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* In ''[[Twentieth Century Boys]]'', Kenji starts as this.
* Yukiteru Amano of ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'' starts out as as one.
* Kei Kurono from ''[[Gantz (Manga)|Gantz]]''. [[Took a Level In Badass|He gets better]].
* The protagonist of ''[[The Tatami Galaxy]]'', who is something of a Zetsubou-sensei [[Expy]], and is described in some promotional matterials as a "not-so-lovable loser".
* Saji Crossroads, Shinji Ikari's [[Expy]] of sorts, during the second season of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]''. [[Took a Level In Badass|He gets better]].
* Usopp from ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]'' is pretty much this in the beginning and mostly in the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc.
* Mr. Satan from ''[[DragonballDragon Ball]]''
* Vincent Law/Ergo Proxy of ''[[Ergo Proxy]]'' early on. He gets better and advances to a Type II.
* Kou Uraki of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory]]''.
* Akitsu Masanosuke from ''[[House of Five Leaves]]'' is a classical anti-hero, being an overly humble samurai with no self-esteem.
* Natsume from [[Natsume Yuujinchou]] is a [[Socially Awkward Hero]] with no self-confidence about people and a tendency to alienate what friends he does make by constantly lying to them to avoid causing a fuss.
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== [[Film]] ==
* Wikus van der Merwe of the film ''[[District 9 (Film)|District 9]]''.
* Most of the protagonists in [[Kevin Smith (Creator)|Kevin Smith]]'s [[View Askewniverse]] qualify.
* Sgt. Neil Howie in the original version of ''[[The Wicker Man]]''.
* [[Napoleon Dynamite]].
* The portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in ''[[The Social Network]]'' teeters between this and [[Villain Protagonist]].
* The eponymous character of ''[[Monty PythonsPython's Life of Brian]]'', which makes all the funnier the fact that he is repeatedly mistaken for [[The Messiah]].
* [[Megamind]] in the movie of the same name. Yes, he's a [[Villain Protagonist|supervillain]], but he's our protagonist and he fits this to a T, especially as his character *ahem* develops through the movie.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Dave Lister, Cat and Arnold J. Rimmer from ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]'' start out like this, although Rimmer is both a neurotic loser and a [[Jerkass|smeghead]]. Lister once goodnaturedly described himself as a "bum", while Rimmer would call him a lazy slob. Cat was vain, self-centered to the point of callousness, and not very smart... not surprising given that his species had evolved from a single, pregnant female housecat 3 million years ago (imagine the inbreeding), and even other cats considered him a moron. All three [[Character Development|became more competent]] in the course of the series, but they never quite lost their essential quirks, their [[Big Damn Heroes|good qualities]] (such as Lister's selflessness and sense of fairness) merely became more pronounced. Or, in the case of Arnold Rimmer, who had no redeeming qualities, Rimmer had a run-in with his [[Alternate Universe]] counterpart [[The Ace|"Ace" Rimmer]].
== [[Theatre]] ==
* Willy Loman from ''[[Death of a Salesman]]''. A little, pathethic man, broken by his chase after a dream that isn't true.
* Woyzeck from the [[Woyzeck (Theatre)|eponymous play]] is considered the first true Antihero, as opposed to the classic tragic hero.
* Everyone but Ricky Roma in ''[[Glengarry Glen Ross]]'' qualifies, but with particular attention paid to Shelly Levene.
* [[Hamlet]] was conflicted and emotional before it was cool.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Travis Touchdown, of ''[[No More Heroes]]'', a porn-obsessed Otaku without anything resembling a social life. He's also an [[Evil Antihero]], however, eagerly slaughtering opponents and rarely showing any remorse for his killings.
* Raiden is largely considered to be this in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty]]'', though he becomes more of a [[Jerkass Antihero]] in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots]]''.
* ''Lester the Unlikely'' from the SNES game of the same name starts out as such a wimp that even turtles scare him. He does become more heroic about halfway through the game, however.
* Almaz from ''[[Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice]]''.
* Cloud Strife of ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'', although he [[Jerkass Facade|pretends to be a prick]].
* Commander Shepard can show shades of this in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' given the potential to fail multiple loyalty missions and get most of your squad killed through poor choices during the suicide mission.