,010:
* After the entire episode revolved around the Crusaders attempting to write stories that met with Tiara's approval so that they could get printed, and after she blackmailed them into continuing... Tiara approved the publication of their next article ''without ever looking at it''? And was caught completely off guard ''after'' the papers were circulated? She knew they wanted to change their format or leave their position, so why would she ''relax'' her editorial mandates? It's true that the deadline was approaching, but that still felt like an [[Idiot Ball]] on her part to reach the episode's conclusion.
** Tiara was probably too over-confident in her blackmail keeping the girls in line.
** They also seemed to be right at the paper's deadline, and she probably figured any Gabby Gums piece would be better than publishing the photos and cutting ties with the [[CM Cs]]CMCs forever.
** Tiara's been consistently shown to be ''mean'' -- not necessarily ''smart''. (It's not like she hasn't been [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|hoist by her own petard]] before.) Plus she's for all her attitudes still not an adult herself, so some [[Genre Blindness]] can be excused. Also, yeah, the two points above.
** These explanations would be acceptable for a purely print piece. However, the article actually has a picture of the Crusaders front and center, instantly implying that they are owning up to their actions as Gabby Gums, and we see during the later montage that it quickly caught the attention of those who were spiting the group. Even if Tiara didn't pick up on that implication, she'd have to wonder why they were writing a defamation article against themselves. For her to publish the article and put it on the "newstands" without realizing that it wasn't their standard fare, she must have not even ''glanced'' at the thing from the moment they handed it to her to the moment when everyone was reading it, and that would include not being anywhere near the printing or distribution process, especially so close to deadline when you need to make sure everything goes without a hitch. That's a pretty extreme reversal from earlier.
* Why does a one-room schoolhouse have its very own newspaper?
Line 1,018:
** Maybe she wanted to hang back and see if the kids would solve it themselves. Which, of course, they did, and they learned a valuable lesson along the way. It'd be a risky move, but some teachers are like that, especially in fiction.
** She did take her students on a field trip which resulted in unsealing an ancient evil and having Equestria descend into total chaos, maybe she's really that terrible a teacher.
** Sadly, the above. In the past, Cheerilee has let students be teased in front of her and watched the CMC get into a physical scuffle without intervening. She's sweet and loves her students, but she's never been a terribly reliable teacher.
** We don't see her after the first meeting until the end of the episode. Perhaps she was out of town on sabbatical, or at a teacher's conference. She might have been unaware until she came back and found out what had happened.
** Season 5 reveals the reason Diamond Tiara gets away with so much; her mother is president of the local school board. Cheerilee would have to wait until DT ''blatantly'' stepped out of line before she could begin to intervene.
* How did the CMC manage to dig up dirt on Trixie, if she had left Ponyville a long time ago?
** For that matter, how did the CMC get dirt on Celestia? Three fillies managed to hop a train to Canterlot without any supervision?
Line 1,025 ⟶ 1,026:
** It's almost certainly made up. Every other column they did was a picture and a caption that didn't even necessarily have to be related to the picture. (like claiming Fluttershy had tail extensions) They could've easily gotten a random picture of Trixie and added any accusation.
* Why didn't Spike tell the mane cast the CMC were Gabby Gums? He had been interviewed by one of them, and later that interview appeared in Gabby's column. He should have been able to put two and two and two together and get Matilda- er, the fact that the CMC were Gabby Gums.
** Diamond Tiara pulled that article. She said it was too nice. While the mane six know that he knows who Gabby Gums is, they never actually ask him. The CMC might have asked him to keep it a secret. Or he also might have told the others off screen.
** He probably did. Someone had to have told the town who Gabby Gums was, since they all knew. It had to have been Rarity or Spike, since Rarity figured it out and Spike was interviewed by them. Rarity seems unlikely because 1. It's her sister, and 2. She'd already heard how guilty Sweetie Belle felt about it. So we can probably guess that Spike exposed them.
* Anyone thought the Ponyville publicly shunning the [[Power Trio|Cutie Mark Crusaders]] a bit harsh? Granted, they invaded their privacy and were humiliated but they're only young fillies. I hate to see what the town will do if the girls did something worse...
Line 1,031 ⟶ 1,032:
** They (albeit unintentionally) let loose the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. You can't get much worse than that, and no one seems to hold it against them in the long term. Not to mention they fed Big Macintosh and Cherilee a [[Love Potion]] that forced them into a relationship together and caused them to go so bonkers they caused a significant amount of collateral damage. Again, no one holds it against them (unless Macintosh's rant at them was partially fueled by that).
*** Not so much in the former case, since no one really knew that they were to blame. Celestia might have had realized that CMC's quarrel fueled Discord's release, but she probably didn't know about it, and Cheerilee who saw it probably didn't connect an ordinary class trip she likely have had dozens of times with the appearance of an evil [[Physical God]].
*** Even Celestia might not have known the [[CM Cs]]CMCs were responsible. She didn't say he'd been woken up or released, only that he had returned.
* This one's kind of a nitpick, but it's also central to the entire episode, so I think it bears saying. The girls create the shared alias of "Gabby Gums" because they can't fit all three of their own names in their one section of the paper. But why not just sign it "[[CM Cs]]CMCs" or "the Crusaders" or something? It's not like their club name's a secret or anything; plenty of other characters have acknowledged it before.
** Maybe they just liked the name.
** Maybe they heard about the idea of pen names and figured that using one would help them earn their cutie marks.
== 2.24 [[MM Mystery]] on the Friendship Express ==
* '''Where the heck is Spike during all of this!?''' I mean, besides the "Last Roundup", and "Sweet and Elite" he's the ''only'' one of the mane cast that keeps being left out of the group's fun. And we know for a fact that in this episode he wasn't on official business in Canterlot, or else he'd make a cameo. Was Twilight really making him stay behind to do chores at the library, rather than hang out with his friends and see Celestia, the one that helped Twilight raise him, and in a way, a mother to him?
** Well, it was a rather spontaneous invitation, wasn't it? I was under the impression that they didn't even go home.
*** They had tickets, or at least rooms. Either they had warning before hand, or they were able to make some arrangements.
Line 1,046:
* The [[Character Derailment]] of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity bothers me. Did they become jerks just for the sake of the plot or is there an underlying instinctual behavior regarding ponies and cakes.
** This bothered me, too. Especially at the end when the other bakers scrambled around to eat each other's goods. Seriously? Do none of these characters have any self-control? Pinkie Pie's immediate forgiveness and understanding baffled me as well. If all of my friends conspired to ruin something that I worked really hard on and might bring my town some recognition I'd be really pissed and call my friendship with these people into question.
*** Well, "conspired" is the wrong word, but yeah, at the very least there should have been some indication that the three intended to work off the debt somehow.
** My initial thought upon first viewing was that it was another "chalk it to Pinkie's weirdness" thing - she is SO EXCITED and SO OBSESSED with the food that her descriptions are literally mind-altering, turning even the ponies of loyalty, generosity, and kindness to sneaking a bite. As such, I found it hilarious.
Line 1,055:
** There's also the fact that this time around, there was an alternate explanation for her behavior; the entire first half of episode 25 where Twilight goes on and on about how important her brother is to her and how mad she is that he's getting married without telling her could easily come across as possessive. Adding to that is that they aren't there when it's revealed that Twilight knew Cadance, or when she made peace with her brother. Add in the fact that (fake) Cadance treated the rest of the cast pretty well (putting people you don't know into your wedding party is a pretty big gesture) and it's pretty clear that from their perspective, Twilight is being insanely possessive of her brother, and making up excuses to dislike the pony who's taking him away from her. They didn't just brush her off; they heard her out and made an (wrong) informed decision that she was just jealous.
* Where did the Changlings come from? Where do they live? And why do they feed off of love?
** Tartarus. Wherever they can hide<ref>They're '''shapeshifters.''' They could be hiding in your own closet without you knowing.</ref>. And love tastes sinfully delicious, without being fattening in the slightest.
** Or maybe... ever notice how there's more than one Bonbon? or Derpy? Changlings live everywhere and act just like normal ponies.
*** .... Is it possible they just gave a canon explanation for all the duplicate background ponies?
Line 1,065:
** Luna is shown to relieve Celestia at nightfall, and when she shows up for the wedding asking whether she's missed anything it's once again evening. The Changelings also never seem to have found her while swarming all over Canterlot<ref>[[Fridge Horror,|at least as far as one can ever tell when shapeshifters are involved,]]</ref>, which together with her earlier arrival through the shield would indeed suggest that she spends her days elsewhere and may in fact simply have slept through the whole thing.
*** Still strange that Luna would leave Canterlot at night even though Canterlot is explicitely under threat of attack. Wouldn't it make sense to have both powerful alicorns at hand to repel the threat? Not to mention Luna's presence at the wedding itself would have resolved the plot immediately.
* Shining Armor's Twilight's BBBFF (Big Brother Best Friend Forever), then what about Spike? Does that make him her LBBFF (Little Brother Best Friend Forever)?
** I actually think the introduction of Shining Armor hasn't ruined the theory that Twi and Spike are like bro and sis. It's just that their relationship is different. With Shining Armor, he was someone she could look up to, and play with. Spike was just a baby at the time. And probably spent a lot of time with Celestia (seeing as she taught him that "fire-magic sending thingy"). But Spike loves Twilight as family (confirmed in Owl's Well That Ends Well, and Dragon Quest) and shows that she returns the feelings.
** One [[Word of God]] suggested that Celestia took to the initial raising of Spike, given the general lack of pony knowledge on dragon raising, only giving her to Twilight as an assistant when both were mature enough for it. Hence, the Twi/Spike relationship - prior to being sent off to Ponyville - would be more formal, and becoming more sibling as they both learned to adjust to Ponyville. This would also be consistent that leaving Shining (whom she still probably saw every day while at Canterlot), her relationship with Spike would be upgraded to the sibling nature to make up for not being around Shining.
* Why was everyone so quick to take Cadance's side? They all completely snuffed Twilight, as if her opinion didn't matter. It's especially odd, since the other 5 had learned to take others feelings a [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E3/E03 Lesson Zero|little more seriously]].
** They all saw Twilight get into a bad mood because Shining Armor didn't tell her about the wedding personally. They assumed she was overreacting because of that. And as much as her friends try to take her concerns seriously, Twilight obsesses over the smallest of things.
*** I'm not so sure that holds water. This is Rarity and Applejack we're talking about, and the dress and the apples were snubbed by the bride. Even if she wasn't a changeling-much less the queen-we're talking about someone who basically disrespected the very foundation of what those two characters have based their lives and liveihoods on. Applejack would normally defend her own apples to the death. Rarity is not someone you screw around with when it comes to dressmaking. If Cadance was realistically acting in this manner, it makes perfect sense to call her out on her bullshit, especially from the Mane Six. Struck me as a little out-of-character for them to hold back and instantly forgive her. I may be a guy, but I know a 'bridezilla' when I see one.
Line 1,074:
**** The scene where Twilight crashes the wedding is probably the worst for that, it really bothered this troper. The other ponies completely dismiss Twilight without a thought. I genuinely thought they were being mind-controlled/influenced like Shining Armor was. Even Celestia leaves in a huff without actually talking to Twilight about her concerns. It gets really egregious when Shining Armor tells her off so utterly... considering the relationship the siblings are supposed to have, that should have set off alarm bells. Yet her supposed friends just leave her without saying anything? The hell?
**** ^ It's entirely possible that any of those characters planned to talk to Twilight some more after she had a chance to calm down. They tried to find her a few minutes later, but she had already been imprisoned at that point and thus could not be found (and they assumed she had run off). And you can't really count what Shining Armor said, considering he was under some sort of mind-control influence.
*** Rarity has actually got lots of prior evidence for being a total pushover when it comes to being talked back to about her dresses. Applejack I might expect to be a little harsher, but she didn't lose her temper with Prince Blueblood either, and was remarkably civil with the Flim Flam Brothers too.
*** To be fair, Twilight never actually accuses "Cadance" of being an outright ''fake'' -- just vaguely "evil", which does make her sound more than a bit irrational and desperate. Since she doesn't even bring up her alleged former favorite foal-sitter blithely failing to recognize her at first, it seems that the idea that she might be dealing with a genuine impostor (rather than the real Princess Cadance simply turned somehow 'bad') didn't occur to even ''her''.
*** THIS. Go back and watch the rehersal scene and try to forget all the other stuff that happened in the episode. Twilight comes across as an extremely rude, possessive, irrational pony just spouting off the word 'evil' over and over. The look on Rarity and Rainbow Dash's faces afterwards are entirely realistic reactions.
Line 1,088:
** For yet another alternative, we don't even know for certain that that spell is still there. It failed to keep out Discord, after all; Celestia may have replaced it with something else in the meantime.
* Why would the changelings shape-shift into the ponies they're fighting? Now they have no idea who's friend and who's foe.
** Neither do their opponents.
*** Except that their opponents can all quite easily attack the ones that look like them, and can also attack any group of two or more clones of the same pony who appear to be fighting together. The only way this might give the Changelings an advantage is if they themselves had the ability to spot the difference, but judging by Fluttershy's trick they clearly don't.
** Judging by the changelings' habit of slamming their faces into things (either the shield or the ground), perhaps they're not very intelligent.
** Psychological warfare, they did it hopping to mess with the Mane 6's heads a bit.
*** Exactly. Yeah, it didn't work in their favor, but most of them seemed to enjoy messing the Mane 6's heads, notably when a group of Changeling!Twilights mockingly repeat Twilight's "They're changelings, remember?"
* How did the Queen manage to get past the force field?
** She probably went in before it was even put up.
Line 1,100:
** It is also possible she saw love as a source of food and nothing else, only Changelings can "eat" love and she wasn't expecting it to be weaponized against her.
** Cadance was weakened from imprisonment, so Chrysalis probably had no idea she could still do magic
* So, the threat to Canterlot. The one that caused Shining Armor to beef up security. What was the deal with that? The implication is that it was a threat from the Changelings, but that doesn't make much sense. They're shapeshifters who did their very best to hide the operation until it came time to invade. Telling them that they're planning to attack only made their job harder. The only explanations I can think of are that they were ridiculously confident or that the threat was sent by Shining Armor before he became brainwashed, who'd figured out what was happening and sent it to himself in an attempt to thwart their plans. Yeah, I don't know either.
** I think they let slip that something unspecific was threatening Canterlot, and between him constantly keeping up the forcefield and the Changeling Queen draining him, they were trying to run the source of the defenses out of power, so the shield generator would be completely tapped out for their invasion.
** The simplest explanation is that the Changeling Queen herself made the threat after switching places with Cadance. Her plan required him to be too distracted to notice her changes in behavior, and for best results she would want him too exhausted to really fight back. Forcing Shining Armor to keep the shield up for an extended period of time accomplished both of those things, and claiming to heal him gave the Queen an excuse to cast spells on him repeatedly.
Line 1,110:
*** It IS a [[Sequel Hook]], we finally have a villain evil enough to be an actual problem and not too strong to be to dangerous to let free, I am just saying, the Changelings don't NEED a large scale attack to feed thenselfs, they are shapeshifters, they could just sneak on a town, eat as much love and whatever other emotions they might also enjoy as they want and get away from there as fast as possible.
** Keep in mind that the Changelings were likely disorganized from being blasted over the horizon, and demoralized from their recent defeat. They'll probably return eventually, but at the moment, fighting them is less war, and more pest control.
** I figure they do indeed lurk throughout Equestria, but for reasons mentioned above know they would lose a large scale battle and so keep themselves hidden. Unicorns can destroy their illusions remember, if she wasn't empowered the (significantly more powerful that her subjects) Queen would have been totally flattened by Celestia. Her plan was likely to zerg rush Celestia and the royal guard, while they were both exhausted and had their guard down. Doing so takes away the main threat to domination of the whole country.
** Now that Canterlot is ''aware'' of a changeling threat, they may develop spells to detect changelings, and send out patrols around Equestria to find them and stop them from causing too much trouble. (They knew there was a threat before the changelings arrived, but I don't think they knew anything specific. Now they do.)
* Is Vinyl Scratch related to Shining Armor and, by extension, Twilight? She looks an awful lot like him - white unicorn with dark/light blue mane and all.
Line 1,121:
* The direction in which Chrysalis and her minions got blasted off too looked absolutedly barren. Is that Tartaurus? Or is it someplace else entirely?
** Could be Appleoosa, actually. Or just someplace we haven't seen before. (And besides, I got the impression that the changelings were blasted in all directions.)
** It would kind of make sense to assume it's just part of the frontier lands where Appleloosa and Dodge Junction are located, especially since [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 /E14 The Last Roundup|The Last Roundup]] reveals that this part of Equestria is visible from Canterlot - but it seems pretty clear that writers wanted to imply that it's some sort of [[Mordor]]-like wasteland where changelings come from and now were sent back there.
* If Shining Armor was considered Twilight's only friend, then what about Spike? Based on dialogue from previous episodes, it's implied that they always had a strong bond- Owl's Well that ends Well he was afraid that Twilight didn't love him anymore. And that knew each other ever since they met- Secret Of My Excess mentions how for '''every''' birthday he had, Twilight always gave him a gift. And the picture of baby Spike with Twilight in the final scene from Dragon Quest, implies that she knew him from the moment he was hatched. Is it because he was a baby for most of the time, that he wouldn't be old enough to play the things she wants to? Or is it out of ignorance, since he's younger, she looks down on him (like any older sibling would on a younger sibling)?
** What is ''with'' you and your constantly demonizing the ponies as dragon abusers??
*** They don't abuse Spike. If anything, Twilight definitely cares about him. I just find it odd how she only counted Shining Armor as her one friend in Canterlot, while Spike was hanging out with her too. I'm just wondering where exactly does he fits in her circle of friends? Does she see him as another brother, a friend, a son, or just an assistant?
** Shining Armor was probably her only friend ''before'' she became Celestia's pupil, and thus also before she met Spike. Twilight mentioned they drifted apart, and that's probably the point in time when the drifting happened - when Twilight became Celestia's pupil.
*** Now that you mention it, I do notice how she didn't have her cutie mark in those flashbacks. So you're probably right. I bet Twilight sees Spike and Celestia as her second family. Seeing as she drifted apart from her own, Celestia became a second mother, and Spike a second brother. But she always kept in touch with her parents and shining armor.
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** Because Twilight exaggerates and is prone to massive errors of perception. She also forgot about Spike. Both are perhaps family, which don't count for reasons of proving a point.
** She probably meant she had no friends outside her family. When she's spoken of a lack of friends in past episodes, I'm pretty sure it was to exemplify how she never tried to ''make'' friends. She didn't need to socialize to make friends with Shining Armor because he's family and she didn't need to; it was just an automatic bond.
* Why did the writers feel they needed to give Princess Celestia-generally considered a power onto a literal god in this world as an alicorn-[[The Worf Effect]]? Talk about a way to talk down the most-powerful individual pony in all of Equestria. If Luna had been there, I'm sure a double-team would have settled it...but no, of course not. Dramatic contrivance ho!
** Yes it was dramatically convenient, but in fairness Celestia being THAT powerful is Fanon. She's never demonstrated anything beyond being a particularly powerful unicorn with added wings, and the ability to raise the sun each day was confirmed in "Hearth Warming Eve" to be a normal unicorn ability, albeit likely one that required a group of them working together before Celestia came along. And yes, if Luna had been there too things would have gone differently, which is why she ''wasn't''. Give the writers ''some'' room to create meaningful conflict.
** Just because Celestia can raise the sun doesn't mean she has god-like powers in other areas. It's entirely possible that she has great power over the sun ''specifically'', and relatively little power with other types of magic. (I mean, she's obviously more powerful than average. She's just not god-mode powerful.)
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*** She's their primary authority figure and has been for over a thousand years, yes. But even if the other ponies ''believe'' her to be an actual goddess as we'd understand the concept -- unclear at this time since pony religion hasn't really come up in the show at all, probably so as not to needlessly wake sleeping [[Moral Guardians]] --, that doesn't necessarily make her one in fact. (That the ancient Egyptians supposedly believed in the divinity of their pharaos didn't exactly endow ''those'' with mighty supernatural powers either as far as we can tell.)
*** The indications are that Celestia simply ''is'' more powerful than the normal ponies, and indeed probably one of the more powerful entities in the setting. She can control the sun as a single pony -- the play somewhat implied it took more than one normal unicorn to do it. She broke a spell cast by Twilight Sparkle -- herself a force to be reckoned with on the series' power scale -- as if it were nothing. She wielded the Elements of Harmony both with the help of her sister and single-handed -- something it currently takes six ponies to accomplish. Queen Chrysalis very, very obviously didn't consider beating her in open combat even a remote possibility until it had already happened. Does this mean she's a goddess? Not necessarily... but it ''does'' mean that Celestia is a force to reckon with. Combine it with her apparent immortality... and "goddess" is the word that would spring to most people's minds.
*** Ultimately, speculations about Celestia's "power level" are just that -- speculation -- because we don't have all that much solid ''information'' to go by. Moving both the sun and the moon on time for a thousand years during Luna's/Nightmare Moon's exile is arguably her most impressive feat to date, but that's really only ''one'' trick (and one that could be [[Hand Wave|explained away]] as an expression of her personal special talent and her specifically being Luna's sister if need be), and beyond that we don't see her exercising whatever personal magical powers she may have much at all. Perhaps worse, her known track record in facing [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] by herself (i.e., without the Elements of Harmony) is three losses out of three so far: Nightmare Moon is strongly implied to have imprisoned her offstage easily enough, she's not even shown to ''try'' taking on Discord herself when he breaks free, and against Chrysalis she finally officially loses onscreen. [[The Omnipotent]] who simply decides to [[All Powerful Bystander|keep losing on purpose for some reason]]? Just a literal [[Incredibly Lame Pun|one-trick pony]] with [[Hundred-Percent100% Adoration Rating|great PR]]? Something in between the two extremes? [[Your Mileage May Vary|You decide.]]
*** Well, the season 4 finale finally gave us an on-screen example of what alicorn power looks like when fully unleashed... and it looks like ''nuclear explosions'' and ''holes getting punched in mountain ranges''. Granted that was the power of four alicorns combined and not just one, but even so, holy crap. So, given that Celestia is unaging, extremely tough, moves celestial bodies with her mind, and commands vast mystical powers that at their fullest potential can do things like crack mountains and reduce entire square miles of terrain to ash, calling her ''at least'' a "demi-goddess" would seem appropriate.
** Or it's possible that Celestia simply held back on unleashing her full power out of fear of the other ponies in the room getting hurt, using only the bare minimum she though would be needed, then taken out by a sucker punch.
* If changelings feed off emotions, why do they have fangs?
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** Even by the end, the Mane 6 were subdued by the Changelings. On top of that, the Changelings can shapeshift, making it very hard to tell them apart and fight them. If they used the same technique they used on the Mane 6 on the guards, it would be a lot harder since the guards all look the same.
** Remember too that the Queen had their captain brainwashed. She knew exactly where they were deployed, where they were weak, what the individual members were capable of... her minions were likely under order to finish them off first, only going for the group of six unarmored ponies runing through the city when they went for the elements of harmony. It was also likely that groups of them were indeed still fighting, but it wasn't plot important enough to show them.
*** Come on, let's be honest. The Royal Guard hasn't really proven themselves to be effective save Shining Armor's impressive barrier. I mean, when you live in a matriarchal society where your main leaders are triple-aspected Gods, you don't have much to do normally.
** When have the Royal Guards ''ever'' proven themselves to be more than a [[Redshirt Army]], anyway?
* Is it spelled Cadence or Cadance? The former is what I thought it was (and the way this site spells it), but the closed captions and the MLP Wikia spell it as "Cadance".
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** Maybe Chrysalis just screwed up. Maybe she just assumed Twilight would mirror her brother's opinions. Thus, she didn't try very hard to fool Twilight.
** It's possible that she didn't have the time to study Cadance, or that Cadance is just that opposite in character, or maybe she's just plain a bad actor.
** It looked like Chrysalis was annoyed by the sheer presence of the Mane Six. She had successful isolated Shining from his family, who would’ve been the first ones to noticed that something was wrong, but then Celestia invited Twi and there wasn’t much that Chrysalis could do about it. At first she barley could contain her frustration and wasn’t rational. It took her a while to calm down and adjust to the new situation. At the point she probably get rid of her old bridesmaids, so that Twi’s friends could take the free spot in an attempt to win them over.
* Cadance's love magic in Twilight's flashback (the one with the quarrelling pony couple), aside from being [[Tastes Like Diabetes|sickeningly sweet]] and having vaguely disturbing [[Mind Rape|mind rape-y]] undertones, contradicts the CMC's lesson in Hearts and Hooves Day, namely that one must respect other's feelings and let them work out their relationships on their own. I understand that Cadance, being a carefree adolescent at the time, might have misused her power for her own amusement, but the whole thing is handled positively, and there's no indication that she has changed once she was a grown-up. When fake!Cadance showed up and started acting bitchy towards Twilight, I honestly thought that she was just a [[Spoiled Brat]] who got around by manipulating ponies with her power and making them love her.
** This one I was sort of okay with. It's one thing to use mind-altering magics to cause two ponies who are clearly not interested to fall desperately in love. It's another thing to use what is most certainly much less invasive magic to help two ponies who are probably already in love realize that what they are arguing about is a petty and trivial thing that is making them forget how much they care about each other.
*** Possibly, but it might help if we actually knew, or knew that Cadance knew, what the argument was about.
**** Well, there are no details, but given that she kept talking about how she was going to a hooficure, where her friends are, it's quite likely that they knew each other or were even married. At the very least, they were certainly no strangers.
*** We don't really know how exactly that spell worked, we just saw it being cast and its most obvious effect. It's quite possible that its whole purpose was to ''remind'' the squabbling couple of their love for each other (which would also mean that it wouldn't have worked if there really hadn't been anything to remind them ''of''). In pretty sharp contrast to [[Shadow Archetype|Chrysalis]], Cadance just doesn't come across as the deliberately manipulative type.
*** Remember the spell Twilight casts in "Return of Harmony" to remind her brainwashed friends of their feelings for each other and thus snap them out of Discord's spell? I think we just saw who Twilight learned how to do that from.
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* If the changelings feed on love, than why openly invade and terrorize the population? People who are being attacked by horrible monsters usually feel terrified, not loving. Wouldn't it make sense for them to do exacly as their queen did, i.e. infiltrate pony communities under disguise, hook up with ponies or probably abduct and replace their loved ones and then leech on their love?
** It's only a guess, but: consider how many changelings we actually see on screen. There really ''are'' a lot of them making up just this one swarm. That means that in order to feed them all they'd likely also have to replace a lot of ''ponies'' if they wanted to go the 'subtle' route...which would increase the risk of being caught in the act and bringing the wrath of the princesses and whatever forces they have at their command down on them ''anyway''. So it's not inconceivable that Chrysalis could have decided to take advantage of the royal wedding (where pretty much everypony who was anypony would be present) to launch a preemptive decapitation strike at the Equestrian government right away -- the changelings could then always go back to playing their disguise games at their leisure ''after'' taking over, after all.
*** Except that's a terrible plan. They feed on LOVE. The entire plan from beginning to end is pants on head stupid when you think about it. Frightening the population is like invading a country for food and setting the farms on fire during the invasion. You simply wouldn't do it. My guess is they can feed on fear just fine just love is better.
** It's only a WMG, but it's possible the changelings have more direct means of feeding off their victims, once they're incapacitated. We saw them gather around cornered ponies. And really, we've never actually seen how they feed.
** That they feed on love doesn't necessarily mean that anybody needs to specifically love ''them'' (or whoever they're pretending to be at the moment). We can't necessarily generalize from the sole example of Queen Chrysalis -- she had reasons to take the subtle approach ''beyond'' just looking for a meal. For all we know, threatening one victim to tickle out whatever love and concern anyone else nearby may be feeling for ''them'' could be a perfectly fine standard changeling feeding method.
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[[Category:My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Headscratchers]]
[[Category:My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Season 2]]