
Revision as of 02:20, 25 January 2016 by Msq (talk | contribs) (Creating new Memes page for GamerGate)
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  • "Actually, it's about ethics in video game journalism."
    • Explanation: The detractors often paint GG as some sort of nebulous world-wide conspiracy; consequently, both sides like to repeat variations of this phrase - anti-GG sarcastically implying that the opponent tries to hide the nefarious nature of GG, and pro-GG sarcastically implying that the opponent is a Conspiracy Theorist. A sort of Forced Meme in the community.
  • Sockpuppets.
    • Explanation: Detractors are fond of painting GG supporters and pro-GG online sites as being comprised primarily of fake "sockpuppet" accounts controlled by a handful of shady individuals. While pro-GG mockingly point out both how ludicrous the accusation is and how hypocritical it is in practice.
  • "Current Year."
    • Explanation: A mocking reference to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, in particular to the tendency to cite some variation of "It's 2015" or "The Right Side of History" as a catch-all to silence criticism, including GG.
  • "Gamers are Dead/Gamers don't have to be your audience."
    • Explanation: A reference to a torrent of articles released on late August 2014 which helped set GG into full steam, all of which containing some variation on the death/demonization of gaming and/or the notion of gamers. Among the most infamous coming from Leigh Alexander.
  • #StopGamerGate20XX
    • Explanation: In reference to the #StopGamerGate2014 hashtag, an anti-GG attempt on social media back in 2014 to denounce GG as a reactionary, misogynistic movement. Not only did it fail to last, but in time it became a mocking shorthand for how GG is supposed to collapse any day now.
  • "Listen and Believe"
    • Explanation: In the 2014 XOXO Festival held in Portland, Oregon, Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency invoked the phrase "Listen and Believe" in her speech on online harassment and sexism. Since then, it's come to be seen as a mocking reference to the sort of mindsets and narratives promoted by anti-GG, SJWs and the "regressive" Left in general.
  • FullMcIntosh
    • Explanation: A reference to the likes of Jonathan McIntosh of Feminist Frequency and his ideological musings, which could charitably be called loaded, if not outright extremist.