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If, instead, everybody takes turns being stupid, then they're passing around the [[Idiot Ball]]. For extra laughs (or groans) can be overlapped inversely with [[Distribution of Ninjutsu]]: the more competent someone is, the weaker they are in combat. Sub-trope of [[Too Many Cooks Spoil the Soup]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* The ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' anime gives us the presumably competent Giovanni, whose subordinates are the one and only Team Rocket [[Terrible Trio]].
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* Blair Waldorf and her "merry band of psychos" (her minions, that is) in ''[[Gossip Girl]]''. Or as Blair puts it... "''Once again the universe has proven that anything you can do, I can do better''."
* Both averted and subverted in ''[[The West Wing]]'', where everyone is a genius, but things tend to fall apart rapidly if ''any'' one member is incapacitated or missing.
* This trope goes both ways in various ''[[Star Trek]]'' shows. The seven or so senior officers of the ship are competent. Above them are [[Insane Admiral|Insane Admirals]]s and [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]s. Below them are [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]]s. So there are incompetent leaders ''and'' incompetent supporters, with the competent main characters squarely in the middle of the command structure.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
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** There's also the fact that Cyrus is a [[Authority Equals Asskicking|far better trainer than the average grunts.]] The final fight with him in Platinum is easily [[That One Boss|one of the hardest battles of the game.]]
** And that the big evil plan is kept hidden from the grunts because {{spoiler|it would result in said grunts, and everything else in the Universe, ceasing to exist}}.
* ''[[Touhou]]'s'' Sakuya Izayoi, [[Ninja Maid]] extraordinaire, has to use her [[Reality Warper]] superpowers to turn the Scarlet Devil Mansion [[Bigger on the Inside]], and then single-handedly guard and ''clean'' said mansion because, in spite of having a virtually inexaustable army of guards and other maids, they are so universally [[The Stoner|lazy and incompetent]] that they are as likely to cause harm as good. Her boss, [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampire]] [[Ojou]] Remilia is capable of being competent most of the time, but, being [[Not Allowed to Grow Up|permanently a child]], both physically and emotionally, she would rather just play (and force Sakuya to set up those games for her). During ''Embodiment of Scarlet Devil'', she even turns into [[Determinator]], fighting three conseuctive [[Boss Battle|BossBattles]] (two were mid-boss battles) in defense of her mistress. What is she ''paid'' for this kind of work? She gets a room in the mansion, and to keep the outfit. It ain't easy being [[Meido]].
** Several similar comparisons could be made to other girls in the touhou fame (Youmu, a samurai whose boss forces her to use her skills as a gardener and ocasionally as a cook, while she, uh... watches a Cherry Tree bloom) as well as the trope still applying but the other way around (Komachi, a slacker God of Death and her Boss Shikieki Yamaxamanadu, who takes her job too seriously; Reisen, who is constantly scolded for her screwups by her master Eirin, who invented ETERNAL LIFE) What really can destroy the trope's validity is when we consider their abilities as Danmaku Boss Fights. While Sakuya can be the perfect maid in her daily life, she still pales in comparison to the bratty child Remilia when it boils down to their world's selected form of fighting. In fact, one could think there's too much competence in every house.
*** If you think about it though, this trope applies when looking at every game in itself. In the aforemented example with with members of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, you have the [[Baka]] Cirno, Daiyousei, and Rumia to offset the competence of the others.
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** Iago wasn't dumb. He was a loud, obnoxious [[Chew Toy]], but he was also a rather [[Genre Savvy]] [[Deadpan Snarker]], not to mention a [[Manipulative Bastard|consummate manipulator.]] A better example, from the [[Pilot Movie|first sequel]] and the [[The Series|animated series,]] is [[Meaningful Name|Abis Mal]], who, whether leading a gang of bandits who are smarter than him or being the semi-willing pawn of an evil genie who's smarter than he is, is pretty much guaranteed to be more of a liability than an asset.
* ''[[The Lion King]]'': Scar is smart, the hyenas are dumb.
* ''[[Hercules (Disney1997 film)|Hercules]]'': Hades is smart, Pain and Panic are dumb.
* ''[[The Emperor's New Groove|The Emperors New Groove]]'': Yzma is smart, Kronk is dumb.
* Startlingly averted in ''[[Mulan]],'' where both Shan Yu ''and'' his lieutenants are smart and scary.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Oddly enforced in some real military organizations. Everyone in a certain group--usuallygroup—usually of a certain rank or graduating class--isclass—is rated based on performance, and put in order from best to worst. Now, normally it would seem fairest to award assignments based on merit: the #1 performer gets the job she wants, and the worst performer gets put where no-one else wants to go. This leads to a problem: The place no-one wants to go gets all the bad performers, and then that organization does worse work, leading even fewer people to want to go there, leading to even worse work. To prevent this, the organization distributes its incompetence: the group is split into 3rds: top, bottom, and middle. These are then ranked. The top of each category gets the job they asked for; the bottom of each gets put where they're needed. While it may not be entirely fair to the "middling" performers, this ensures that every organization gets a mix of good and bad people and prevents any one place from having a large group of abysmal performers.
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