Doctor Who/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the Doctor."|'''River Song''', "[[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E9 Forest of the Dead|Forest of the Dead]]"}}
Seriously, it's a very emotional show. The hero dies and turns into someone else on a regular basis, and as a [[Long Runner]] (almost 50 years) there have also been a lot of instances of [[The Character Died Withwith Him]]. You have been warned...
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* "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S6 E7 The War Games|The War Games]]" episode 10 combines half a regeneration (we see the old Doctor go, but not the new Doctor appear) with the departures of two companions. Both of whom keep on hoping there's going to be a happy ending long after the Doctor's realized all too well there won't. Then after they've said goodbye to the Doctor (still hoping they'll see him again one day), the Time Lords casually inflict [[Victory-Guided Amnesia]] on them and we get to see the results. Heartbreaking.
** "I won't forget you, Doctor."
*** The last we see of him, he's [[Never Bring a Knife Toto A Gun Fight|charging]] a Redcoat who's shooting at him, when just before his memory was erased he talked down and ''cooperated with'' another. When you remember that and take into consideration [[Heterosexual Life Partners|how close]] Jamie was to the Doctor and how ''long'' they travelled together, well...
* ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S6 E7 The War Games|War Games]]''. That Jamie and Zoe lost their memories was bad enough, but factor in the realization that given his nationality and time period, Jamie probably died at Culloden...
** Except for the fact that unless the Time Lords screwed something up, that's an [[Doctor Who/Recap/S4 E4 The Highlanders|ontological impossibility]].
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'''Sarah Jane:''' No one's ever going to forget you. }}
** Because we won't.
** Making that worse... [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Two words]] - {{spoiler|Donna Noble}}.
* While we're on Sarah Jane, she was by far the most heart-breaking goodbye in The End Of Time. Of all the people he went to see, only she had seen a regeneration before. When the Doctor sees Rose, she's yet to meet the Ninth Doctor. While Luke was all excited that the Doctor was here, you could tell she knew what was happening to him and what it meant and why he couldn't speak to her.
** And worse, with the 2011 death of Elisabeth Sladen hitting the fandom, that scene isn't just Sarah Jane saying goodbye to the Doctor. That was her ''last scene'' in the series that made her famous. And David Tennant, the ultimate [[Ascended Fanboy]] who grew up as a massive fan of hers then got to play the Doctor alongside her, is practically saying goodbye to her for us. GAAAAHHHHH.
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** The Doctor's expression towards the end. The day is saved, but the Daleks have escaped... and he just looks so out of it and sort of staggers backwards, horrified...
* "Flesh and Stone". The Doctor having to leave Father Octavian to be killed by a Weeping Angel... then he walks off screen without a word, and all you hear is the crack. Made worse in that the story at that point had already built up a decent and likeable character in Father Ocatvian and his men.
** Come on. The character was basically a four-in-one of [[Cool Old Guy]], [[The Brigadier]], [[Officer and Aa Gentleman]] and a [[Badass Preacher]]. He did the best job anyone in his situation could dealing with the Angels while trying to deal with River and the Doctor at the same time, and it was a cruel way for him to go. What what really tears people up were his final words to the Doctor before he looks away (paraphrased).
{{quote| '''Father Octavian''': I die in the knowledge that my courage did not desert me at the end. For that I thank God, and bless the path that leads you away to safety.<br />
'''The Doctor''': <pause> I wish I could have got to know you better<br />
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* The exchange between the three leads at the end of ''Curse of the Black Spot'', when they're left with a choice of {{spoiler|either leaving Rory on the ship or risking his death by drowning since the ship is keeping him alive howeverwhatwaythatworks, is ''heartwrenching''. He opts to leave telling them that all they have to do is [[Kiss of Life|resucitate him]] when they get back. And he wants the person who does it to be Amy, not the Doctor, for one specific reason}}. "''Because I know you'll never give up.''"
** It's even more meaningful when you remember Rory's a nurse. [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable|The inaccuracy of the whole thing aside]], he ''knows'' the odds, but he still trusts her completely. {{spoiler|And he's ''right''.}} For everyone who has ever wondered why Rory was willing to wait 2000 years for a girl that a number of people don't think deserved him? ''That whole scene'' is your answer. Don't even get started on the look on the Doctor's face the whole time.
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' "Come ''on'', come on, Rory, not like this, '''[[How Dare You Die Onon Me!|not today]]'''!" }}
* The Doctor's goodbye to the TARDIS in human form in The Doctor's Wife. He's just so ''vulnerable''. His lip's trembling, his eyes are full of tears...
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' "Please... I don't want you to... ''Please.''"}}
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* It's always a [[Tear Jerker]] for Whovians when an actor who played the Doctor, one of his companions, or some other popular character on the show has died. The very first such death was Roger Delgado's, the original Master, who was killed in a car crash in 1973, cutting his time as the Master tragically short.
** Other such deaths have included William Hartnell (1975), Ian Marter (1986), Patrick Troughton (1987), Jacqueline Hill (1993), Jon Pertwee (1996), Michael Craze (1998), and Anthony Ainley (2004).
** 2011 was an exceptionally sad year, as we lost both Nicholas Courtney and Elisabeth Sladen within two months of each other. Both had 2 of the longest periods of any actor as a regular on the show, both managed to transcend even these impressive runs, appearing again and again as these characters to the point where they were regarded as 2 of the most iconic characters in the series' entire history, both had acted together in these roles less than a year earlier on ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures (TV)|The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'', and both died of cancer.
* The music, especially from the time of the Eleventh Doctor. The tracks "Melody Pond", 36 Years" and "Forgiven" are of particular note.
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* There was once an absolutely heartbreaking DWM strip with the Doctor landing on a planet with his grandchildren John and Gillian and discovering all creativity had faded. Following the traces, he finds a tyrant obsessed with being the single holder of the beings that provide the planet's inhabitants with imagination and creativity. Defeating him easily, he releases all of the tiny beings and leaves a hero having reformed the bad guy and returned happiness with no blood, no darkness, no evil. Then it's revealed that the entire story was a dream of the Eighth Doctor, who briefly laments that not all stories can end like that, and hoping for the day he'll be able to live in an Universe where such endings are possible.
** And then you recall that he still has yet to go into the Time War...
* "The World Shapers," written by [[Grant Morrison]] for DWM: The Sixth Doctor, Peri, and Frobisher need the assistance of the Doctor's former companion Jamie, so they travel back to Scotland to get him. Except the TARDIS overshoots their destination by forty years, and in the interim Jamie has become an old man and the village crank. The Doctor takes him on board the TARDIS anyway, and later on in the story {{spoiler|Jamie sacrifices himself in order to stop the Cybermen from ever existing. And ''then'' we find out that Jamie's sacrifice was in vain, as some Time Lords show up and refuse to stop the Cybermen--you see, the Time Lords don't mind the Cybermen killing innocents over millions of years, since (unlike the Daleks) the Cybermen will apparently one day [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]].}} Given what we later find out about the Time Lords in [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E17 E18 The End of Time|"The End Of Time"]], you get both a [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]] and a [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]] moment all rolled into one.
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== Behind the scenes ==
* Colin Baker's never-ending enthusiasm for the show, despite all he had to put up with. When he finally got to play the role of his dreams, most of his own suggestions for the role were trashed, most of the stories were badly written and considered to be overly violent, and the show was placed on hiatus for 18 months. When a new season was finally produced, Michael Grade (who happened to be {{spoiler|shagging Colin's wife}} at the time), pinned the blame for the show's troubles on Colin, even though ''none of them were his fault'', and had him sacked from the role. Even after all that, Colin remains enthusiastic about his time as the Doctor, still finds it in his heart to appear at conventions, and is said to be 'the nicest actor to play the Doctor'.
** [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: In spite of his tenure as the Doctor not being well received, Baker has been rightfully hailed as the greatest Doctor to star in [[Big Finish]]'s audio series. [[Manly Tears]], mister Baker.