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* ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]:'' At the end of the late season 2 two-parter Return Of The Green Ranger, Tom (the formerly evil clone of Tommy) stays in colonial Angel Grove to live out his life. And possibly becomes Tommy's ancestor.
* ''[[Sliders]]:'' An episode late in the series revolves around this trope, on an alternate Earth where clones of wealthy individuals are grown and kept like animals for the purpose of organ transplants and blood transfusions. Naturally, one of the protagonists gets mistaken for his alternate's clone.
* The ''[[Blake's Seven (TV)|Blakes Seven]]'' episode "The Children of Auron", which features a society that practices large-scale cloning, is probably the most casual and realistic treatment of it in any [[Space Opera]]. Cally and her sister Zelda are depicted just like real-world natural twins, as independent individuals with their own personalities and motivations who just happen to look identical.
** The episode does, however, depict one hard-SF big disadvantage of large-scale cloning: {{spoiler|lack of genetic variation leading to lack of disease resistance and vulnerability to [[Synthetic Plague|epidemics]]}}.
* The X5 clones in ''[[Dark Angel]]'' are never treated as anything other than identical twins who shared a test-tube instead of a womb. It helps that they '''do not''' share memories and the age difference between them is the same as normal "older" and "younger" twins.
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* Ellen, Elliot's [[Opposite Sex Clone]] in ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'', is quickly accepted by Elliot and his family and now lives as Elliot's twin sister. Due to her brief case of [[Cloning Blues]], she has also developed a distinct personality from the original.
* Molly the Peanut Butter Monster in ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'' has two clones with very different personalities who are both off living their own lives: [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|megalomaniacal woobie]] Galatea (or "Golly") and the [[Our Giants Are Bigger|mountain-sized giantess,]] Djaliana ("Djali" or "Jolly").
* In ''[ Bomango]'' by Rob Ten Pas, Gogo can reproduce by ''budding,'' having sprouted Didi out of her side (which she did on a caprice because she was bored one day). Didi is as sweet, gentle, and intellectual as Gogo is loud, brash, and dangerous. It's notable that, since they split, Didi's physique has become noticeably more slender than Gogo's muscular frame, because Gogo gets a lot more exercise. Didi also has no navel. Strong hints have been dropped that Gogo has other clones running around, and that they are [[Evil Twin|not nice people at all.]] The names Gogo and Didi, btw, are a [[Shout -Out]] to "[[Waiting for Godot]]."
* In ''[[Melonpool]],'' [[Jerkass|Ralph's]] opposite-personality ''nice'' clone Ralphie has been a series regular since his introduction many years ago. Ralph also (until recently) had an [[Evil Twin|evil clone]] named Fauntleroy.
** Averted when Roberta was cloned, as the machine had been ''fixed'' by then, so the two were completely indistinguishable (much to their own frustration). They were eventually fused back together.
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** One time saw Rex telling off [[General Ripper|General Krell]] about treating his men as expendable and that not only did he have a duty to follow orders, but also to see them through.
** "The Hidden Enemy": {{spoiler|[[The Mole]] is a clone who realized the Clone Army was basically slavery}}.
* In [[Re Boot]] the copy of Enzo is ''encouraged'' to be a different person than the original Enzo. [[Nineties Anti -Hero|Given what happened to the original]], this is a good idea.
** Bob's friends (including the copy of Enzo) attempt to cheer him up by citing this trope when he's led to believe that he's a copy of another Bob that shows up in Mainframe. {{spoiler|Subverted when they find out that the other Bob is actually a trojan horse with stolen bits of Bob's code.}}
* In ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'', Thailog is a clone of Goliath, and is treated as Goliath's son, rather than a copy. Unfortunately he was programmed with the personality of [[Magnificent Bastard|Xanatos]], and was raised by [[Mad Scientist|Sevarius]] (which pretty well eliminated any positive aspects of Xanatos' personality from Thailog), and ended up becoming a villain.
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