Lord Error-Prone: Difference between revisions

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So, this character is on a noble crusade, talks big, and [[Believing Their Own Lies|believes all his own hype]]. In his mind, he is a [[Knight in Shining Armor|great and noble hero]]. However, to everyone else (maybe except a loyal [[Sidekick]] or newbie) he's a buffoon or idiot who probably [[You Watch Too Much X|Watches Too Much X]].
He's '''Lord Error-Prone'''—a, a [[Knight in Shining Armor]] or [[Knight Templar]] whose ineptitude and lack of common sense makes him more of a nuisance rather than a real threat to whatever he is fighting against. Which is probably good, given his [[Lawful Stupid|fanatical mindset.]]
Possessing extremely poor judgment, '''Lord Error-Prone''' can often be seen charging against an opponent he has no chance of winning against (which, given his general clumsiness and lack of true combat skills, means almost everyone), oppressing minorities/static objects (surely servants of evil!) and punishing evildoers for such hideous crimes as jaywalking and littering. Often bizarrely [[Genre Savvy]], but this generally [[Reality Ensues|backfires]] (because [[This Is Reality]]) -- [[Refugee From TV Land|extreme cases]] may simply be [[Genre Savvy]] for the ''[[Wrong Genre Savvy|wrong genre]]''.
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** Eyck is an interesting (subversion?). He's quite a competent knight in his own right, he's just happened to be completely [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]. He thinks that he is the [[Knight in Shining Armor]] in a [[Chivalric Romance]], and tries hard to play the part right, but actually he's in the particularly [[Crapsack World]] of a [[Low Fantasy]], and comes out as a funny combination of a [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]] ''and'' [[Knight Templar]].
* Obvious mention goes to Lord Rust from [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' series. All nobles were like this to a lesser or greater extent, but Lord Rust stands out as by far the worst offender.
** This is nothing new either - in ''[[Discworld/Night Watch (Discworld)|Night Watch]]'', the only difference between Rust 30 years ago and Rust now is a mustachemoustache. And Sybil tells Sam (from experience, presumably) that describing him as an "inbred streak of piss" is perfectly accurate, and that to comply with Fred Colon's suggestion about what to do with the badge, Rust would need a hammer.
** In his defence Rust is at least honourable (as he sees honour). At one point Vimes thinks Rust might have gotten up to something but then discounts it because he may look down on you but he wouldn't stoop to a level below him. Lord Rust may be a stuck up, arrogant elitist, but he wouldn't stab you in the back or cheat.
** As far as anyone who a) lives in Ankh-Morpork, b) has ever had any kind of contact with Vetinari, or c) takes any kind of role in government is concerned, that's only further proof of idiocy.