Angel/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

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** Angel is forgiven by the next episode after Wes finds out that he wiped everyone's memories of Connor. Probably because Wes realized that Angel was keeping Connor a secret ''for'' him, not ''from''him - {{spoiler|Wesley kidnapped Angel's son and gave him to a man who took the kid to hell with him... [[My God, What Have I Done?]], in spades.}}
** [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] with Gunn in the final season. Despite making an honest ([[Too Dumb to Live|albeit incredibly stupid]]) mistake, he has to endure living in a [[Fate Worse Than Death|hell dimension]] in order to atone. Granted, his mistake did help kill {{spoiler|Fred...}}.
*** That was mostly Gunn punishing himself. The rest of the cast had put their anger aside by that point. Well, except for Wesley's stabbing Gunn in the stomach, but that was ''perfectly understandable''.
* [[Eats Babies]]: The leather-clad demon "That Old Gang of Mine".
* [[Egocentric Team Naming]]: Angel Investigations, and when he leaves, the group all try to name the group after themselves, but decide to keep the original name.