Fear Is the Appropriate Response: Difference between revisions

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* There's a bit in ''[[Ah! My Goddess]]!'' where Mara and Hild have put together a magical trap that zaps all of the main cast except Belldandy ... and then Bell accidentally releases them. Mara realizes that this overloaded the trap's system, and takes off running until Hild snaps, "Mara! ''Halt!'' Explain yourself!" Mara explains that overloading means the thing's about to ''explode''. "Mara... Thank you for ''explaining''!" as ''Hild'' runs away.
* It's played in [[One Piece]] by Kamakiri after he discovers that [[Big Bad|Enel]] can become intangible [[Elemental Powers|(by turning into electricity)]] thanks to his [[Power-Up Food|Devil Fruit]] [[Shock and Awe|power]].
* In ''[[My Hero Academia]]'', shortly after some U.A. students (including series protagonist Midoria, who has a history of putting himself in danger), encounter {{spoiler|[[Bigger Bad|All For One]]}}, they are paralyzed with fear (aside from some involuntary trembling). They also hallucinated death. In the anime adaptation, when the focus is on the students, ''even the '[[False Camera Effects|cameraman]]' [[Camera Abuse|was trembling]]!''
== [[Comic Books]] ==