Blood Brothers: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."''
|'''[[Henry V]]'''}}
This is where two people have made a pact with each other. The reasons for this tend to vary, but most often, it's because one or both of them [[I Owe You My Life|owes the other his life]]—frequently [[Fire-Forged Friends|in battle]]. From this moment on, they are brothers. Brothers in the sense that they will do anything to protect and, if necessary, avenge the other.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In the ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]'' series, Genbu Celestial Warriors, Hikitsu and Tomite are the classic pair.
* The whole ''[[Koihime Musou]]'' is about this, being based off of the ''[[Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]''.
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* The cast of ''[[K-On!]]'' are one of the rare female versions of this trope.
* Similarly, the [[Four-Girl Ensemble]] of ''[[A Certain Scientific Railgun]]'' also count.
* [[Big Bad|Diva's]] Chevaliers in ''[[Blood Plus+]]'' refer to each other as blood brothers since they have all been turned into Chevaliers because of Diva's blood.
* Reinhard and Kircheis in ''[[Legend of Galactic Heroes]]'' are this along with [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]. Their friendship started out when Reinhards sister (whom Kircheis is in love with) asks Kircheis to be his friend. [[It Gets Worse]] and Reinhard asks for Kircheis help in conquering the galaxy. And so the two rise up in ranks, Reinhard as the shining star and Kircheis supporting him from behind. {{spoiler|And then Kircheis dies (very early on, to boot), something that has lasting effects on virtually everyone for the ''entire rest of the series''.}}
* In ''[[Saint Beast]]'', Judas repeatedly asks Luca to stand by him, and when he tries to do things alone Luca reminds him that alone means both of them.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* ''[[G.I. Joe]]'': Joe has Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, who are the equivalent of Blood Brothers ("sword-brothers") and have indeed saved each other's life in battle. Sometimes even while actively trying to defeat/kill each other. Heavy on elements of [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]], [[Enemy Mine]], and {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]}}, the latter on Storm Shadow's part (at least when they're on opposite sides). {{spoiler|Storm Shadow saving Snake Eyes' life}} is an integral part of their backstory.
* There's a pair of [[Marvel Comics]] villains known as the Blood Brothers, who are formidable separately but increasingly unstoppable the closer they are to one another.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Happens sometimes in ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' fanfics (more for the first than the second) with Canderous and the [[Player Character]]...but sometimes ''all'' the crew gets marked as ''vode.'' The Mandalorian language doesn't make the distinction between "friend" and "family member" after all.
== [[Film]] ==
* The film version of ''[[Othello]]'' has Othello forcing Iago to perform a blood pact.
* ''[[A Better Tomorrow]]'': Mark Gor (Chow Yun-Fat) and Sung Tse Ho (Ti Lung) from [[John Woo]]'s film are probably the best known examples of Blood Brothers in a [[Heroic Bloodshed]] movie. In fact, most of John Woo's [[Heroic Bloodshed]] movies tend to have two characters develop such a bond with each other during the course of the movie.
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* In ''[[Wild Zero]]'', Guitar Wolf cuts Ace's hand and his own to make them "rock 'n' roll blood brothers," and gives Ace a whistle to use if in distress.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Commonly seen in [[Wuxia]] literature.
* In [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[Stranger in Aa Strange Land]]'', the Martians have what is called a "water brother." If you "share water" with someone, from that moment on, you are their brother.
** While water doesn't seem all that binding on a planet that is two thirds water, for the Martians it is a very valuable and limited resource and to share it with someone is a precious act of camaraderie.
* In [[Diana Wynne Jones]]'s ''[[The Dalemark Quartet|The Spellcoats]]'', Kars Adon and Hern make a pact of undying friendship after Hern helps free Kars Adon's people from Kankredin. {{spoiler|After Kars Adon [[Taking the Bullet|takes a knife meant for Hern]],}} he points out that they're now quite literally blood brothers.
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* The title character of the ''[[Flashman]]'' novels swears blood-brotherhood with several characters, noting in ''Flashman at the Charge'' that he felt more solemnity in the act than any Christian oath.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'', Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are Blood Brothers. This goes even further in the movie, ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock]]'', when we discover that Spock managed to {{spoiler|1=put his "katra" (soul) into McCoy's mind just before he died}}.
* Played with in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', season 5. {{spoiler|Although Dawn is confused about her own existence as Buffy's sister, an important scene involves Buffy and Dawn clasping bloody hands and Buffy declaring that the same blood, "Summers blood", runs through their veins. So not necessarily ''making'' them "blood sisters", but affirming the link that already exists.}}
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* ''[[Coupling]]'' has Jeff and Steve who grew up in school together, and have remained best friends even into their busy and commercial London lifestyle orientated adulthood. So close in fact, that they are in fact porn buddies. By Jeff's wording, when one dies, the other is morally obliged to go to their deceased friend's house and remove all of the porn before their family and colleagues find it. He even boldly defends this pact when talking to Steve's future partner to big his friend up. Disclaiming "that's how close we are!"
== [[Music]] ==
* In the song "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks, Mary Ann and Wanda are Blood ''Sisters''. When Wanda is put into the hospital by Earl, they get together and kill him.
* [[Bruce Springsteen]] has a song ''named'' Blood Brothers which fits this trope perfectly.
* Iron Maiden has a song called "Blood Brothers" on this very topic. Interestingly enough, their song "The Clansman" about the strong bond between Scottish clan-member evokes this trope even more.
== Mythology[[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Some adaptations of ''[[The Lone Ranger]]'' have the hero and Tonto become blood brothers as children.
== [[Oral Tradition]], folklore, Myths and Legends ==
* [[Norse Mythology]]:
** [[Magnificent Bastard|Odin]], Chieftain of the [[Jerkass Gods|Aesir]], and [[Chaotic Neutral|Loki]], [[The Trickster|trickster]] demigod, were celebrated blood-brothers, and Odin would never sit at a table where Loki wasn't welcome. This causes problems when, in the lead-up to Ragnarok, Loki's villainy reaches new heights and Odin can no longer remain blind to it.
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* In [[The Bible]], David and Jonathan.
== Newspaper[[Professional ComicsWrestling]] ==
* Some adaptations of ''[[The Lone Ranger]]'' have the hero and Tonto become blood brothers as children.
== Professional Wrestling ==
* The famous Anoa'i family, which pioneered the [[Wild Samoan]] archetype, was formed by Amituanai Anoa'i and "High Chief" Peter Maivia, two men who did see one another as blood brothers (Anoa'i's children referred to Maivia as their uncle). The family includes Afa and Sika Anoa'i (the original Wild Samoans) The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), the late Rodney Anoa'i (a.k.a. Yokozuna), Solofa Fatu (Rikishi), The Tonga Kid, and Eddie Fatu (known as <s> YOU MANGA</s> Umaga).
* In one of the 90s episodes of ''Titanes en el Ring'', La Momia cut a ribbon, symbolizing the end of his feud with the late Martin Karadagian, and effectively making them Blood Brothers.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* All [[Space Marine]]s ever in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''. They even call each other "Brother", constantly, though this may be as much their <s>Catholic Space Nazism</s> somewhat monastic style as their fanatical loyalty to the Chapter and one another.
** And they have all been sort-of genetically manipulated to be similar to their chapter's Founder, essentially making them his children.
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* ''[[Ars Magica]]'' supplement ''The Order of Hermes''. When two mages want to form a bond of amicus (intense friendship), they cut their wrists and place their wrists together to share their blood. Grogs sometimes do this too, and specifically call each other "blood brother".
== [[Theatre]] ==
* The musical "[[Blood Brothers (theatre)|Blood Brothers]]", obviously. It [[Dysfunction Junction|goes]] [[It Got Worse|very]], [[Downer Ending|very]] [[Tear Jerker|badly]].
* Siegfried and Gunther swear blood brotherhood in [[Richard Wagner|Wagner]]'s ''[[Der Ring Des Nibelungen|Götterdämmerung]]'', with Gunther's half-brother Hagen presiding. Given that Hagen is evil, it's not surprising that this ends badly.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Fatal Fury]]'': Bosses Grant and Kain R. Heinlein have 'sworn an oath of eternal allegiance' to each other, as can be seen when they fight in versus mode.
* The "From this moment, you and I are Sworn Brothers" bit between Darunia and Link in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]''.
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* Winfield, Thoma and Alberti in ''[[Agarest Senki]]'' definitely counts as this. They even have a [[Combination Attack]] with each other.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', Karkat Vantas and his universe's version of Jack Noir team up to overthrow the Black Queen, sealing their pact with a bloody handshake. The "blood" part is especially important here, as {{spoiler|Karkat sympathized with Jack Noir when he discovered that there was somebody else who had his mutant, "candy-colored" [[Alien Blood|bright red blood]].}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* ''[[The Saga of Tuck]]'': The Euro-mutt title character and his Chinese-American friend, Mike, call each other brother when not trading blows. This isn't just rhetoric: {{spoiler|the ritual is re-enacted more than once during the story and allows a kind of psychic link. Tuck claims he can't die unless Mike lets him go, and vice versa.}} This is so far unproven, but it was close.
* Carmilla and Fey, in the ''[[Whateley Universe]]'', even going so far as making a blood pact.
* In ''[[The Gungan Council]]'', Ryori and Ti'Cira went so far as to use blood in their pact to be faithful allies to each other. Darth Apparatus and Chaos Maxtor have a just as binding pact, minus the blood, where Chaos becomes the Darth's soldier while the latter gets functional immortality.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Parodied in ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' when Bart and Milhouse became "spit brothers", complete with spitting in the hands and clasping them. Ewww...
* Used in ''[[American Dad]]'', when Stan and his new friend become brothers. The next scene shows them both at a hospital for a blood test, happily showing each other the negative test results.
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* Discussed in ''[[The Owl House]]''; after Luz describes the concept of a friendship bracelet to King, he comments that it sounds like being blood brothers, [[Captain Obvious| only safer.]]
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Temujin, who became [[Genghis Khan]], formed a blood brotherhood with his best friend, Jamuqa, which was common in Mongolia at the time. To seal this, they cut themselves, dripped blood into fermented mare's milk, and drank each other's blood. Keep in mind, they were about 10 or 11 years old when they did this. Because Mongols are badass. Incidentally, Jamuqa ended up as Temujin's main enemies in the wars to unify Mongolia. But when Temujin finally captured him, he offered him a full pardon, but Jamuqa refused, suggesting that Temujin kill him. Temujin took his blood-brother's advice, and killed him, then gave him a proper burial. Because he was nice like that.
** To be more specific, they became enemies because Jamuqa had made his own bid to unite the Mongols. While the two had always supported one another, neither could accept the other's rule; Jamuqa compared it to there being only room in the sky for one sun, and only room in the world for one Mongol lord. Jamuqa also requested he be executed without spilling his blood; Mongol religious beliefs held that dying with your blood hitting the ground cursed you to wander the earth as a spirit. Genghis Khan reportedly strangled Jamuqa himself, crying as he did so. As for the generals who had betrayed Jamuqa to Temujin, they were [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves|boiled in oil.]]
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