League of Legends: Difference between revisions

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** Sejuani joined the League to oppose Ashe for control of Frelijord.
** Sejuani joined the League to oppose Ashe for control of Frelijord.
** Zilean and Volibear hate each other as a joke because of Riot employees; Zilean was named after Zileas, who was against the idea of armored bears, while Volibear was named after Volibar, who wanted armored bears.
** Zilean and Volibear hate each other as a joke because of Riot employees; Zilean was named after Zileas, who was against the idea of armored bears, while Volibear was named after Volibar, who wanted armored bears.
* [[Art Evolution]]:
* [[Art Evolution]]:
** In-game art became much better post-release.
** In-game art became much better post-release.
** Chinese in-game art. Compare [http://data-cube.org/images/lolitems/Morgana.jpg this] to [http://a.imageshack.us/img180/3821/fallenangelsplash0.jpg this].
** Chinese in-game art. Compare [http://data-cube.org/images/lolitems/Morgana.jpg this] to [http://a.imageshack.us/img180/3821/fallenangelsplash0.jpg this].
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* [[Armor-Piercing Question]]: The whole point of the League's Champion Judgement process is to ask two: "Why do you want to join the League?" and "How does it feel, exposing your mind?"
* [[Armor-Piercing Question]]: The whole point of the League's Champion Judgement process is to ask two: "Why do you want to join the League?" and "How does it feel, exposing your mind?"
* [[Artificial Brilliance]]/[[Artificial Stupidity]]: The bots zig-zag between these two. The bots on Beginner are notoriously poor players, running into towers without minions and rarely going back for more health. The Intermediate bots, on the other hand, are a whole order of magnitude more difficult, ganking weak champions and making much better use of their abilities -- and yet they ''still'' make stupid decisions like chasing "weakened" champions all across the map while their lane stays wide-open.
* [[Artificial Brilliance]]/[[Artificial Stupidity]]: The bots zig-zag between these two. The bots on Beginner are notoriously poor players, running into towers without minions and rarely going back for more health. The Intermediate bots, on the other hand, are a whole order of magnitude more difficult, ganking weak champions and making much better use of their abilities -- and yet they ''still'' make stupid decisions like chasing "weakened" champions all across the map while their lane stays wide-open.
** The bots are actually being updated, too - with [[Artificial Brilliance]] intended.
** The bots are actually being updated, too - with [[Artificial Brilliance]] intended.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Many.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Many.
** Gentleman Cho'Gath. French Maid Nidalee may or may not be related.
** Gentleman Cho'Gath. French Maid Nidalee may or may not be related.
** Amumu got an Emo Mummy skin. Emumu!
** Amumu got an Emo Mummy skin. Emumu!
** Corporate Mundo deals what he pleases.
** Corporate Mundo deals what he pleases.
** If you type /joke three times when Swain is in his transformed state, he will say "Think logically for ONE SECON--CAWCAWCAWCAWCAW!!"
** If you type /joke three times when Swain is in his transformed state, he will say "Think logically for ONE SECON--CAWCAWCAWCAWCAW!!"
** The 'Battle Training' has a tip to inform of being careful around the brush since an enemy champion maybe be hiding in it to ambush you... using images of Garen appearing out of the brush using his infamous [[Spin Attack|Judgement]]. You can practically hear the "DEMACIAAAA!".
** The 'Battle Training' has a tip to inform of being careful around the brush since an enemy champion maybe be hiding in it to ambush you... using images of Garen appearing out of the brush using his infamous [[Spin Attack|Judgement]]. You can practically hear the "DEMACIAAAA!".
** Brolaf, the King of Bromacia. Now at an in-game store near you.
** Brolaf, the King of Bromacia. Now at an in-game store near you.
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** Soraka has two heals, a silence and a mana refill and one damage spell.
** Soraka has two heals, a silence and a mana refill and one damage spell.
** Janna technically has several damage spells but they do little actual damage and are loaded with slows, knockups and knockbacks. Her most effective playstyle involves leaving every single minion kill to her allies, falling hopelessly behind in terms of levels and gold, but using her spells to set up enemies for her team, earning her team potentially a dozen kills while doing insignificant amounts of damage herself.
** Janna technically has several damage spells but they do little actual damage and are loaded with slows, knockups and knockbacks. Her most effective playstyle involves leaving every single minion kill to her allies, falling hopelessly behind in terms of levels and gold, but using her spells to set up enemies for her team, earning her team potentially a dozen kills while doing insignificant amounts of damage herself.
** Zilean has only one ability that deals damage. One. The others are to reset his cooldowns, speed up or slow down champions, or [[Back From the Dead|revive allies if they die]]. It's possible for him to spike by putting a time bomb on someone, then rewinding the cooldown and putting another on, forcing the first bomb to explode.
** Zilean has only one ability that deals damage. One. The others are to reset his cooldowns, speed up or slow down champions, or [[Back From the Dead|revive allies if they die]]. It's possible for him to spike by putting a time bomb on someone, then rewinding the cooldown and putting another on, forcing the first bomb to explode.
** Taric can actually do some decent damage himself, but his main job is supporting his team. He can heal his allies, passively boost their armor, stun enemies that would otherwise cause trouble, but his Ultimate is the real kicker. It does a decent amount of AoE burst damage, significantly boosts Taric's offensive stats, and gives nearby allies half that bonus for 10 seconds. It's absolutely fabulous for teamfights or tearing apart a tower.
** Taric can actually do some decent damage himself, but his main job is supporting his team. He can heal his allies, passively boost their armor, stun enemies that would otherwise cause trouble, but his Ultimate is the real kicker. It does a decent amount of AoE burst damage, significantly boosts Taric's offensive stats, and gives nearby allies half that bonus for 10 seconds. It's absolutely fabulous for teamfights or tearing apart a tower.
** Averted by Karma, whose abilities both make her allies stronger and deal significant damage themselves. This leaves her in a bit of a weird spot in the metagame.
** Averted by Karma, whose abilities both make her allies stronger and deal significant damage themselves. This leaves her in a bit of a weird spot in the metagame.
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** Depends on the champion in question. Carries need expensive and specific items, casters and tanks are less reliant on them, supports are the least reliant. Janna, Alistar and Blitzcrank can be fine with just boots and lots of wards, as they mostly provide crowd control, which doesn't scale. This is in fact the reasoning behind a strategy for grouping a support in a laine with a carry. The carry gets as much gold as possible from the enemy minions in the lane to make use of their high potential, while the support remains a useful member of the team without that gold.
** Depends on the champion in question. Carries need expensive and specific items, casters and tanks are less reliant on them, supports are the least reliant. Janna, Alistar and Blitzcrank can be fine with just boots and lots of wards, as they mostly provide crowd control, which doesn't scale. This is in fact the reasoning behind a strategy for grouping a support in a laine with a carry. The carry gets as much gold as possible from the enemy minions in the lane to make use of their high potential, while the support remains a useful member of the team without that gold.
* [[Combat by Champion]]: The purpose of the League -- because actual wars and the dangerous potential of magic is unpreferably terrible.
* [[Combat by Champion]]: The purpose of the League -- because actual wars and the dangerous potential of magic is unpreferably terrible.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: CPU Champions receive items on a timer, so if the match goes on long enough, they already have their completed build when the players are still farming gold to finish ''their'' builds. Sometimes if a game goes on long enough, bots may have ''less'' minion kills and team kills than you yet still somehow wind up at level 18 ''before'' the players do.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: CPU Champions receive items on a timer, so if the match goes on long enough, they already have their completed build when the players are still farming gold to finish ''their'' builds. Sometimes if a game goes on long enough, bots may have ''less'' minion kills and team kills than you yet still somehow wind up at level 18 ''before'' the players do.
* [[Conscription]]: Demacia requires at least three years of military service for all citizens, and Noxus has a mandatory service of six years, requiring being in active military reserves until too old, and a compulsory draft that may affect any citizen, regardless of age and sex, when the Noxian High Command sees it necessary.
* [[Conscription]]: Demacia requires at least three years of military service for all citizens, and Noxus has a mandatory service of six years, requiring being in active military reserves until too old, and a compulsory draft that may affect any citizen, regardless of age and sex, when the Noxian High Command sees it necessary.
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]]: An actual in-game mechanic for Shen, Kennen and Akali: they each get -1 health for each other ninja on the team. It used to be -1 damage, but this actually made a huge difference over an entire game, so it was changed.
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]]: An actual in-game mechanic for Shen, Kennen and Akali: they each get -1 health for each other ninja on the team. It used to be -1 damage, but this actually made a huge difference over an entire game, so it was changed.
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** Jax may be an example of this. While he appears to be human, it is not known where he came from. What is known, however, is that when he joined the League, he got so many consecutive wins that they forced him to use a LAMPPOST instead of a real weapon. The worst part is that it apparently didn't affect his chances at all, so the requirement was rescinded while he kept using the lamppost.
** Jax may be an example of this. While he appears to be human, it is not known where he came from. What is known, however, is that when he joined the League, he got so many consecutive wins that they forced him to use a LAMPPOST instead of a real weapon. The worst part is that it apparently didn't affect his chances at all, so the requirement was rescinded while he kept using the lamppost.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The Void.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The Void.
* [[Elemental Crafting]]: Referred to in the basic armor items: Cloth Armor grants some armor, while Chain Vest grants a lot of it.
* [[Elemental Crafting]]: Referred to in the basic armor items: Cloth Armor grants some armor, while Chain Vest grants a lot of it.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Brand and Annie use [[Kill It with Fire|fire spells]], Ryze and Kennen cast [[Shock and Awe|electricity]], Anivia uses [[An Ice Person|ice]], Malphite uses [[Dishing Out Dirt|rocks]], Janna is a spirit of [[Blow You Away|wind]], Fizz and Nautilus use [[Making a Splash|water]], Lux's spells involve bursts of [[Light'Em Up|light]], Nocturne uses [[Casting a Shadow|DAAARRKNEESSSSSS]]... yeah, the whole spectrum gets represented in this game.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Brand and Annie use [[Kill It with Fire|fire spells]], Ryze and Kennen cast [[Shock and Awe|electricity]], Anivia uses [[An Ice Person|ice]], Malphite uses [[Dishing Out Dirt|rocks]], Janna is a spirit of [[Blow You Away|wind]], Fizz and Nautilus use [[Making a Splash|water]], Lux's spells involve bursts of [[Light'Em Up|light]], Nocturne uses [[Casting a Shadow|DAAARRKNEESSSSSS]]... yeah, the whole spectrum gets represented in this game.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: The Cloak and Dagger item... is made from the Cloak of Agility and Dagger items.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: The Cloak and Dagger item... is made from the Cloak of Agility and Dagger items.
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** Caitlyn has her trusty rifle.
** Caitlyn has her trusty rifle.
** [[Outlaw|Graves the Outlaw]] uses a customized double-barreled shotgun. And an ability that fires [[MST3K Mantra|three bullets simultaneously]].
** [[Outlaw|Graves the Outlaw]] uses a customized double-barreled shotgun. And an ability that fires [[MST3K Mantra|three bullets simultaneously]].
* [[Guys Smash Girls Shoot]]: Though there are exceptions the majority of male human characters are melee (tanks, fighters, or melee carries), and the majority of the female human characters are ranged (support, mages, or ranged damage dealers).
* [[Guys Smash Girls Shoot]]: Though there are exceptions the majority of male human characters are melee (tanks, fighters, or melee carries), and the majority of the female human characters are ranged (support, mages, or ranged damage dealers).
* [[Hammerspace]]: You can carry up to six items, which can be breastplates, katanas, axes... none of them are even shown being held by your character or appear on their person. Some of them cause your character to have specific auras to let the enemy team know you have the effect up, but you never see the items themselves.
* [[Hammerspace]]: You can carry up to six items, which can be breastplates, katanas, axes... none of them are even shown being held by your character or appear on their person. Some of them cause your character to have specific auras to let the enemy team know you have the effect up, but you never see the items themselves.
** Possibly hand waved with the idea that the champions themselves don't get the item, but the summoner backing them does and merely channels the artifact's power to increase their champion's abilities.
** Possibly hand waved with the idea that the champions themselves don't get the item, but the summoner backing them does and merely channels the artifact's power to increase their champion's abilities.
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* [[Hailfire Peaks]]: [http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Magma_Chamber Magma Chamber], a canceled map.
* [[Hailfire Peaks]]: [http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Magma_Chamber Magma Chamber], a canceled map.
* [[Homing Boulders]]: All ranged autoattacks will track you. This is most obvious from caster minions, whose projectiles are fairly slow. Some abilities do this as well, most of which are magical in nature.
* [[Homing Boulders]]: All ranged autoattacks will track you. This is most obvious from caster minions, whose projectiles are fairly slow. Some abilities do this as well, most of which are magical in nature.
** Reaches silly levels when you include the fact that some projectiles will hunt you down no matter where you go. For example: getting close to an enemy tower (which shoots energy blasts), then teleporting away with the summoner spell. If there was a tower shot coming for you when you teleported, it will follow you across the entire map and execute tight turns to get you, resulting in a hit out of pretty much nowhere several seconds later. Works with caster shots too. Stories of players escaping a battle with <5 HP, only to see a slow floaty orb of inevitable doom following them abound.
** Reaches silly levels when you include the fact that some projectiles will hunt you down no matter where you go. For example: getting close to an enemy tower (which shoots energy blasts), then teleporting away with the summoner spell. If there was a tower shot coming for you when you teleported, it will follow you across the entire map and execute tight turns to get you, resulting in a hit out of pretty much nowhere several seconds later. Works with caster shots too. Stories of players escaping a battle with <5 HP, only to see a slow floaty orb of inevitable doom following them abound.
* [[Hotter and Sexier]]: Compared to other MOBA games, League of Legends is known for lots of fanservice.
* [[Hotter and Sexier]]: Compared to other MOBA games, League of Legends is known for lots of fanservice.
* [[I Call It Vera]]: Sion's Chopper, Poppy's Whomper, Miss Fortune's Shock and Awe.
* [[I Call It Vera]]: Sion's Chopper, Poppy's Whomper, Miss Fortune's Shock and Awe.
** Nunu's Willump or Willump's Nunu?
** Nunu's Willump or Willump's Nunu?
* [[Image Song]]: A [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuOWR0xTZpo fan-made Mundo one].
* [[Image Song]]: A [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuOWR0xTZpo fan-made Mundo one].
** There are a lot more now after the Songs of the Summoned contest.
** There are a lot more now after the Songs of the Summoned contest.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: [[Homing Boulders]] aside, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow and Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage can be aimed across the whole map. Interestingly, truly impossible shots are the ''player's'' [[Improbable Aiming Skills]] (or, more likely, blind luck).
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: [[Homing Boulders]] aside, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow and Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage can be aimed across the whole map. Interestingly, truly impossible shots are the ''player's'' [[Improbable Aiming Skills]] (or, more likely, blind luck).
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Averted. Although several items are very powerful in the right hands, there is no one strongest item in the game.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Averted. Although several items are very powerful in the right hands, there is no one strongest item in the game.
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* [[Killer Rabbit]]: Most of the Yordle champions are kind of cute to some extent. That doesn't make any of them less deadly.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: Most of the Yordle champions are kind of cute to some extent. That doesn't make any of them less deadly.
** Invoked with the Yordle Teemo's Easter bunny outfit. Extremely fluffy, extremely deadly.
** Invoked with the Yordle Teemo's Easter bunny outfit. Extremely fluffy, extremely deadly.
* [[Kill Streak]]: Two types of these.
* [[Kill Streak]]: Two types of these.
** Just racking up a killstreak without dying will cause the announcer to declare after 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8+ kills respectively: killing spree, rampage, unstoppable, dominating, godlike and legendary. A variation is that it does not give anything for the player, but rather gives nice gold bonus to whoever dealed a killing blow on the player, bringing his kill streak down. Thus, those with big streak become primary targets and hunted by all means.
** Just racking up a killstreak without dying will cause the announcer to declare after 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8+ kills respectively: killing spree, rampage, unstoppable, dominating, godlike and legendary. A variation is that it does not give anything for the player, but rather gives nice gold bonus to whoever dealed a killing blow on the player, bringing his kill streak down. Thus, those with big streak become primary targets and hunted by all means.
** Getting a bunch of kills one after another, with no more than 10 sec gap between the subsequent two has her announce double kill, triple kill, quadra kill and penta kill. Pentakills are considered quite a feat amongst players, and those who got one receive [[Bragging Rights Reward]]. It is even possible to kill past that if a newly dead player uses the Revive summoner spell to run back into the fight to get killed again, giving a very, very rare legendary kill (kills in quick succession over 5 are just 'legendary kill').
** Getting a bunch of kills one after another, with no more than 10 sec gap between the subsequent two has her announce double kill, triple kill, quadra kill and penta kill. Pentakills are considered quite a feat amongst players, and those who got one receive [[Bragging Rights Reward]]. It is even possible to kill past that if a newly dead player uses the Revive summoner spell to run back into the fight to get killed again, giving a very, very rare legendary kill (kills in quick succession over 5 are just 'legendary kill').
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* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Katarina used the British pronunciation of the word 'Macabre' (Muh-cahb-RUH) in the earlier stages of the game. When her voice actor was changed, she was given a new joke that subtly called attention to this.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Katarina used the British pronunciation of the word 'Macabre' (Muh-cahb-RUH) in the earlier stages of the game. When her voice actor was changed, she was given a new joke that subtly called attention to this.
** Ditto with Janna.
** Ditto with Janna.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Alistar the Minotaur from those he knows. As a species; it's implied there are other minotaurs.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Alistar the Minotaur from those he knows. As a species; it's implied there are other minotaurs.
** Skarner the Crystal Vanguard fits this to a T. One of his quotes; "I miss my kind."
** Skarner the Crystal Vanguard fits this to a T. One of his quotes; "I miss my kind."
*** However in case you couldn't tell from his name he isn't the last, he is just the first of his kind to wake up.
*** However in case you couldn't tell from his name he isn't the last, he is just the first of his kind to wake up.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: You download the downloader that downloads the installer, the installer installs the game, then you run the launcher that downloads patches and launches the client that launches the game. If you want to play on EU with an US client and vice versa, though, you can also grab a fan made client launcher launcher launcher.
* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: You download the downloader that downloads the installer, the installer installs the game, then you run the launcher that downloads patches and launches the client that launches the game. If you want to play on EU with an US client and vice versa, though, you can also grab a fan made client launcher launcher launcher.
** In almost every game there's that ''one'' guy that takes roughly five minutes to load the game so everyone has to wait and mentally sling curse words at the slowpoke. In the worst case, it takes so long that he disconnects from the game, leaving his team a man short. For [[Everything Trying to Kill You|obvious reasons]] this only happens to ''your'' team.
** In almost every game there's that ''one'' guy that takes roughly five minutes to load the game so everyone has to wait and mentally sling curse words at the slowpoke. In the worst case, it takes so long that he disconnects from the game, leaving his team a man short. For [[Everything Trying to Kill You|obvious reasons]] this only happens to ''your'' team.
** Part of the reason for this is actually because the game, like ''[[Sins of a Solar Empire]]'', was designed to have low system requirements, so it was able to be played on most computers available on the market.
** Part of the reason for this is actually because the game, like ''[[Sins of a Solar Empire]]'', was designed to have low system requirements, so it was able to be played on most computers available on the market.
*** [http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/08/26 "Look, comrade dog! Can LOL playing on Nokia N-Gage!"]
*** [http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/08/26 "Look, comrade dog! Can LOL playing on Nokia N-Gage!"]
* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]: Most champions are human with Yordles as the most common after them. The rest are a wide assortment of monsters and humanoids that range from animal-like humanoids to [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]], with a few "classic" creatures like trolls and minotaurs thrown in.
* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]: Most champions are human with Yordles as the most common after them. The rest are a wide assortment of monsters and humanoids that range from animal-like humanoids to [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]], with a few "classic" creatures like trolls and minotaurs thrown in.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: Whenever a deal to unlock a skin for free with a champion is offered, if you don't have that champion but take advantage of the offer, you can get the champion ''and'' the skin, sometimes for free. In November 2011, a code was published in PCGamer magazines that would unlock unlock Caitlyn and a skin. As you guessed it; a lot of people have reported not getting codes because [[Face Palm|people have been going into stores, writing down or snapping pictures of magazines with the codes in them and using those]].
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: Whenever a deal to unlock a skin for free with a champion is offered, if you don't have that champion but take advantage of the offer, you can get the champion ''and'' the skin, sometimes for free. In November 2011, a code was published in PCGamer magazines that would unlock unlock Caitlyn and a skin. As you guessed it; a lot of people have reported not getting codes because [[Face Palm|people have been going into stores, writing down or snapping pictures of magazines with the codes in them and using those]].
* [[Luck-Based Mission]]: For most public matches, you don't get to choose who your teammates are.
* [[Luck-Based Mission]]: For most public matches, you don't get to choose who your teammates are.
** Aside from players, chance manipulation is made key in-game through every champ having a chance to critical attacks. (Which can be increased) Dodge used to be part of the game but was removed because it was too random; and one character (Jax) was too overly-dependent on it.
** Aside from players, chance manipulation is made key in-game through every champ having a chance to critical attacks. (Which can be increased) Dodge used to be part of the game but was removed because it was too random; and one character (Jax) was too overly-dependent on it.
** Gangplank's ultimate ability used to cause cannonballs to strike randomly in a target area, damaging and slowing anything hit by the cannonballs. The area used to be so large that every cannonball could miss hitting anything entirely ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|which is when YOU used it]]), or have every cannonball smash your face into the dirt. ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|Which was typically when you were playing against Gangplank.]]) It was changed to be much more reliable with a smaller ability area that the cannonballs drop on, and having the slow being applied constantly from standing in the ability's area rather than happening from being hit by a cannonball.
** Gangplank's ultimate ability used to cause cannonballs to strike randomly in a target area, damaging and slowing anything hit by the cannonballs. The area used to be so large that every cannonball could miss hitting anything entirely ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|which is when YOU used it]]), or have every cannonball smash your face into the dirt. ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|Which was typically when you were playing against Gangplank.]]) It was changed to be much more reliable with a smaller ability area that the cannonballs drop on, and having the slow being applied constantly from standing in the ability's area rather than happening from being hit by a cannonball.
* [[Macross Missile Massacre]]:
* [[Macross Missile Massacre]]:
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** Miss Fortune is all over this trope, especially in her Make It Rain and Bullet Time.
** Miss Fortune is all over this trope, especially in her Make It Rain and Bullet Time.
* [[Multiplayer Online Battle Arena]]: [[Trope Namer]]. The term ''MOBA'' was coined by ''Riot Games'' for ''[[League of Legends]]'' as a marketing term specifically because everybody referred to the genre as "DotA clones" and they didn't want their game always being compared to ''DotA''.
* [[Multiplayer Online Battle Arena]]: [[Trope Namer]]. The term ''MOBA'' was coined by ''Riot Games'' for ''[[League of Legends]]'' as a marketing term specifically because everybody referred to the genre as "DotA clones" and they didn't want their game always being compared to ''DotA''.
* [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]]: As the computer says, "Lag? What's that? Disconnectors? Griefers? You can do that?" They receive items on a timer, rather than buying it. Also see [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]].
* [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]]: As the computer says, "Lag? What's that? Disconnectors? Griefers? You can do that?" They receive items on a timer, rather than buying it. Also see [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]].
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Very few of the champions' actual names, but a great deal of their [[Boss Subtitles|associated titles]] (The [[Eldritch Abomination|Terror]] of [[Eldritch Location|the Void]], The [[Our Vampires Are Different|Crimson Reaper]], The [[Living Shadow|Eternal Nightmare]], The [[Pirate|Saltwater]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Scourge]], [[Long List|et cetera]]) count as these, especially if they're [[Always Chaotic Evil|aligned to Noxus]] (which itself probably counts).
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Very few of the champions' actual names, but a great deal of their [[Boss Subtitles|associated titles]] (The [[Eldritch Abomination|Terror]] of [[Eldritch Location|the Void]], The [[Our Vampires Are Different|Crimson Reaper]], The [[Living Shadow|Eternal Nightmare]], The [[Pirate|Saltwater]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Scourge]], [[Long List|et cetera]]) count as these, especially if they're [[Always Chaotic Evil|aligned to Noxus]] (which itself probably counts).
* [[The Napoleon]]: Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil. Emphasis on Tiny.
* [[The Napoleon]]: Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil. Emphasis on Tiny.
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* [[Our Elves Are Different]]: Runeterra has all sorts of supernatural creatures, monsters and gnomes, but what it does not have is elves. The two pointy-eared characters are explicitly ''not'' elves.
* [[Our Elves Are Different]]: Runeterra has all sorts of supernatural creatures, monsters and gnomes, but what it does not have is elves. The two pointy-eared characters are explicitly ''not'' elves.
* [[Overdrive]]: Blitzcrank [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|has a move called this]]. It allows him to run at high speed and significantly boosts his attack speed while it's active.
* [[Overdrive]]: Blitzcrank [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|has a move called this]]. It allows him to run at high speed and significantly boosts his attack speed while it's active.
* [[Perpetual Beta]]: Sort of. The game is in its official release, but it's patched roughly every two weeks. This will probably only end if the game's plug was pulled entirely. Being a PC-multiplayer game (As well as Riot's sole product), this was probably expected.
* [[Perpetual Beta]]: Sort of. The game is in its official release, but it's patched roughly every two weeks. This will probably only end if the game's plug was pulled entirely. Being a PC-multiplayer game (As well as Riot's sole product), this was probably expected.
* [[Play Every Day]]: You get an extra 150 IP from winning once every 22 hours.
* [[Play Every Day]]: You get an extra 150 IP from winning once every 22 hours.
* [[Power of the Void]]: There are two champions who draw their power from this, and [[Eldritch Abomination|there are two who are FROM there]]. And you had better fear them, too; all of them have relatively high difficulty ratings, but all of them are quite powerful as well.
* [[Power of the Void]]: There are two champions who draw their power from this, and [[Eldritch Abomination|there are two who are FROM there]]. And you had better fear them, too; all of them have relatively high difficulty ratings, but all of them are quite powerful as well.
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** [[Hotter and Sexier|Ski]][[Evil Is Sexy|mpy]]: Katarina, Morgana, Eveylnn, Cassiopeia, Leblanc
** [[Hotter and Sexier|Ski]][[Evil Is Sexy|mpy]]: Katarina, Morgana, Eveylnn, Cassiopeia, Leblanc
* [[Sentry Gun]]: Heimerdinger's turrets.
* [[Sentry Gun]]: Heimerdinger's turrets.
* [[Sex Sells]]: A common complaint on the forum is that any new, upcoming female champ with [[Stripperific|questionable choices in clothing]] means that Riot is concentrating way too much on [[Fan Service]].
* [[Sex Sells]]: A common complaint on the forum is that any new, upcoming female champ with [[Stripperific|questionable choices in clothing]] means that Riot is concentrating way too much on [[Fan Service]].
** Subverted with Lux's skimpier original outfit, which was met with negative feedback by the community (she looked more like a cheerleader than a battle mage). Riot listened and gave her a make-over.
** Subverted with Lux's skimpier original outfit, which was met with negative feedback by the community (she looked more like a cheerleader than a battle mage). Riot listened and gave her a make-over.
** Averted with Karma, Vayne, Irelia, and Riven, all of whom are dressed at least kind of sensibly.
** Averted with Karma, Vayne, Irelia, and Riven, all of whom are dressed at least kind of sensibly.
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* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]: Tristana is almost more gun than Megling Gunner. If you count the ammo she carts around, she probably carries more in weaponry than she weighs.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]: Tristana is almost more gun than Megling Gunner. If you count the ammo she carts around, she probably carries more in weaponry than she weighs.
** Miss Fortune's pistol barrels are thicker than her arms.
** Miss Fortune's pistol barrels are thicker than her arms.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Highly averted, in comparison to other games in the genre- at least a third of the roster is female. This is exceptional compared to its competitors. Although notably, although there are female champions with heavy survivability, none of the female characters was a dedicated tank (until Leona, anyways). There also wasn't a melee female carry until Fiora.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Highly averted, in comparison to other games in the genre- at least a third of the roster is female. This is exceptional compared to its competitors. Although notably, although there are female champions with heavy survivability, none of the female characters was a dedicated tank (until Leona, anyways). There also wasn't a melee female carry until Fiora.
* [[Songs in the Key of Panic]]: In Dominion, when a team's nexus drops below 50% health, the music gets a little more intense.
* [[Songs in the Key of Panic]]: In Dominion, when a team's nexus drops below 50% health, the music gets a little more intense.
* [[Spin Attack]]: Katarina's Death Lotus. Rammus' Powerball. Renekton's Cull the Meek. Tryndamere's [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Spinning Slash]]. Wukong's Cyclone. Now who could I be forgetting...
* [[Spin Attack]]: Katarina's Death Lotus. Rammus' Powerball. Renekton's Cull the Meek. Tryndamere's [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Spinning Slash]]. Wukong's Cyclone. Now who could I be forgetting...
** [http://lol-turkiye.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Garen_4.jpg DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA!]
** [http://lol-turkiye.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Garen_4.jpg DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA!]
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[Defense of the Ancients]]'', but at the same time, it tries to be different and even diversifies the MOBA Genre with adding a Capture-and-Hold mode.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[Defense of the Ancients]]'', but at the same time, it tries to be different and even diversifies the MOBA Genre with adding a Capture-and-Hold mode.
** A number of individual champions are also Spiritual Successors to their [[Dot A]] predecessors; Ashe to Drow Ranger, Blitzcrank to Pudge, Twitch to Clinkz, Hecarim to Spirit Breaker, Varus to Windrunner, Shyvana to Dragon Knight, Twisted Fate to Nature's Prophet, Karthus to Zeus, Nidalee to Enchantress, Nocturne to Spectre, Corki to Gyrocopter, and so forth.
** A number of individual champions are also Spiritual Successors to their DotA predecessors; Ashe to Drow Ranger, Blitzcrank to Pudge, Twitch to Clinkz, Hecarim to Spirit Breaker, Varus to Windrunner, Shyvana to Dragon Knight, Twisted Fate to Nature's Prophet, Karthus to Zeus, Nidalee to Enchantress, Nocturne to Spectre, Corki to Gyrocopter, and so forth.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Many of the mages, particularly Annie and Veigar. An aversion are the "Battle Casters", which are hybrid melee and spell-slingers and good at everything but [[Master of None]]. Even more averted by the ones who can heal others, including themselves. A careful player who can heal may rarely have to return to base aside from buying items.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Many of the mages, particularly Annie and Veigar. An aversion are the "Battle Casters", which are hybrid melee and spell-slingers and good at everything but [[Master of None]]. Even more averted by the ones who can heal others, including themselves. A careful player who can heal may rarely have to return to base aside from buying items.
* [[Summon Magic]]: The justification for the game.
* [[Summon Magic]]: The justification for the game.
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** Kayle is a notable aversion: she wears full plate armor and a helm. Subsequently, [[Samus Is a Girl|people think she's male]].
** Kayle is a notable aversion: she wears full plate armor and a helm. Subsequently, [[Samus Is a Girl|people think she's male]].
** Garen's sister, Lux, wears plated armor pieces that don't cover her midriff, thighs and upper arms, but she wears chainmail and blue clothing which covers those areas. This after fan criticism, in which that design [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101013212150/leagueoflegends/images/f/f3/Lux_OriginalSkin_old.jpg lacked that clothing covering her thighs and midriff].
** Garen's sister, Lux, wears plated armor pieces that don't cover her midriff, thighs and upper arms, but she wears chainmail and blue clothing which covers those areas. This after fan criticism, in which that design [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101013212150/leagueoflegends/images/f/f3/Lux_OriginalSkin_old.jpg lacked that clothing covering her thighs and midriff].
** Karma is another good aversion, but people can obviously tell she's female.
** Karma is another good aversion, but people can obviously tell she's female.
** Annie is a child, so she averted that for a long time to reduce creepiness... but the popular fan-made Teen Annie skins often portray her as a skimpily dressed teenager.
** Annie is a child, so she averted that for a long time to reduce creepiness... but the popular fan-made Teen Annie skins often portray her as a skimpily dressed teenager.
** Soraka doesn't wear much at all, and there is a Dryad skin if blue doesn't turn you on.
** Soraka doesn't wear much at all, and there is a Dryad skin if blue doesn't turn you on.
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** The Exiled Morgana skin. Angelic and very revealing.
** The Exiled Morgana skin. Angelic and very revealing.
** Ruthless Pantheon. Amusing He-Man reference, or eye-candy for the ladies?
** Ruthless Pantheon. Amusing He-Man reference, or eye-candy for the ladies?
** Sona is another aversion... except for her [[Impossibly Low Neckline]].
** Sona is another aversion... except for her [[Impossibly Low Neckline]].
** Miss Fourtune's in-game sprite is practically topless, and almost all of her quotes are a double entandre.
** Miss Fourtune's in-game sprite is practically topless, and almost all of her quotes are a double entandre.
** Vayne's original aversion of this trope didn't hold true with [[Monster Hunter|Dragonslayer Vayne]], which bares a midriff and cleavage.
** Vayne's original aversion of this trope didn't hold true with [[Monster Hunter|Dragonslayer Vayne]], which bares a midriff and cleavage.
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** There's even [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=363215&d=1326615594 a tier list] now.
** There's even [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=363215&d=1326615594 a tier list] now.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: When you really really hate your teammates during a match for some reason, but are close to winning your team becomes this.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: When you really really hate your teammates during a match for some reason, but are close to winning your team becomes this.
** This also happens if you get in a team whose strategy is to faceroll the opponents' team so hard they surrender, and the other team is ''very'' stubborn and refuses to surrender. And if you're doing this in a bot game? This will ascend beyond [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]] and go into [[And I Must Scream]]. Unlike players, bots don't surrender and get items for free, so really, you shouldn't just decide "I'll farm kills cause it's a bot game" Because they ''will'' outgear you if you let the game go on too long. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though; if the players who turtled the game decide enough is enough they can always turn 'em around and fight Baron or backdoor them.
** This also happens if you get in a team whose strategy is to faceroll the opponents' team so hard they surrender, and the other team is ''very'' stubborn and refuses to surrender. And if you're doing this in a bot game? This will ascend beyond [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]] and go into [[And I Must Scream]]. Unlike players, bots don't surrender and get items for free, so really, you shouldn't just decide "I'll farm kills cause it's a bot game" Because they ''will'' outgear you if you let the game go on too long. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though; if the players who turtled the game decide enough is enough they can always turn 'em around and fight Baron or backdoor them.
* [[Teasing Creator]]: Riot gets all over this on April Fool's Day. They released [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Lee Sin, the Blind Monk]] AND [[April Fools' Day|an Urf the Manatee Corki Skin]] at once. Not ONLY that, but in the following [[All There in the Manual|Journal of Justice]], there were two articles that talk about both. One mentions how [[Back From the Dead|Urf could be revived]], and the other was a talk with Lee Sin. Not too bad, but the name of the article about Lee Sin? ''[[Just for Pun|Trolling with a Monk]]'' ( {{spoiler|[[Don't Explain the Joke|Trolling is a type of fishing, which Lee Sin was doing in the article]]}}).
* [[Teasing Creator]]: Riot gets all over this on April Fool's Day. They released [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Lee Sin, the Blind Monk]] AND [[April Fools' Day|an Urf the Manatee Corki Skin]] at once. Not ONLY that, but in the following [[All There in the Manual|Journal of Justice]], there were two articles that talk about both. One mentions how [[Back From the Dead|Urf could be revived]], and the other was a talk with Lee Sin. Not too bad, but the name of the article about Lee Sin? ''[[Just for Pun|Trolling with a Monk]]'' ( {{spoiler|[[Don't Explain the Joke|Trolling is a type of fishing, which Lee Sin was doing in the article]]}}).
** Riot then released [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrSihRXTrq4 this "spotlight"]. Game Breaking... no DESTROYING power, a "blurry" screen debuff, and the ability to kill members of ''your own team'' who defect to the other side. They released an actual spotlight video shortly after.
** Riot then released [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrSihRXTrq4 this "spotlight"]. Game Breaking... no DESTROYING power, a "blurry" screen debuff, and the ability to kill members of ''your own team'' who defect to the other side. They released an actual spotlight video shortly after.