Danger Room Cold Open: Difference between revisions

m (added Category:The Teaser using HotCat)
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* An episode of [[Tiger and Bunny]] opens with the pair against a gun-wielding gang. The titular duo then starts arguing, at which point Tiger stands up, ranting... and a dozen red dots converge on his face. Cue gunfire, and [[Mood Whiplash|cheery opening]].
== Film ==
* While not actually the opening, in ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'' we're introduced to the real Furious Five in a battle where they attempt to take out Shifu. They fail, badly.
* The [[Unwinnable Training Simulation|Kobayashi Maru]] scene from the beginning of ''[[Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan]]''.
* Invoked hard in ''[[Toy Story 2]]''. We see Buzz Lightyear in a dystopian battlezone, finally reaching and fighting [[Big Bad|Zurg]]. After a brief fight, Buzz gets ''The upper half of his body blown to smithereens''. Then some Game Over text pops up, showing that it was just a video game played by Rex, and the "real" Buzz is still fine.
** Repeated more obviously in [[Toy Story (franchise)||Toy Story 3.]] Also in [[Monsters, Inc.]]
* The intro to ''[[The Sum of All Fears]]''.
== Literature ==