Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Difference between revisions

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[[File:small 8134.png|link=Fate/stay night|frame|[[Zettai Ryouiki|Her upper thighs]] could use some protection, too.]]
{{quote|''"This helmet, I suppose,''
''Was meant to ward off blows,''
''It's very hot,''
''And weighs a lot,''
''As many a guardsman knows,''
''So off that helmet goes!"''
|'''Arac'''|''[[Princess Ida]]''}}
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* Even though it's ''part of his body'', Greed of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' hardly ever uses his Ultimate Shield on his head. This is [[Justified Trope|explicitly because]] he doesn't like [[Game Face|the way it makes his face look]].
* Averted with the ''[[Saga of Tanya the Evil]]'' manga. It tends to be easy to tell Tanya apart from everyone else (as she is so short), but sometimes Visha is hard to identify (unless you know to look for [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics|her prominent eyelashes]]), which might make you miss this trope regardless of how silly it is.
* The ''[[Gundam]]'' franchise ''normally'' averts this, since the standard outfit for piloting a mobile suit is a space suit (even during terrestrial operations) and anyone who gets into one in normal clothes is either [[Falling Into the Cockpit|not the intended pilot]] or conducting an emergency sortie. There are still plenty of straight examples in the franchise however.
** Nobody in ''[[Mobile Fighter G Gundam]]'' wears a helmet except the zombie pilots of the Death Army, even though the mobile trace system involves the user being physically thrown around inside the cockpit.
** ''[[After War Gundam X]]'' takes place on Earth and named characters don't wear helmets except for {{spoiler|once the action has moved to space}}. While the apocalypse making them hard to come by might explain their scarcity, nobody seems to get a concussion from being knocked around without one.
** While the pilots of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury]]'' normally wear helmets during mobile suit operations, there's a curious example in episode 4 where Chuchu gets out of her mobile suit to fistfight a pair of bullies, and takes off her helmet ''before'' starting the fight, resulting in her face horribly bruised during the fight ([[Snap Back|emphasis on during, it's fixed the very next scene]]). She clearly wasn't be trying to make it a fair fight, since she opens with a sucker punch.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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** Similarly, Spidey's mask either ends up removed or significantly damaged during dramatic moments to show the audience the look on Tobey Maguire's face.
* In ''[[Top Gun]]'', all pilots do wear helmets, but none of the named characters ever have their sun-visors down over their eyes while flying (not even "by the book" pilots such as Jester or {{spoiler|Viper}}). Conversely, the helmets of all the unnamed MiG pilots cover the entire head.
* Played straight in the first ''[[Judge Dredd (film)|Judge Dredd]]'' film adaptation, [[Adaptation Decay|despite Dredd always keeping his helmet on in the comics.]]
** In direct response to backlash over this, the IP's new owner [[Rebellion Developments|Rebellion Publishing]] (who identify Dredd, his [[Never Bareheaded]] status included, as part of English cultural heritage) now makes it a contractual requirement in licensing that Dredd keep his helmet ''on''. Accordingly the [[Dredd|second]] film avoids it for him entirely.
* Averted, somewhat, in ''[[Transformers: Dark of the Moon]]''. In the scene where the NEST team investigates Chernobyl, they do manage to wear Hazmat suits with self contained breathing apparatus that cover their entire face. However, these masks are much larger than in real life, presumably to allow the audience to see the face of the actor.
* Initially averted in ''[[The Last Samurai]]'', but most of the main samurai characters forgo helmets for the final battle. Ujio wears one during the cavalry charge, but loses it almost immediately.
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* Variation: [[Justified Trope|justified]] in ''[[Snow Crash]]'': Y.T. does without a helmet because it plays havoc with her hearing and peripheral vision, and anyway she has enough ''other'' safety gear that the presence or absence of a helmet would be largely academic.
* Averted by [[Chronicles of the Emerged World|Nihal]], who despite being unable to wear a proper armor (being female and all) still wears a helmet ornated with Dragon Wings. [http://www.google.it/imgres?imgurl=http://digilander.libero.it/loralya/immagini/cronache.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vtutto.forumcommunity.net/%3Ft%3D32209950&usg=__N1QHAjm3TZoWZ2GAGprvgxj1J8U=&h=500&w=990&sz=434&hl=it&start=21&zoom=1&tbnid=KwTcRrGrj77IVM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=149&ei=eC60TeXjJYfQsgarr9jzCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcronache%2Bdel%2Bmondo%2Bemerso%26hl%3Dit%26biw%3D1503%26bih%3D613%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 Seen often in the cover arts here]{{Dead link}}.
* Justified in the [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]''. [[The Squad]] stop at a garrison town to equip themselves, but what equipment they find is so thoroughly battered that the helmets weren't even capable of keeping the rain off.
* In ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' Tyrion removes his helmet during the Battle of Blackwater to improve his vision, and later takes an axe to the head that nearly kills him. After he's mostly recovered his father reprimands him for doing it, saying that his [[Parental Favoritism|brother]] would never have been foolish enough to take off his helmet during battle.
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** Lampshaded in ''[[Horus Heresy|Prospero Burns]]''. The main character gets many headshots since the [[Space Wolves]] are rather.....dim on helmet policies. Hell, instead of wearing good old fashioned ceramite helmets, they wore leather masks that are shaped like a wolf head.
* Exalts in ''[[Exalted]]'' rarely wear helmets along with their glowing [[Magitek]] [[Powered Armor]]. Storytellers are explicitly discouraged from allowing called shots to the head (or any other unarmored location), as making the PCs do practical things like put on helmets and not wear [[Chainmail Bikini]]s is antithetical to the intended atmosphere of the game.
* In [[Dungeons & Dragons]], mundane helmets are purely for flavor. Whether or not you wear one makes no difference to Armor Class. This is so armored characters aren't penalized for wearing a magic hat.
== Toys ==
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** This was especially visible during the 1972 Summit Series. The Canadian National team were bareheaded throughout (except for, oddly enough, eventual series hero Paul Henderson), while the Red Army team wore helmets.
* The Chinese People's Liberation Army Marine Corps. While half of them wear the standard black helmet with goggles on the helmet, the other half wear wool/fleece tuques with goggles on their tuque caps. Justified for the tuques keep their head warm at sea and the fact that they are mainly a peace keeping force escorting vessels near the Gulf of Aiden [https://web.archive.org/web/20130706210720/http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/Cifyra/PLA/PLAN/U135P200T1D207292F16DT20081225172132.jpg (picture of them here).] Why they never wear their goggles on their eyes is still a mystery. Even when they require eye protection, they would wear a separate pair of ballistic sunglasses instead of their tinted goggles if they have them.
* The "Secrete" (pronounced "Secret") helmet attempted to solve this by allowing a helmet to be worn ''under'' a nice hat.