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** The first of Eevee's evolutions, the legendary birds, Generation II's roaming beasts, generation III's weather trio, and the lake trio in Generation IV are red, blue, and yellow or, for the weather trio, red, blue, and green.
* The three trap books of [[Myst]] are blue, red, and green. Sirrus (red) and Achenar (blue) blame each other for the death of Atrus, and neither want you to touch the green book, which they claim is a trap to prevent them from being freed...because {{spoiler|Atrus is trapped in the green book, and Sirrus and Achenar were working together.}}
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' is another franchise that embraces it. Its pantheon is composed of three goddesses represented by the three colors, and the [[Plot Coupons]] (and often other items) that you have to find are always either only these colors or you have to find these colors first. Din, goddess of power, is red and representative of Ganon, the [[Big Bad]]. Farore, goddess of courage, is green and representative of Link, the [[Heroic Mime|protagonist]]. Nayru, goddess of wisdom, is blue and representative of Zelda, princess of Hyrule and [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]. Originally, green--the Triforce of Courage--was not included in the game. It could be argued they originally represented [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] first.
* The three lords of the 7th ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' game were colored in this way (in their hair). Eliwood, red; Hector, blue; Lyndis, green.
** Lyn and Hector are swapped in terms of stereotypes, though, with Lyn being the closest to the Smart One and Hector being [[The Big Guy]].