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== [[Literature]] ==
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' books, the Alchemists' Guild are also [[Magitek]] mad scientists. Inverted with the character of Jeremy Clockson, who has the detachment from reality and dangerous obsession of the typical Mad Scientist because (most of the time, and in a very specialised way) he's ''saner'' than normal people.
** [[The Igor]]s of the ''Discworld'' series. Though typically the assistants of a Mad Scientist, they're known to conduct their own experiments, such as growing noses with feet, and their own special version of "self improvement". Though to be fair, the Igors in general are remarkably [[Genre Savvy]]—they know their place in the chain, and how to react when that chain is shaken. In fact, the clan basically foists off the most "modern" variant of their clan upon the Night Watch in an attempt to cease the corruption: that is to say, Mr. "Noses with Feet". Similarly, in ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'', an Igor working for vampires revolts at their innovations and revives the old master—not so much reviving the [[Good Old Ways]] as the [[Even Evil Has Standards|Moderately Less Odious Old Ways]].
** ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]'' gives us Hubert Turvy, a mad ''economist''. With a really, really [[Crazy Awesome]] laugh.
** Bergholt Stuttley "Bloody Stupid" Johnson may qualify, aside from his architectural and landscaping mishaps he made a mail-sorter with a wheel that has pi as exactly 3, it started churning out mail from the future and alternate universes until the post master smashed it.
** Leonard of Quirm isn't so much mad as unable to foresee the consequences of his inventions.
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{{quote|The backstory behind this wonderful prop is appropriately insane, but su[r]prisingly believable when you consider the things the real Howard Hughes was actually involved in. To this day there are people convinced he was part of everything from [[Area 51]] to the demolition of the secret Nazi base in Antarctica using a miniature nuke.}}