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* [ In the] ''[[Animal Crossing]]'' [[Let's Play]] " [[The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing]]", {{spoiler|Animal Crossing takes place on an island with this property: [[Baleful Polymorph|everyone there turns into their favourite animal]]. But, first, they go insane}}.
* In ''[[Aeon Entelechy Evangelion]]'' the mythical otherworldly (literally) plateau of Leng is a combination of this and [[Alien Kudzu]].
* ''[[The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth (Fanfic)|The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth]]'': All of the attendants were human on Earth of course, but if you enter "elf" under "race" in your enrolment paper, you'll become an elf as long as you stay at OFUM.
** This is seen in other Official Fanfiction Universities as well. There's "Dryads" in the ''Belgariad/Malloreon'' OFU, a full range of "aliens" in the ''[[Star Trek]]'' OFU ... basically if there are nonhuman sentients present in the fictional world, and human fanfic writers who think those nonhumans are "cool", expect to see transformed fanfic writers in the OFU.
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfics, it's common to depict Equestria as one of these, turning humanoid visitors from [[Crossover|other dimensions]] or [[Self-Insert Fic|the real world]] into some variety of pony.
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* A more nightmarish variation comes from ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' (who else?) in the form of the [[Negative Space Wedgie|Eye of Terror]] and certain Daemon-infested planets within, in particular the [[Mind Screw|Planet of Sorcerers]]. The longer you stay on one of these Daemon worlds, the more mutated you become, until you become a mewling, degenerate lump of writhing flesh. Ahriman of the Thousand Sons attempted to use his magic and try and save his troops from mutation. [[And I Must Scream|It, um, didn't work out too well.]]
** Evidence also suggests that the Eye of Terror may be similar to the ''[[The Cat Returns]]'' example above (just not involving cute [[Catgirl|Cat Girls]]). In the 4th edition Chaos codex, it mentions that the only thing keeping the Chaos Marines alive, (mostly) unchanged, and (relatively) sane is their sense of purpose and undying hatred for all things Imperial.
* The magical forest of Athel Loren from ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' is having this effect on the Wood Elves. As time goes by, they become and act more and more like trees (aggressive in summer, passive and torpid in winter) and develop a deeper and deeper connection to the forest spirits, although unlike most other examples here it's an incredibly slow (generations-long) process.
* This happens in ''[[Don't Rest Your Head]]'' to most of those who get lost in the Mad City. They slowly lose their real selves until all that's left is their profession. They will just start to work ceaselessly until something happens to kill them. The only people immune to this are the Awake, and even they occasionally submit to it willingly given [[Fate Worse Than Death|the alternatives]]
* The Wyld in ''[[Exalted]]'', home of [[The Fair Folk]], has a stronger and stronger mutating effect on those who enter it the deeper in they travel. The Exalted are much more resistant to it than mere mortals are, however--and thanks to their tattoos, the Lunar Exalted are almost entirely immune.