Avatar: The Last Airbender/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** The sheer number of accurate details from different cultures is immensely rewarding for anyone familiar with Asian history.
*** Note that this is not just Ancient Asian history. Many of the best references and parallels are actually from 20th century China and Japan. Ba Sing Se especially will ring a lot of bells for anyone who's been to China lately.
* [[Growing the Beard]]: In the trope sense, it seems most of the fans agree the show was great from the start but others like to point at various points in the first season (and even up to Season 2) as to where it "really" hit its stride, most citing the double whammy of "The Storm" and "The Blue Spirit" as the point where the growth completed. However, there are a number of ''literal'' cases of sudden beard growth, too.
** Iroh's beard goes from its Season 1 Fire Nation style goatee-with-sideburns to a much longer Earth Kingdom style over the course of Season 2.
** When {{spoiler|Haru}} shows up again in "Day of Black Sun" to help in the invasion of the Fire Nation capitol, he has grown facial hair (lampshaded by Sokka in his [[Disorganized Outline Speech]]).