Baldur's Gate: Difference between revisions

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** Minsc and Dynaheir
** Xzar and Montaron
** Of course, an available "exploit" is entirely natural--let one of them die. It's easier than keeping them alive, really. Their companion will get over it easily enough.
* [[Affectionate Pickpocket]]: Played with in ''Baldur's Gate II'': Imoen suddenly starts acting all love-struck and swooning around Keldorn, much to his horror (since he is Lawful Good, married, and old enough to be her father). After making him squirm for a bit, Imoen chuckles and gives him his ring back.
* [[A God Am I]]: Given that the plot of the series involves claiming the power of a dead dark god, it's a pretty common sentiment among the major villains. It's also possible for the player character to play it this way.
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** Neb in the first game. Thankfully, he can get what's coming to him in the second.
** Saemon Havarian: Every time you meet him, prepare to be screwed over. Don't try to avoid it, because you can't. Don't try to get revenge, because you won't. He gets away every time.
*** Even if you kill him in [[So A]]SoA, he shows back up in ToB. You can kill him there too, if you're quick enough. (Finger of death works decently there.)
** In order to have Anomen pass his Knighthood test if you're romancing him, you have to convince him that {{spoiler|he should let his sister's death go unavenged even though that means letting the killer get away with it}}.
*** No matter how you play it, Anomen's quest becomes a [[Shaggy Dog Story]]. If {{spoiler|he refuses to kill Saerk the first time, Saerk turns out to be the guy who kills his sister, and the PC must convince Anomen to let that killer go free in order to keep him in the party. The whole event is treated like a classic [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]] plot, but this is a game where even good characters will have to slaughter dozens of people every time you play in order to advance the story, making it a huge [[Broken Aesop]]. To cap it off, if Anomen does kill Saerk the first time, it's later revealed that two random mooks killed his sister, and that Anomen murdered an apparently innocent man and failed his lifelong dreams for no apparent reason at all. Although, given that Saerk was said to have hired the men who killed her rather than doing the deed himself it's likely that he was still guilty, Anomen's just too unlucky to find out that he killed the right man.}}