Inheritance Trilogy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Apocalypse How]]: Class X-5 ("Multiversal/Physical Annihilation") as the Maelstrom comes for Kahl, leading to:
** [[The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best In People]] (well, better than Sieh expected)
** [[Star -Killing]]*
** [[The Stars Are Going Out]].
* [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence]]: {{spoiler|Yeine}}.
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* [[Cosmopolitan Council]]: Established at the end of book three.
* [[Creation Myth]]
* [[Did the Earth Move For You, Too?]]: When {{spoiler|Yeine and Nahadoth}} do it, ''their passion engulfs the entire universe.''
* [[Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]] / [[Pals With Jesus]] / [[God Was My Co-Pilot]]:
** Yeine and the Enefadeh.
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* [[Downer Ending]]: The Broken Kingdoms.
* [[Down in The Dumps]]: With a god named Dump.
* [[Earth Mother]] / [[Mother Nature, Father Science]]: Intentionally averted hard. Enefa, creator of life, is also the goddess of death, and is ruthless about offing substandard creations. Itempas and Nahadoth got most of the stereotypically emotional "motherly" aspects.
* [[The Empire]]: The Arameri Bright through its puppet Consortium.
** Brought down to [[Vestigial Empire]]
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* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]
* [[The Mafia]]
* [[Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex]]: An issue for Nahadoth and Yeine, as well as Madding and Oree.
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]]:
** Oree and Madding
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* [[Sanity Slippage]]: At the start of the book, the audience is told that Yeine is telling her story so that she can remember it herself. As time passes, this seems to be more and more necessary, as Yeine is apparently going mad (at one point, she says "Once upon a time there was a" [[Madness Mantra|several times in a row]] before catching herself). At the end of the book, {{spoiler|it turns out that all of this was due to her soul merging with the soul of the goddess inside her, allowing her to ascend to godhood.}}
* [[Save Your Deity]]: Yeine to Naha in book one; Oree to Tempa in book two.
* [[Semi -Divine]]: Demons are the descendants of both god and mortal, and include {{spoiler|Oree. Since demons are themselves mortal, but also partake of godhood, their blood is the only thing that can kill the genuinely-immortal gods.}}
* [[Sex As a Rite of Passage]]: In Darre.
* [[Sex Slave]]: Hado and Sieh in book one.
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* [[World Tree]]
* [[Yandere]]: Itempas. He murdered Enefa and then started a huge war and imprisoned Nahadoth in human flesh...because Nahadoth paid more attention to Enefa then to him for a little bit. And then there's {{spoiler|Deka in the third book, who basically invented/discovered a new kind of magic, inked it on his own body, and is quite willing to rearrange the universe just so he can have Sieh. And Deka is Arameri, and even though they're not as powerful as they were by the third book they are still very strong and scarily brutal.}}
* [[You Know What They Say About X...]]: Racism is alive and well in this world, shown mostly by the Arameri's reaction to any mixed-race member of the family.
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