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** Also protecting all of L.A. wan't their job. They just helped people they got visions about.
** "Patrolling" has obviously never covered the entire town, even in Sunnydale. It probably just consisted of going around to various parts of town where they're heard rumors consistent with vamp activity or that vamps just liked to congregate. (Which are probably the same as likely mugging/rape spots, places where you can grab and drag a victim where they'll be out of sight for a few minutes.) Angel probably was doing something similar in as much of LA as he could cover in a night, but then he met Doyle and decided that the visions sent by the Powers That Be took priority... an understandable decision. If you're out stopping a random vamp attack and you let a demon consume the final soul it needed to ascend to godhood, you're not managing priorities very well.
*** Another main 'patrolling' activity in Sunnydale was staking out graves that were likely to contain fledges that would be rising that night. This was possible in Sunnydale by having Willow hack the local databases to correlate recent deaths with certain signs on the autopsy markers, such as 'barbecue fork attack' and 'blood found in mouth'. In Sunnydale this is feasible due to the small scale of the problem; In LA this would be almost entirely futile, given the sheer amount of deaths both reported and unreported every week.
== Being human, who needs it? ==