Brave Fencer Musashi: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Dragon]]: Colonel Capricciola is The Dragon to Fuhrer Flatski, ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire. {{spoiler|However, near the very end of the game, you find out that Capricciola is actually your buddy Jon, who's been helping you during the game, and HE is secretly the son of the Emperor and Empress of the Thirstquencher Empire, whose deaths Flatski arranged in some unspecified manner that was meant to look like an accident (Jon, who was a child at the time, was meant to die with them). Unfortunately, he is [[Family-Unfriendly Death|shot]] [[In the Back]] by Flatski's son Rootrick before he can take his revenge on Flatski, and then later stepped on by Dark Lumina}}.
* [[Dramatic Ellipsis]]: Lumina and {{spoiler|Dark Lumina}}'s preferred form of communication.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: With a magic katana in one hand... and the aforementioned [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]] in the other. Rescuing certain villagers allows Musashi to learn special techniques that utilize both of his weapons in tandem.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Rootrick, as well as Ben of Leader's Force. Rootrick appears to be a country hick, given his accent.
* [[Edible Theme Naming]]: The good guys are given food-related names (Allucaneet Kingdom, Grillin' Village, Princess Fillet), the bad guys are given soda-related names (Thirstquencher Empire, Gingerelle, Capricciola). In Japanese, the bad guy names are based on ''booze'' instead.
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* [[Living Statue]]: Skullpion and Relic Keeper, the Crest Guardians of Earth and Water.
* [[MacGuffin Guardian]]: The Crest Guardians.
* [[Magic Sword]]: Musashi gets two of them: Fusion, a [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]] that allows him to [[Mega Manning|copy enemy abilities]], and Lumina, a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]] that gains [[Elemental Powers]] via the Five Scrolls.
* [[Major Injury Underreaction]]: After being beaten at {{spoiler|her "Simon Says"-style dance-off, Topo seems more concerned about the fact she'll never dance again than the fact that ''she's slowly dying of electrocution''}}.
** That may not have been the result. {{spoiler|It's arguable that she injured herself from dancing too hard. Even then, her fate is ambiguous at best (though, granted, she says, "Farewell, dearest Capricciola")}}. Though this may just be due to a translation fuzzing.
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* [[Mood Whiplash]]: {{spoiler|During the final dungeon, expect to see pretty much all the quirky villains die one by one}}.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Musashi has a brief bout with this when {{spoiler|his actions lead to the release of Dark Lumina, and subsequently, Jon's death}}. Fillet promptly snaps him out of it by telling him to {{spoiler|beat the tar of out of Dark Lumina}}.
* [[The Napoleon]]: Both Musashi and Ed seem to have a bit of a height complex, although it's nowhere near as bad as [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|the other Ed]].
* [[Nice Hat]]: Several characters.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]:
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* [[Power Floats]]: {{spoiler|Dark Lumina, although his second form lacks this ability, instead going bipedal}}.
* [[Power Gives You Wings]]: {{spoiler|Dark Lumina, when using the powers of the Wind Scroll}}.
* [[Power Glows]]: Both [[Katanas Are Just Better|Fusion]] and [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size|Lumina]] glow blue and red (Fusion later will glow yellow after you rescue [[The Blacksmith|Artisan Teebone]] and get him to temper Fusion), making them resemble [[Laser Blade|Laser Blades]]. Also, {{spoiler|Dark Lumina}}.
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: Twice... to the same enemy... in the finale.
* [[Primal Stance]]: {{spoiler|Dark Lumina - Round 2. It does a good job of hiding the fact that he's ''even larger'' than his base form was}}.