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* Friderich Barbarossa, asleep in the Kyffhäuser mountains in [[The Sixteen Lands of Deutschland|Thuringia]], Germany.
* Bernardo Carpio, rightful king of the Philippines.
* Sir Francis Drake is said to be sleeping "in his hammock" on the sea floor. The legend says he'll return in England's time of need, when his drum at Buckland Abbey sounds. While he may never have returned in body, legend has it that the drum has sounded [[wikipedia:Drakechr(27)Drake's Drum|by itself several times over the centuries]].
* [[The Kalevala|Väinämöinen]]. He's apparently not sealed in any single location, but wanders between the stars ("higher earths, lower skies") until he's needed again. Parodied in a Finnish comic book when Väinämöinen visits Avalon. He meets King Arthur, mentioned above, and they briefly discuss this trope. Arthur reveals that he ''did'' in fact return once, during World War II, before adding that it took him two years to escape that asylum.
* Gearoidh Iarla (Earl Gerald) and his warriors are asleep in their seats around a long table under the [[wikipedia:Mullaghmast|Mullaghmast]]. Once every seven years, the Earl awakens and rides his horse around the [[wikipedia:Curragh|Curragh]], in County Kildare. When the horse's shoes are worn "''as thin as a cat's ear''", he and his warband will arise for good and drive the English out of Ireland.
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== Comics ==
* [[Captain America (comics)]], who slept for X<ref> Sliding timescale means that X=the amount of time between 1945 and about ten to fifteen years ago</ref> years until our greatest need...
* In a [[Iron Man]] story featuring [[Doctor Doom]] and [[Time Travel]], Stark and Doom find themselves in a future England (this was a sequel to a earlier storyline that had seen the same two characters go back to Arthurian times). Merlin is back, as is Arthur. Only due to genetic engineering and such Arthur was literally reborn to two Yuppie Britons and so is a spoiled young brat. So guess who has to take his place?
* ''[[Camelot 3000]]'' takes the [[King Arthur]] legend described above and runs with it. [[King Arthur]] does indeed return in the hour of England's greatest need: an alien invasion in the year 3000.
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* In ''[[Beast Wars]]'', the original Optimus Prime (in stasis lock) sits in his command chair in the Autobot ark, which crash-landed and buried itself under a dormant volcano, awaiting a revival millions of years in the future.
* The Avatar Aang in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' accidentally seals himself and Appa, his [[Team Pet|flying bison]], in ice for a hundred years. He does indeed return to save the world, although judging by what [[Anti-Villain|Zuko]] says in the first episode, everyone probably expected an old man [[Orcus on His Throne|in hiding]] rather than a [[Keet]] [[Cheerful Child]].
* In ''[[X-Men: Evolution]]'''s take on [[Captain America (comics)]]'s origin, his role as a [[King in the Mountain]] is made even more explicit. Instead of being accidentally frozen in an iceberg and presumed dead for years, he's intentionally placed in cryogenic sleep when it turns out that the super-soldier serum is slowly killing him. The implication is that he will be revived to fight again when S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists find a way to cure him.
* In ''[[The Boondocks]]'', Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is revealed to be this, awakening from a coma 40-odd years after being shot. In a pretty dark subversion of the trope, he turns out to be pretty disappointed with the direction that African-American culture has gone in his absence.