League of Legends/Characters/Five: Difference between revisions

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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Anti -Villain]]: Fights for Noxus only because General Du Couteau spared his life.
* [[Badass Cape]]: Made out of blades.
* [[Blade Below the Shoulder]]: Type I, most likely.
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* [[Performance Artist]]: His day job? Musical theater director.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: His Fifth Age skin is very, ''very'' pink.
* [[Shield -Bash]]: One of his auto-attacks is to smash his giant gem shield into the enemy.
* [[Shoot the Medic First]]: Tanky or no, he ''will'' find himself the center of the enemy's attention more often than not.
* [[Shout Out]]: His joke is "[[Jem and The Holograms|Gems]] are truly outrageous. They're truly, truly, ''truly'' outrageous."
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* [[Rocket Jump]]: One of her abilities [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|is actually called that]].
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Teemo, although they both insist they're just good friends.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]
* [[Trigger Happy]]: "I wanna ''shoot'' something!"
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* [[Critical Hit]]: Entirely based around this, as his innate ability gives him critical strike chance dependent on how Fury he has and his dash's cooldown refreshes when he scores a crit. He is also capable of not being reliant on [[Random Number God]] and scoring critical hits every single time, though that requires farming for a long time and is the main reason why he isn't really all that competitive.
* [[Determinator]]: His [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Undying Rage]] ability makes him unable to be killed. The more damage he takes, the higher his attack damage is.
* [[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: On dying he stumbles and falls onto his back, tossing his sword into the air as he does so. It spins a few times then plunges down to impale him through the chest.
* [[Horny Vikings]]: His Viking Tryndamere skin features a golden horned helm.
* [[Knight of Cerebus|Knight Of Cerebus]]: Up until the release of [[Soul Calibur|Demonblade Tryndamere]], Legendary skins had been comical. This skin did away with the humor this time.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: His ultimate is pretty much designed for this.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: As games go on, he will [[Spin Attack|spin around]] while moving toward you, tear you to pieces with his sword, and be temporarily unable to die.
* [[One -Man Army]]: Becomes this once he gets enough of his build finished.
* [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!"
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Screaming Warrior]]
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* [[Glass Cannon]]: Perhaps the biggest one in the game; he's insanely easy to kill, but can wipe out a whole team if he's supported properly. His only escape method is also totally reliant on both not being attacked for two seconds, and the enemy not having detection methods.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: In his original artwork.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: His Spray and Pray ability is described as him ''closing his eyes'' while doing it. While he now ''can'' miss at all, his completely unaimed shots head straight for their targets and will [[One -Hit Polykill|overpenetrate]].
* [[More Dakka]]: His 'Spray And Pray' ability certainly brings up the trope.
* [[The Pig Pen]]: He's perpetually surrounded by a thick cloud of flies and green fog. How he manages to sneak around so well is anyone's guess.
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]]: "Weapons are for the weak."
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Udyr means abomination in Danish and Norwegian
* [[Everything Is Worse With Bears]]: Bear stance is not something most opponents will like to see.
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* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: This is the sole thing that gives him the resolve needed to stay alive.
* [[We Can Rebuild Him]]: We have the techmaturgy.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: Urgot sure doesn't, and he's quick to remind you of just how painful his immortality is. Mind you, that doesn't mean [[Death Seeker|he wants to die]] -- at least, not before [[Revenge|revenging himself on Garen]].
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* [[Shout Out]]: Varus is an archer. Varus is also [[Skyrim|a deformity of the knee]].
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Ever since he gave into the Pit, he's basically been an engine of pure, implacable hate for Noxus.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]
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* [[Good Is Boring]]: Like Poppy, she lacks a proper joke.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Quite weak early and requires a ton of babysitting, but if she gets even one kill, look out. A well-fed Vayne can VERY easily wreck an entire team on her own.
* [[One -Man Army]]: If Vayne is fed, she can mow down an entire team in seconds thanks to both the sheer amount of damage she can pump out and her excellent mobility and juking.
* [[Shout Out]]: Her alternate skins are references to ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' and ''[[Bayonetta]]''. Her dance also appears to look a little like the poses the [[Dragonball Z|Ginyu force]] pulls off.
** Her third alternate skin looks a lot like the classic Dragoon-class from ''[[Final Fantasy]]'', dragonhead-shaped-helmet and blue armor.
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* [[Badass Adorable]]: He's so evil, it wraps around to cute. And is also focused on dealing pure damage. His old passive involved leeching AP from opponents.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Of Black Mage from ''[[Eight 8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Veigar's moves deal with the element of darkness ''and'' space. Baleful Strike is "a sinister attack", Dark Matter is... well... [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Dark Matter]], Event Horizon twists the edges of space, and Primordial Burst refers to the Big Bang.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: ''"Yes! Muahahahahaa!"''
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* [[Cyborg]]
* [[Expy]]: He bears a significant resemblance to members of the [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Adeptus Mechanicus]].
* [[For Science!]]: He joined the League to test his inventions against suitable opponents.
* [[Herr Doktor]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Malevolent Masked Man]]
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]
* [[Organ Autonomy]]: He can never take his third arm to nice places.
* [[Techno Wizard]]
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* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Averted HARD. The more ability power he gets, the larger his health pool becomes, and vice versa. Pre-nerfs Vlad could easily achieve the highest health pool in the whole game, not impairing his damage output much.
** Then played straight, as most of that health winds up fueling his spells.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Although his hair in the art looks like ''red''.
** Subverted with his [[Looks Like Orlok|Nosferatu]] skin, which is a Bald Headed Ugly Boy.
* [[Your Vampires Suck]]: In Vladimir's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiUgrEWRx6M Champion Spotlight] video it was recommended you get a Sunfire Cape, because "[[Twilight (Literature)|real vampires sparkle]]."
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* [[Development Gag]]: When he's pitted against an enemy Zilean, he gets the buff 'Chronokeeper Hater.' This is reference to an infamous war on the Riot forums where people either supported or were against the inclusion of an armored bear champion. Tom 'Zileas' Cadwell, the design director for Riot and the developer whom Zilean was named after, was on the side against bears.
* [[Easter Egg]]: His 'Chronokeeper Hater' buff and the associated sound clips that play whenever he kills an enemy Zilean.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: He is a bear. A giant ''armored'' bear.
* [[Foe -Tossing Charge]]: Rolling Thunder increases his speed greatly for a short duration and sends the first foe it hits flying behind him, a bit like Singed.
* [[Finishing Move]]: His Frenzy's active ability increases its damage to its target proportionately to the percentage of currently lost health on the target.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: No pun intended...but that works too.
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* [[Green Eyes]]: The sclera of his eyes are lime green and he makes use of some sort of natural magic to boot.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Fast and tricky, but is also a bulky fighter who can charge into melees and fight his way through, gaining Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy.
* [[MesMe's a Crowd]]: Two of his attacks create a clone of himself, either offensively or defensively.
* [[Multiple Demographic Appeal]]: Created with the explicit intent of advertising the game in China, Korea, and Japan.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Based on [[Journey to The West|Sun Wukong,]] natch.
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* [[I Regret Nothing]]: [[Played for Drama]] within his Judgement -- he lost his body, his home, the woman he loved, and centuries for power he is now unable to actually fully wield... but he calls it an inconvenience and believes he will break free to use it.
* [[Immortality]]: Either Type I or II. It is unknown whether he ''can'' actually be killed, but the mages of Shurima couldn't when they tried, and so had to seal him away instead.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: His reason for joining the League, pretty much: he couldn't care less about the Summoners or the reasons for the League existing, he just wants to be able to get at and consume the energy from the Nexuses in order to remove the last of the sarcophagus remnants from his body and regain full power.
* [[Kill Sat]]: This is essentially his ultimate.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Has a pretty bad early game and can't do too much until he gets a fair amount of items, but once he does... yeah, you're going to have your work cut out trying to stop or even slow him.
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* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Any champion described as an Initiator is meant to do this: throw themselves into a crowd of enemies, drop their disables, lay some smackdown, and hope their team can capitalize on the resultant chaos. Basically, they're a human nuke, and Xin Zhao performs this role very well. Xin Zhao, as an assassin, has an ability that of course puts him ''right'' in the fray.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: His battle cry ability increases his attack speed, can increase it even ''more'' if he uses it, and it's often considered a good idea to give him attack speed to take advantage of his abilities and passive so he winds up getting about as much attacks per second as Master Yi. If you see a Xin building this and attacking a turret, then get him off. ''QUICK''.
* [[One -Man Army]]: He didn't get a chance to fight 300 opponents at once, but apparently survived numbers that were likely still very impressive.
** His ultimate ability grants him defensive stats based on the number of enemies that are surrounding him. He may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against him.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
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* [[Shovel Strike]]: His [[Weapon of Choice]] is his family shovel.
* [[The Undead]]: He's not exactly dead, but he sure isn't alive anymore.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: Yorick finding himself alive on the Shadow Isles didn't make him think "I could do something with this immortality." He just acted as a ferryman for the souls on the Shadow Isles since he thought that would allow him to go past the place he was.
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* [[Difficult but Awesome]]: [[Auto Revive|Chronoshift]] is surprisingly hard to land, as dying players often instinctively run away and a badly timed ult just makes enemies kill an ally again. A well timed Chronoshift can pretty much turn teamfights into 6v5s.
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: If you play as Zilean in a match against Volibear, he gains the buff 'Armored Bear Hater.' The buff secretly gives him a bonus 10 gold if he kills Volibear.
{{quote| ''"In my day, we would never have allowed an armored bear into the League of Legends."''}}
* [[Mental Time Travel]]: He's doing this constantly and ''cannot stop''.
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[April Fools' Day]]: Urf is a regular feature during April Fools updates.
* [[Easter Egg]]: Urf's grave on the Harrowing map. As a bonus, Urf's ghost attacks Warwick with its spatula whenever the wolf comes by in his Urf The Manatee Skin, even though this doesn't deal any damage.
* [[Ghostly Goals]]: Vengeance, according to the ingame tooltip for his ghost.