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Critics call it, "Hilarious!" "A laugh riot!"

  • Celeste kissing Steve as Bag teaches her how to in My Stepmother Is An Alien.
  • "Love means never having to say you're sorry." "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard." from What's Up Doc?
    • Don't forget the climactic chase scene.
    • Or the court scene after that.
  • Noises Off is full of these from beginning to end, most of them coming from the inestimable Carol Burnett, but one in particular stands out as having made this editor come close to sliding out of his theater seat onto the floor from laughing so hard:

Mrs. Clackett: Sardines, I've forgotten the sardines--" (notices the plate next to her on the table) "No I haven't, I remembered the sardines. Well what a surprise! I guess I'll go into the kitchen and make meself some more sardines to celebrate.

    • Also, "I thought you was in...Sardinia!"
    • And "Am I in Spain? No I'm not in Spain, I'm in agony, that's where I am!"
    • Then there's the entire middle third of the film, which follows the complex (and nearly wordless) mayhem going on backstage during a performance.
  • Quite a lot of the dialogue in U2's film Rattle and Hum qualifies, but the interviews before and after the film's version of Desire are absolutely priceless, in this troper's opinion. "Well, it's a musical journey..."
    • There's also the moment when Adam is giving a long and rambling speech about the artistic merits of their current album -- but everyone else is watching Larry instead, who's sitting next to him and imitating all of the random hand gestures Adam is making throughout (before finally just pretending to wrap an imaginary present and tie it in an imaginary bow).
  • Bob Uecker's performance as sportscaster Harry Doyle is the single best reason to watch the Major League movies. This troper's personal highlight comes from the second film:

Obviously Taylor's thinking...I don't know what the Hell he's thinking!

    • Also: "Welcome back to Major League Baseball. Sort of."
    • And from the first movie:

Doyle: The Indians had no runs on one hit? That's all we got, one God-damn hit?!
'Color Guy: You can't say that on the radio!
Doyle: Ah, nobody's listening!

  • In "Guest House Paradiso", Richie repeatedly corrects the mispronunciation of his surname, Twat (it's pronounced "Thwait"), and when someone gets it right, he corrects them to "twat". The Crowning Moment of Funny comes later when the same character (Gina) talks to him again:

Gina: Excuse me, Mister Twat?
Richie: Actually it's c-nt.

  • Parodying the scene in Spider-Man where Norman realises Peter is Spidey is this unexpected gem from Superhero Movie:

Lou Landers: (Norman Osbourne) We have to go.
Aunt Lucille: (Aunt May) Why?
Lou Landers: (Norman Osbourne) (A beat as he tries to think up an excuse) I just... shat my pants.

Alex Munday: Flip... your goddamn... hair.

  • From Clean Slate, when Dana Carvey's character stumbles into the middle of a speech and is forced to improvise because the original speaker never showed, and because there's a thug on his trail, sitting in the audience waiting for him to finish. At one point, there's a map of Africa displayed on the screen behind him, and Carvey explains the map to the audience like this:

Pogue: Well, we started here." (He points to a dot, then moves to the next.) "Then we went here, here, down here, over here, here, here, and ended up here.

Well, you certainly made it very clear how your legal system works Mr. Young. Now, I'd like to explain a little bit about the Peter Blunt system. You see, I don't go in for lawsuits and motions or any of the legal stuff. No, no, you see what happens is, uh, I find out where you live and then I come to your house, see? And I beat down your door with a fucking baseball bat! And, then I make a bonfire with the Chippendale, maybe roast that Golden Retriever, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, then eat it! And then I'm coming upstairs, junior, and I'm gonna grab you by your Brooks Bros. P.J.s, and then I'm gonna take your brand new BMW, and cram it up your tight ass! Do we have an understanding?

  • Wet Hot American Summer. "I want you inside me! Oh, um, hey... from before..." is the first of many.
  • The Street Fighter scene from City Hunter - specially Jackie Chan's Chun Li cosplay
  • Waiting when trainee Mitch finally gets to speak and slaps down the entire restaurant staff, before unleashing "The Goat"
  • Life Is Beautiful: Guido 'translating' the concentration camp rules.
  • Baseketball: You're excited? Just feel these nipples!
    • "ROADKILL: Caught On Tape!"
    • Remer staring up at a bird on a branch.
  • Doomsday. The cancan dancers. In fact, that entire sequence, but the cancan was what tipped it over the edge.
    • There was also the fact that the song playing was "Good Thing," by the Fine Young Cannibals. Guess what everyone snacks on five minutes later? Then the person-roasting contraption came with the little labeled settings "Rare," "Med," and "Krispy," and the leader, his strippers, and the cancan dancers are passing these little plastic plates to the crowd like it's a fucking school barbeque...
    • There's a Bentley with the good guys in it. There's a bad guy on top of the car trying to get in. There's a bus blocking the road. The protagonist speeds up and goes straight through the bus. The bad guy's head gets cut off in the crash, and comes sailing still-screaming out of the subsequent explosion to crash into and splatter all over the goddamn camera.
    • Two Words - exploding bunny.
  • Roberto Benigni's Johnny Stecchino is basically one big laugh riot, but two moments in particular stand out in my mind. The first is Dante at the theater, taking all the bananas. The second is the whole sequence with the Cabinet Minister, which stumbles right through most of the movie's Running Gags and sets off a few Chekhovs Guns in the deal.
    • He also had several good moments in Down By Law, playing a man with only a sketchy grasp of English. In one scene, he sketches a crude shape on the wall of his shared prison cell:

Roberto: See, it is a window. Please, I can never remember. Is it "looking at the window", or looking through the window?
Jack: Well, Bob, in this case, I'd have to say it's looking at the window...

    • There's also the moment where he ends up leading first John Lurie and Tom Waits, and then an entire prison, in gleefully shouting, "I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!"
  • The movies of Stephen Chow, regarded as the master of comedy in Hongkong cinema.
    • The opening of From Beijing with Love, a merciless spoof of 007 movie openings, culminating in a silhouette of Stephen shooting one of the writhing female forms several times.
  • From the 2001 crime/action film Bandits-

Terry: (Suddenly wakes up) BEAVERS AND DUCKS!

    • The little girl (who is actually Bruce Willis' daughter) burping.
    • The scene where Kate hits Terry with her car, and accidentally hits him again with the car door when he tries to get up.
  • Those aren't pillows!!
  • Tampopo: The ramen-making training montage, and Tampopo fainting on seeing the pig's head.
  • Slither, Brenda pregnant. She literally looks like a gigantic human beach ball. And then she explodes into a tsunami of slugs. Alternately, the Soundtrack Dissonance scene with "Every Woman In The World," finishing over the Mayor chowing down on an arm.
    • Bill Pardy, upon first seeing the Grant-Monster: ""
  • From Thunderheart: "That's a rock, these are ray bans!".
  • Down With Love: The er....suggestive Split Screen phone call between Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellwegger and the entire conversation about men's socks.

David Hyde Pierce: Let's be accurate. Make sure you've got it fully extended. Have it up the whole way.
Ewan McGregor: It stays up all the way all day long, man! That's the miracle I was telling you about: better living through chemistry! You've got...16 inches.
David Hyde Pierce: 16 inches! How long does a man's hose have to be?
Ewan McGregor: That's 32 inches of confidence in every step. Don't forget, I've got two of 'em!

    • And Renee Zellwegger's character giving The Summation in about a minute at eighty miles an hour.
      • And Ewan McGregor's facial expression after said Summation.
  • The Incredible Hulk: Betty Ross getting angry at a NYC cab driver. With Bruce telling her that he knows how to calm down!

Betty: You just zip it!

Lycus: I'll kill him! I'll kill him!
Crassus: Who?
Lycus: The lyingest, cheatingest, sloppiest slave in all Rome!
Crassus: Oh, Pseudolus.

    • There's also the gut-busting reprise of "You're Lovely" in which the male character pretending to be Philia has to be reassured that his crossdressing will fool Miles Gloriosis. What makes it even more hilarious is that it parodies the original's "Falling in Love" Montage shot for shot with two men, one of them in very unconvincing drag.
  • Hamlet 2 isn't the funniest film but the "Raped In The Face" song is worth listening to.
    • This troper thoroughly loved Hamlet 2 and can testify that it is better than it sounds. There are many gems of hilarity to be found.
  • Any movie by Todd Phillips must have The Dan Band. Who either shouts an F word during an otherwise clean song (Old School) or sings 50 Cent's "Candy Shop" (The Hangover). These are usually the funniest parts of those movies.
  • The Firemen's Choir in Bud Spencer's movie Watch Out, We're Mad. Seriously, if there is an antonym to Crowning Music of Awesome, that song is. Alas, Poor Assassin...
    • Also the following scene, with the violin.
  • Death At A Funeral. The entire movie is one big one, all the scenes with Alan Tudyk or Peter Dinklage have them, but the biggest one has neither of them, right before Credits Roll.

Uncle Alfie: Why is everything so FUCKING GREEN?

    • Another good one is when Martha first finds out that Simon is stoned. Funniest background ever. Also, when Peter is found to be alive, and the expression on Simon's face is the ultimate "I KNEW IT".
  • The whole window cleaning platform scene from The First Wives Club, especially the part where Duarto has to divert Morty's attention from the window.
  • The Devil's Brigade, for a war film, has a bunch of them during the unit's first combat mission. With nary a shot being fired and minimal casualties (on all sides), the sequence includes two truly funny bits.
    • A German officer commanding a small detachment and having two of the soldiers at a time peeling off to stand guard...only for each pair to be taken down in turn by the Canadians and Americans, the last pair as he's still walking. He turns around to issue his final orders and has a completely stunned expression as all of them have simply disappeared.
    • Throughout the entire sequence, they cut to scenes of the garrison's commanding officer getting out of bed, having a bath, dressing, eating a civilized breakfast. And then he goes out on the balcony and sees his entire force neatly assembled (some half naked, having been captured in the shower) as prisoners and the Allied captors with the biggest shit-eating grins imaginable.
  • Most considered Renée Zellwegger's Oscar for Cold Mountain a Consolation Award. This troper found her so hilarious he considered it a deserving prize (highlights: decapitating an annoying rooster with her bare hands and "So, you have never wrapped your legs around this Inman?").
  • Hamburger the Motion picture: when the class is running the restaraunt and the little girl tries to steal the cookies, prompting every on of them to instruct her, so politely, to return them at once.
  • Stir Crazy: "We bad!"
  • Titanic 2 - an elevator full of passengers is about to descend to the lifeboats. Another passenger runs up and tries to force his way in... and is promptly punched out by a steward. Especially given the rest of the film, it was hilarious.
  • In Empire of the Sun, Basie says he'll "bet his life", indicating his copy of "Life" magazine.
  • Why is Adam Sandler planning an English remake for a Swedish movie like Kopps? Probably because of one of the single funniest scenes of the whole movie history (the dialogue is dubbed in Italian, but don't care, it's just your usual bunch of robbery lines). Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome that mixes Rule of Cool with Rule of Funny.
  • Evil Dead II has Ash being beat up by his own hand.
  • The Party. Peter Sellers. Trumpet playing. That's all.
    • He discovers the PA system with the oscilloscope. Birdie num-num. Howwwwdy partanar!
  • The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe - he's a violinist in an orchestra, he's in an affair with the harpist, who is married to his friend the tympanist - suspicions form, they're all on pins and needles at a concert playing Mozart's 40th Symphony, missing their cues, playing the wrong tune, and driving the conductor mad.
    • The plot of the movie has him marked as a decoy agent by an intelligence head to get his in-house rivals to expose themselves pursuing him. At the airport he's being surreptitiously photographed by several agents while he has a big piece of chewy candy in his mouth - every picture they take of him has his face contorted as the candy sticks in his teeth.
  • Starballz is an odd film... but it does have the line: "When I fuck a garbage can, I gotta fuck it in the ass." Delivered seriously.
  • The 2004 adaptation of The Punisher, starring Thomas Jane, when the Cold-Blooded Torture of an unfortunate Mook is revealed to be a farce to scare him into talking. Frank has the man upside from the ceiling as he lights up a blowtorch and describes in great detail what will happen to him as the superheated flame touches his body: he'll smell burning meat and won't feel pain, at first, but rather a terribly cold sensation as the nerves die. He then walks behind the mook, roasts a steak with the blowtorch and begins jabbing him in the back with a popsicle.