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Contrary to popular belief, very few fatal injuries result in [[Instant Death Bullet|instant death.]] As long as you haven't been [[Off with His Head|decapitated]], [[Boom! Headshot!|shot in the head]], or [[Your Head Asplode|asploded]], your body will take at least two minutes to fully shut down, giving you a chance to belt out a few parting words to your comrades or the enemy that felled you. Of course, this doesn't really work in real life, since few people (except for those ''expecting'' to die) have good last words prepared, or the energy or wherewithal to say ''anything'' as they go into shock.
Still, it's more realistic than the [[Final Speech]], which lasts as long as the plot needs it to no matter the injury, [['''Famous Last Words]]''' is usually a brief and poignant sentence said by a character who hasn't quite accepted that he's dying. These can actually be very character-defining, to the point that they represent the very climax of that [[Character Development|character's development]] leaving a lasting impression on the other characters and the fans.
A challenge to write despite being just a few words. Misuse it and it can come off as cheesy. Done perfectly and it can even [[Alas, Poor Scrappy|garner the respect of a fan that hated the character]]. Sometimes [['''Famous Last Words]]''' can be words that a character ''thought'' would be their last, but they survive.
Compare [[Sedgwick Speech]], where a character gets killed halfway through his speech or one-liner. See also [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner]] where a character says a one-liner before knowingly facing death and [[A Plague on Both Your Houses]] when these words are a curse. Often a [[Tear Jerker]].
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== Other ==
* "THE CURSE!! [[Big No|NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-]] -- Imotep (again) [[The Mummy Trilogy|On the Universal Studios, Hollywood version of The Mummy ride]], before it was changed. (He now just chuckles quietly while you return to the load/unload sector).
** "See? That wasn't so scary. A cup of coffee, please? Thank you. AAARRGH!!" -- Brendan—Brendan Fraser, in the Orlando version of the ride.
* A long series of jokes:
** Tarzan's last words: "Who greased the liana!?"
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[[Category:Last Words]]
[[Category:Truth in Television]]
[[Category:Famous Last Words]]
