Callahan's Crosstime Saloon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Blessed With Suck]]: The precog in "Fivesight" can only foresee unpleasant events -- and he can't prevent them from happening, only mitigate the effects somewhat. Fittingly enough, his name is [[The Cassandra|Cass Anders]].
* [[Born Lucky]]: The Lucky Duck, although in his case it's not good luck or bad luck--just ''weird'' luck.
* [[CentipedesCentipede's Dilemma]]: Dink Fogerty is defeated using this technique in the story titled "The Centipede's Dilemma".
* [[City of Weirdos]]: Callahan tells the story of waking up after an epic week-long bender naked in Central Park, fleeing on a stolen police horse. He gets all the way to Brooklyn by wrapping himself in a plaid horse blanket and yelling "Attack of the [[Horseclans]]! Coming soon from United Artists" as necessary.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: After being arrested, if Al Phee tries to make another unauthorized time jump he'll be stricken with permanent BO.
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* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Punday at Callahan's.
{{quote| ''Folks who come into the place for the first time on a Tuesday evening have been known to flee screaming into the night, leaving full pitchers of beer behind in their haste to be elsewhere.''}}
* [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]]: Michael Finn is actually a cyborg sent to evaluate how dangerous the Earth is so that an alien race can decide whether or not to invade it. After an evening at Callahan's, he decides he wants to save them, and asks the patrons to destroy him so he can't automatically report in, since he can't destroy himself. They settle for giving him a Mickey Finn (as hinted by as the name he gives), which leaves him in no condition to make his report.
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: The good guys, for a change. All of the bar's patrons who have been protected by Mickey Finn are immune to gunfire, nukes, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|getting wet when it rains]].
** [[Blessed With Suck|OTOH]], the [[Required Secondary Powers]] are a bitch. It only neutralizes lethal trauma, so as not to leave one with a case of [ CIP]. That means that if someone attacks to ''maim'', '''they can do it as long as no single blow is lethal!'''
** Likewise, immunity to nukes is limited to the blast forces and radiation. It's still possible to be trapped in debris and just ''burn''. {{spoiler|As Noah Gonzalez found when the "immunity to nukes" clause was tested.}}
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* [[Playing With Puppets]]: A villain in ''Callahan's Lady'' uses a [[Mind Control Device]] to make people do disgusting and embarrassing things for her own amusement.
* [[Pungeon Master]]: Nearly all the regulars, but Doc Webster especially.
* [[Rapid -Fire Comedy]]: The game.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Rachel in "A Voice Is Heard In Ramah". No explanation is offered; she just is.
* [[That Satisfying Crunch]]: At Callahan's, making a toast and pitching your glass into the fireplace can be one of the most cathartic actions you'll ever undertake.