Doctor Who: Difference between revisions

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<!-- Get pictures of the 12 doctors. War Doctor optional. -->
[[File:TV_Tropes_-_11_Doctors_-_Better_11th_Doctor_7937The_12_Doctors.png|frame|TheNot Elevenpictured: IncarnationsThe of theWar Doctor (Is it just me, or is he getting younger the longer he does this?):<ref>[[William Hartnell]], [[Patrick Troughton]], [[Jon Pertwee]], [[Tom Baker]], [[Peter Davison]], [[Colin Baker]] (no relation to Four), [[Sylvester McCoy]], [[Paul McGann]], [[Christopher Eccleston]], [[David Tennant]], [[Matt Smith]], [[Peter Capaldi]]</ref>]]
{{quote|''He saves worlds, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures, and [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others|runs a lot]]. Seriously, there's an ''outrageous'' amount of running involved.''|'''Donna Noble''', in "[[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E6 The Doctors Daughter|The Doctor's Daughter]]"}}