Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Difference between revisions

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As for the movie series, though the original intent was five films, Spielberg and Lucas would decide to just end the series here - feeling it was best to go out on a high note and cap off a trilogy. Obviously, [[Trilogy Creep|that didn't take]] and [[Sequel Gap|after a lengthy]] [[Development Hell]], ''[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]]'' was released nineteen years later.
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* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: As a teenager, Indy used a whip for the first time, giving him his chin scar, gets his fear of snakes, and his signature fedora all in the same day.
* [[Convenient Escape Boat]]: Subverted and inverted.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Henry Jones Sr, played by [[Sean Connery]], need we say more?
* [[Correlation-Causation Gag]]: In the library scene, Indy tries to break into a secret passage, causing [[Cacophony Cover-Up|loud echoes]]...coincidentally in time with a librarian stamping books. At one point, the librarian quizzically looks at the stamp.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Donovan appears to be the savviest person in the series, right up until he trusts a double-agent -- as though he didn't have a small army of people on hand to test it for him.
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* [[Giant Mook]]: Recurring supporting actor Pat "Bomber" Roach as an S.S. officer, though his fight scene was cut.
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: Indy brags that Marcus Brody can blend into any crowd, no matter where he is. Immediately cut to Marcus wandering around the Very Proper British Man asking idiotic questions and standing out like a sore thumb.
* [[Grail Quest]]: The film features Indy undergoing this, under protest. As he tells a guardian of the Grail that attacks him and Elsa, he's not seeking the Grail; he's looking for his father Henry Jones, Sr., who went missing. When he and his father reunite, however, Henry convinces him to go ''back'' into enemy Nazi territory and seek the Grail after they barely escape with their lives because he says that the Grail must not fall into enemy hands. Indy just wants to take his dad home but can't argue with the logic that a cup providing immortality and constant healing to Nazis would be dangerous indeed. He ends up proven right; while they do make headway towards the tomb where the Grail is, the Nazis beat them to the punch and realize that Indiana is the only one who can traverse the various challenges and death traps; to incentivize him, Donovan shoots Henry Sr. in the stomach and tells Indy to hurry up or his dad will die. A man must be penitent, take a leap of faith, and choose wisely. Fail any of these tests, and you may lose your head, or your youth. {{spoiler|Turns out there is no way to remove the Grail from the holy area; as soon as it goes beyond the giant cross on the floor, the whole space is set to collapse. Elsa dies trying to retrieve it from the collapsing ruins, while a healed Henry Sr. convinces Indiana to let it go in the rubble before pulling him upward.}} Indy is more than annoyed that the quest ended up being [[All for Nothing]] in that if he and Henry had gone back to England, which is what he suggested to do in the first place, the Grail never would have been found by the Nazis.
* [[Groupie Brigade]]: While in Berlin to retrieve the Grail diary, Indy gets tangled up in a mob of Nazis who are members of Hitler's fan club.
* [[Hand Signals]]: After Colonel Vogel gives a "move forward" signal, a [[World War I]] era tank rolls into sight.
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{{quote|'''Indy:''' Are you crazy?! Don't go between them.
'''Elsa:''' Go between them? Are you crazy?! }}
* [[Moral Myopia]]: Suffice to say it is doubtful Christ would have approved of the methods used by the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword.
* [[Motorcycle Jousting]]: Indiana Jones charges a Nazi motorcyclist using a flagpole as an improvised lance.
* [[Nameless Narrative]]: In the flashback opening, the looters who steal the Cross of Coronado are credited simply as "Fedora" and "Panama Hat" (The former is addressed as Garth by one of his cronies).
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''(Henry catches Vogel's hand before he can slap him.)''
'''Henry:''' It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try ''reading'' books instead of ''burning'' them! }}
* [[Skewed Priorities]]: After their jeep is destroyed, Sallah seems far more concerned about how angry his brother-in-law (whom he borrowed the jeep from) will be, rather that what the Nazis who opened fire on them would do to them.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Donovan.
* [[Standard Hollywood Strafing Procedure]]: A Nazi fighter plane does this to Indy and his father as they're escaping by car.
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